Opened the Photon UI for the first time in some updates and I am already dismayed.
You said that you want more UI clarity and easier to use UI elements. Well:

This is not easier to use. The button icons are smaller and much harder to recognize than in the existing UI

So, this is a first fail already.
Compact Mode for Hangar Windows:

Normal mode:

Every window manipulation feature is gone. I can’t search, I can’t use the inventory menu, and it’s still not more compact than the existing UI’s hangar windows – which, mind you, even in their compact mode keep UI data display features intact.
That bodes well for the rest of the compacted windows.
Selected Items:

Not Compact:

Not only is it more compact and compactable than the compact window, it also shows the information in a more compact manner by having it in 1 line instead of 2.

And it’s both less compact than the old UI, which does not have this unnecessary large empty space between the object icon and the buttons. Plus, if I expand the window in Photon UI, the buttons move further and further away from the icon instead of staying at the icon.
Oh dear.
Oh my god is this awful.


I see exactly 0.3 more information. WOW!
All the while the existing UI’s drone window in the same window height displays all 5 launched drones.
Watch List:
What the actual hell are you smoking to call this compact mode? Which of the following two pictures is compact mode? Can someone tell me? 

This is the first window where you could arguably say that something got compacted. Although 2 more data rows … Oh well. The huge button with the tiny text remains as issue since day one.
Same goes for Overview. There is some sensible compaction happening there although it’s minuscule.
Plus, why have you made the active tab indicator line so tiny and not adhere to the color pattern when I am not in the window? Sure, you want to make it more obvious which window is active. However, you are forgetting something very important in your UI rework zeal: The overview should not need to be active and focused to tell me easily and precisely which tab I am in. The tiny gray bar under the tab is infinitely less clear and easy to recognize than the lit up tab in the existing UI.
Back to the drawing board.
WOW! Just wow. I gain 1 (ONE!) crappy location folder line from enabling compact mode.
Not to mention: Why are the buttons so narrow in this window? Why can we have nice and narrow buttons in this window but LITERALLY NOWHERE ELSE where narrower buttons would make sense, too? Another thing: why are buttons not adhering to the selected color theme in compact mode? Gray tiny buttons squished in the corner of the window are not better, easier to use or an improvement over the existing UI. They make thing worse.
To make matters worse: You moved the Search into its own tab, made it impossible to see where the search field is AND hid all the filters in a context menu button despite having all the space in the world to have them in the front page. Search belongs to the Locations/Contacts tab so that you can quickly see what you are looking for and what the results are. Separating these 2 features creates more clicking and less information clarity. What is wrong with you?
Fleet Window
The window is a trainwreck altogether. Both in compact and in non-compact important information is hidden (fleet name, wing/squad position). The compact mode literally gives 1 or maybe 2 more rows of fleet mates and broadcasts. It could be at least 3 or 4 more if you removed more of the annoying padding.
Some more observations with cut of text:

Conclusion after this hour of wasted time to prove something I knew beforehand: Don’T you dare to make this trainwreck mandatory any time soon. This is unusable, it makes almost everything worse compared to the existing UI, it requires more work and effort to get the same results and it is much less clear and easy to read than the existing UI. And the compact mode? That is a sad joke. It’s not more compact, it just hides all kinds of information and buttons behind more clicks.