Planetary Industry suggestion

There are still an incredible amount of clicks needed to do stuff in the planetary production views.

I would like to suggest each storage facility have a button added which automatically routes a selected item to all facilities that need that item as an input, and are connected to the storage facility.

In other words, we have a storage facility, or launchpad.
It is connected to a lot of production facilities.
We can click a new button, and pick something currently inside the storage facility, and it will automatically create a route from that storage facility to each production facility that uses that item as an input.

This will GREATLY reduce the massive amount of clicks needed to set everything up.

Perhaps a second new button which can direct all production output to the facility can also be added, but that might be a bit more iffy.

I wouldn’t like this change, as I have storage on one factory planet layout that uses the same input resource as another processor farther off which would pull from this storage and F up my traffic links and empty this resource drops intended for a different facility.

If you move your colonies - chasing resources around a planet to optimize yield, PI is, and should be, active gameplay. I leave my colonies alone and simply move extractors. The yield penalty is small, the time saving immense. The recent changes significantly improve the management of extractors - no more forgetting to route my P0!

It would be nice if I could set a default program duration but the ability to adjust it using the mouse wheel is a major improvement over the old system.

Currently, I suspect you misread the suggestion.
My suggestion would not affect any storage facility inputs. It would only affect processor inputs, and storage outputs.
Your exact complaint is difficult for me to tell if I answered properly - There were multiple subjects and objects in a single sentence with no commas or other ways to determine which subject and object were paired together.

Moving entire colonies is a large waste of time. I too just move my extractors for the same reasons.
As far as I can tell, your comment does not complain, or suggest improvements to my suggestion. I guess you are being friendly by talking about how you handle PI. It is nice to meet another player who handles PI in an identical manner to myself.

This quote makes it pretty clear that it WILL affect exactly what I feared it might. It will pull that resource regardless of whether you intend it to go that way or not, just be the simple fact that a link exists between the two. That has to do with storage outputs (which do not matter in an automated system) and processor inputs, which don’t care from where they are pulling, so long as that resource appears available somewhere. You probably just did not anticipate this problem might exist where someone has linked in a large layout and is producing different PI with the same resources in separate storage locations.

My mistake. I did not write what I was thinking.
Let me change the words to match what I meant:

There are still an incredible amount of clicks needed to do stuff in the planetary production views.

I would like to suggest each storage facility have a button added which automatically routes a selected item to all industry facilities that need that item as an input, and are connected to the storage facility.

In other words, we have a storage facility, or launchpad.
It is connected to a lot of industry facilities.
We can click a new button, and pick something currently inside the storage facility, and it will automatically create a route from that storage facility to each industry facility that uses that item as an input, and is missing the needed input.

This will GREATLY reduce the massive amount of clicks needed to set everything up.

Perhaps a second new button which can direct all industry output to the facility can also be added, but that might be a bit more iffy.

I added the word “industry” in front of “facility” in the quoted text you referenced.

While I had meant ‘industry’ the entire time, I had neglected to write that word in the original text. My mistake. I have also changed the word production to industry in each case since production facilities don’t actually exist, and CCP calls them all industry facilities.

A button would be very helpful so long as it’s optional.

I’m usually of the opinion that I like the extra work because it keeps competition low. And because once you’re done setting up, you don’t have so many clicks again with only refreshing the extractors until you relocate them.

Also a notification for when the cycle has ended would be good, the changes have helped.

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Store PI scheme “fits”

It would be good that entire or even parcial PI schemes can save in ingame database, like ship fits. You need reallocate entire PI planets? You change your alliance or region in your daily gameplay? Select a group of structures and theirs links, save it in the “fit” PI interface, paste in new planet, total o partially, you can store up to 250 PI schemes for mount your PI planets in few minutes, download it from internet or more.

Multiple structure edition at once

It should be possible to select multiple structures of same type and edit them all at once, eg: all or some advanced industry facilities, changing robotics to supertensile plastics, instead of having to change them one by one, links route scheme also could change automatically from old item to new one

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