Photon UI - Now in Beta (Opt-Out)

Thank for that joke


I like how it looks, but I’d like the option to make bars about half the size they are now, ie a compact mode. I need density. Screen real-estate is what’s important, not the top title bars on these windows. You’ll get it right eventually, I’m sure. Good work, CCP!

I have a 49 inch Ultra Wide monitor, and my screen got smaller that how bad it is.

just my honest opinion

Screenies with added text to show the errors and area’s that need attention coming really really soon

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4 positive replies out of 64. It’s not looking good, CCP…


First look and it’s instant. Wallet window doesn’t have compact mode anymore and waste a lot of space.

Please keep opt-out option after beta!!!


please be ware , that the Language of this Forumsection is english.

i will edit you post with a translation for now.


This is objectively really ridiculously bad UI design. No content fields are highlighted from the background, it is hard to see where a content field ends and begins, it is hard to see where to click and what data you can manipulate.
There is crappy shadow behind the highlighted figures which makes it harder to read the text because it appears more blurry.
There is SOOOOO CRAPPING MUCH empty space between the lines for no good reason other than to waste space.


It’s gonna be hard to leave behind the UI I’ve used and tinkered for over a decade but it’s about time.

I like it so far but while some changes have improved contrast (welcome for some of our tired old eyes I’m sure), it’s overdone in some places (drone window), and yet in other places contrast has been reduced (local locations window text going from bright green to a soft blue, button visibility).

I’d like to see more color customization options; I’m red-green colorblind but the colorblind options you have aren’t doing it for me. The red and orange of poor standings doesn’t have the same punch and the orange in particular is a lot closer to the corp green than it was before (this is probably much more of a “me” problem than it is for y’all).

Major Gripes

  • EDIT: I DISCOVERED THE LIST OPTION FOR THE DRONES MENU, PRAISE BE, DISREGARD THIS BULLET POINT When compact mode is enabled on the drone window, the drone icons are still displayed for deployed drones. I would like to see the drone window’s compact option display text only for drones, deployed or not.
  • Buttons need to pop more. Yes I know borderless buttons are slick and all but we need usability. Improve button visibility with a background color difference or something because the current state is not good.

A stretch goal wishlist

  • Chat window default settings, such as font size, member list, etc
  • Window size and position fine tuning; option to set width/height in pixels, as well as location, same for column widths (such as in the overview) [Yes I know this sounding more like Excel but hello it’s not called spreadsheets in space for nothing]

The new UI is surprisingly bad. There’s very clearly some longstanding elements of the UI that have been poor, but this approach seems to make many of them worse without improving things. For instance, screen real estate has always been at a premium, yet somehow the new UI is exceedingly wasteful with margins. In addition, some behaviors have been changed to remove basic functionality. For instance, collapsing windows (to just their title bar) by double-clicking the title bar is in many cases nearly impossible, because that bar is now populated with tabs, which seem to ignore the double-click and just switch the tab. Moreover, the names are massive and the combined title/tab space is far larger than before.

Ultimately, this whole revamp smacks of someone saying “I think we need a new UI” without actually considering how players use the UI or what’s important to them. You didn’t fix any of the actual problems. You just wrapped the problems in a different (and in many cases, worse) set of borders. I’m almost feel more disappointed in whatever management decision allowed a UI to be designed from a visual standpoint instead of a usability one rather than the UI designers themselves. Please reconsider taking this back to the development phase and doing a thorough re-examination of how a UI is used, instead of just what it looks like.


Why does the Personal Wallet and Corp Wallet have different hues of green?


Technically there is a compact mode already. It’s less compact than the old UI’s default (and it has a compact mode that’s actually compact), but it does exist. Sort of.

I play in low graphics and my monitor is small ( poor irl and space rich )
It feels like a lot of space wasted in the overview and is a pain if there is a lot of things to manage, i don’t like it at all and the transperency is a problem in low graphics.


When I enable Compact Mode in the Locations window, I see exactly 2 more rows of bookmarks. This is a joke! There is so much wasted space in this window with the 5 pixels of space between each row.

Speaking of this window

There is no visual separation between the expandable rows.
The Search Text cuts of despite there being way more space.
The tiny icons at the bottom are so easy to miss because they DO NOT CRAPPING LOOK LIKE BUTTONS IN THIS NEW UI! Why the hell would you remove the colored button graphic from the buttons in compact mode? Who thinks of this kind of crap and thinks it’s a good idea?


Why the hell do I have to press the 3 dots to access the CLOSE BUTTON for windows in Compact Mode? What the actual hell?


Пожалуйста оставте старый интерфейс в покое,если кому то нужен фотонный то пусть это человек включает его отдельно
Стырй интерфейс не нуждается в стилизации или еще чем нибудь дрогом.


yea this pissed me off too. it should NOT be that hard to close a window.


The ship type ribbons (T2, T3, faction, etc.) are still broken and blurry and the icons in the ribbon is too small compared to how it used to be.


The drone window is not dynamic anymore. There is always this huge empty space between DIB and DIS. The DIS portion only moves up when you launch drones. That makes this whole window inconsistent and incoherent to use because UI elements just switch around all the time.



Same goes for the Selected Items. The button bar always stay at the bottom edge of the screen and if I make the window narrower, the object icon disappears but the blank space remains. Now I need a bigger SI window to see the same info as before.


Не понятно, чем отличается один интерфейс от другого, кроме размера шрифта и фона окон.
Как по мне, это банально ДРУГАЯ ТЕМА интерфейса (ночная), а не другой интерфейс.
Не вижу смысла в замене вообще. Пока что это - пустая трата потраченного времени программистов.