Photon UI - Compact Mode on TQ Feedback thread

@ Vortigern_Vitalis - Thanks for the quick reply!

I thought about wasting possibly another hour or two fixing my NOW messed up windows (on each and every character) thanks to PhotonicFailure UI but I have another space game that needs me.

At least now I know next time I log in I can’t do crap until I fix all this mess before I can even undock. I might put it off for a while, not looking forward to logging in again.


This UI must be for zoomers or something. Biggest pile of unuseable and ugly garbage I have ever seen.

Or it is just the UI for when they remove desktop clients and go mobile only.

Two thumbs down and a kick in the crotch.


Just disabled Photon. Reason being… it looked flash for 15minutes… I set fonts to small 90% etc… my drones in space started acting like they were passive - focused fire. As if a phantom change was made. I’ve always got them set Aggressive unless I’m running incursions and there was no button to change this and that triggered me I looked around the drone window for minutes I give up.

Hi, CCP_Paragon. I may be in the tiny minority to say this but I like the Photon UI a lot. I tried the old one for a few minutes and couldn’t stand it. I don’t know how people can love a skeleton, that’s how I felt when I used the old UI, like I was dealing with a skeleton.
I really hope the Photon UI will be standard and hope you improve it to suit the taste of more players.

@ Zieae
It totally depends on what you do in Eve, but in general wasting space in UI’s is always a bad idea.

As a FC I turned it off quickly. Information density is king in this game and the new UI is blocking that. If I can’t see the windows without blocking my view on the battlefield, it is not usable.

Let alone for multiboxers as me. I often have 3 characters logged in. Like my main character, a scout and a cyno char when capital ships are being moved.
This is a PC game, not a mobile game. There is no reason to make the elements usable for fingers (with all that whitespace).
We have a precision device to click on things, called a mouse.


I agree. I’m not a Fleet Commander, I don’t know how you use the UI and what info you need on-screen as priority. To me personally it serves the purpose I set for myself in the game.
Hopefully the Photon UI will evolve to include changes that most players can find useful and efficient.

Someone probably already commented on this but anyways, give us close and minimise buttons in compact mode. There is space for them, I don’t know why someone taught its good idea to remove them.
For example, you can use compact mode in modules window, but modules window is not something you keep open all the time so not having a close button and instead requiring clicking … button and then close makes it not very useful.



  • fleet chat
  • local chat
  • watchlist
  • Of course all my own modules & drones without delays
  • Any chat windows that I need for coordination
  • dscan/probing window. (fleet warping in is bad news)

And all this without blocking the view on the actual fight :wink:

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It is now very difficult to tell exactly when you reach 75% speed for warp. In the original there is a light grey background and you can (mostly) see the 75% warp speed tick or atleast infer where it is meant to be. Now all you can do is guess. If you look REALLY closely (like actually nearly plant your face on the monitor) you can see the ticks but it is terrible design being black on a very dark grey. This is even more true when the “(Warping)” isn’t in the way and instead a speed is displayed, you can clearly see the 75% speed tick in the original and barely see it in the new UI.

The ticks need to be a brighter colour like a light grey if a dark background is to be used.



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Gave it a few days try, but some of the features have broken things that I lean pretty heavily on.

Seems to load quickly
Some great added information in the right click dropdown

Lots of wasted space for borders
Can no longer see volume on windows made very small for transferring between hangers due to search bar being so large (maybe replace with a magnifying glass icon that would create/expand to the search field if clicked?)

Hope to see this project improve over time to add a bit more QoL for folks without as much screen real estate as could be. Overall it has a nice look and definitely has potential.


Can’t see estimated value of cargo in compact mode on cargo/inventory.

Between wide useless window boarders, padding between elements, and huge buttons there is so much wasted / dead space in the new UI. It’s almost like the UI was designed for mobile where you lack fidelity not for a UI with a mouse. Switching back to classic hopeful next passes will reduce the wasted space as it’s just a mess currently. One good thing I’ll point out is the ability to drag the Neocom extremely narrow.


On compact mode on most windows, the basic options most windows need like minimise or close are absent, stuffed behind a menu :roll_eyes:

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First, thanks for your work on the UI. We are a pretty difficult lot to please.


  • Solid, dark background by default for most UI elements (with light background disabled). Thank you.

  • Ability to resize local to a tiny window. This was sorely needed.

  • Overall more modern look. Good initial pass.

  • Compact mode is a good start at addressing the screen bloat problem, but there’s more work to do.

Areas for improvement:

  • Locations/Contacts: Please bring back an easily accessible GLOBAL search box on the locations tab. The current split category, hidden search tabs buried in submenus are easily the single worst change of Photon UI for me.

    Suggestion: Allow one-click global search from the title bar of the Locations tab. See below for mock-up.

  • Inventory + compact mode: Having compact mode on should never remove the ability to search, especially for the inventory window.

    (IMPLEMENTED - thank you!) Suggestion: Embed search in the title bar of the inventory window. See below for mock-up.

  • Drones: Unless I’m missing it, there no longer seems to be a way to set drones to passive or aggressive. Passive is a needed feature for some combat situations, like avoiding certain mission triggers or shield/armor thresholds. Forcing a keyboard input for every drone attack instead of aggressive would also be pretty inconvenient.

