- Fading of names of columns that are not completely visible is a questionable design choice. If I know that not all the name is visible, the last thing i want is to obstruct the name even more.
How is that:
superior to that?
The same logic applies to the overview window.
- Also, the comact setting of the overview forgoes the critical info of the currently applied preset.
[what i mean by that: this is the compact mode in photon for overview:
See the missing info? It’s critical for anyone that happens to use overview presets A LOT.
So I either forgo the critical info to gain some of the info density, or i lose the critical info to retain some of the info density. Lose-lose situation. Good job.
Also the constantly visible padlock icon is questionable as well. If i set the window in place, I probably found the perfect spot for it and want as much information contained in that piece of screen as possible. I know it’s locked, because that’s the default state of all the [important] windows after you’ve played for more than a year.
The fact thet columns’ font size is not in any way controllable [besides global ui scaling] is silly. Especially when you allow for within-window font control. Link those 2 together, or allow for customisation.
*** Also we have the age-old: "too many presets, cannot scroll down issue. there’s more down there I cannot access. Do I need that many? Yes. I prolly need more.