    Suggestion: Consider either returning the feature / explaining where it has moved to, or failing that at least an explanation of the logic behind the change would be nice.

Edit: for future travelers, these settings are now only present on the title bar for deployed drones.

  • Color palette: New palette includes very bright white (0xFFFFFF). Specific examples below.

    Suggestion: Tone it down to at least 0xE6E6E6 or less; change on-click or on-activate highlighting to foreground (text) instead of flashing a bright white background.

  • Active window: Besides being purplish, the window with focus has a weird grid of dots that spans the entire window. This looks like some sort of grid for feature development that accidentally made it live (see below for screenshot).

    Suggestion: Keep the purple, lose the dots.

  • Window focus: Inconsistent behavior. If the chat, corp, or certain other windows have focus, any other window UI hotkey will not toggle that window closed. Instead it will change focus.

    Suggestion: Window UI hotkeys should always immediately toggle the element open or closed, regardless of focus. The same issue exists when clicking on the Neocom to minimize a window.

  • Neocom: Changes to the menus seem to force transparency, resulting in difficult to read text (see below screenshot).

    (IMPLEMENTED - thank you!) Suggestion: Either make the Neocom menus opaque by default like the rest of the UI or provide an option for us to do so.

  • Window glue: behavior when dragging windows adjacent usually forces a gap between windows that are glued together. Overcoming this to achieve a flush glue is difficult or impossible (see below for screenshot).

    Suggestion: Add either a checkbox or a modifier hotkey to enable/disable window gluing when dragging windows to allow more precise window placement.

  • Compact mode inconsistency: Compact mode is a much-needed positive change, but many windows don’t offer it yet.

    Suggestion: Please bring compact mode to all of the remaining windows so that it can be used consistently (locking, compact mode, etc).

Edit: (Partially implemented) there is now a checkbox in settings that enables all available compact modes at once.

  • Skills: The skills window (possibly others too) apparently cannot be locked in position in the new UI.

    Suggestion: Please allow the skills window to be locked. Further, double check all UI elements for consistency.


Mock-up: On the Location tab, searching in the global (agents, contacts, corps, stations, structures, everything) search box selects and populates the search results tab. The icons on the bottom of the window are moved to the title bar to conserve space and maximize useful information. Bonus points: empty categories are hidden in the list and search results to conserve additional space.

Inventory + Compact Mode (note green arrow for search mockup)
(IMPLEMENTED - thank you!) Mock-up: How you could fit the search feature in an inventory window with compact mode enabled. If you get efficient enough with changes like this, maybe you won’t need to maintain a separate compact mode anymore.

Color Palette

Drones listing:

Command response animation:
Not a fan of this background highlighting feature, but especially if it is going to flash from black to white every time I issue a drone command. Consider changing the text color, not the background. White and grey as a foreground/background combination is very hard to read.

The click animation in any right click context menu. Any guesses what this white box with white text says?:
(Partially implemented - no more white on white - thank you!) That’s right, it’s the ‘Approach location’ selection on the context menu moments after being clicked. If you insist on a white background, it should at least be readable. Better yet would be to highlight the text not the background, or at least tone the background down to a less garish color. A blank white box does not provide any useful information and is visually annoying.

Skilling Spree objective progress:
White/grey again. Not enough contrast to be legible.

Active window

The active window has dots everywhere…?


(IMPLEMENTED - thank you!) You made the rest of the UI opaque and legible. Please follow suit with the Neocom.

Window glue

Flying through the bright nebulas alternating with dark space, filtered through cracks in the UI, is enough to trigger an epileptic seizure.

Hope that gives you some ideas. I’m looking forward to seeing some of these gaps closed.


It would be great to have a better compact mode visualization of the “active ship” inventory.
This is a pretty common setup to have while undocked:

The left sidebar would look much better if it would only show the subsections of your active ship, and leave out stuff like the ship name or plex vault…
Just show me a flat list of (in this case) Drones and Cap


The double spacing between the text lines in almost all of the windows just feels cringe. You go compact but keep all the double spacing. I don’t get it. Then the memory and cpu draw for the new UI is a LOT higher unfortunately. I do like some of the fresh new UI. I wish the buttons in the selected items window were not so clunky and cartoonish compared to the old UI.


Lots of annoying overlap off the neocon window regardless of transparency settings in the other windows–nearly unreadable:


Someone has to have submitted this before; big ol’ empty space on the character sheet scrunching all the content over to the right:

Also, the lack of column delineators in all the windows (overview, scan results, etc.) makes it incredibly difficult to parse lines of columnar information.

That and all the bloated space to the side of… well everything. Windows don’t contain the same info in the same space anymore. In a game where screen real estate is at a premium – and there was already more info to display than there was room for-- this is not a good direction to be heading.


Sorry I can not dedicate a whole analytic post as to why this UI is bad but i hope you take what I have to say seriously. The forced transparency is a problem for accessibility reasons. This is bad for people with vision issues. And the Drones box is unusable. On the mac we require a compact interface and the PC is nice to have that too… The glowing colour highlights just make it really hard to see anything in that area.

For accessibility this UI gets an F-.


I just can’t see the buttons correctly. Nothing pops out. Especially on the item selection it’s really hard for me to see where a button starts and where it ends

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