Can’t save an existing setup when there are links.
I must build and save the layout before I can even “Save as Template”.
This would be like installing a ships Rigs, before I could save a fitting.
Have to spend ISK, upgrade Command Centers to build certain facilities, even wasted a few Command Centers while trying to figure out the template tool.
Sliders in Template Preview Window are too sensitive.
When zoomed in close, a handful of “ticks” and the pins end-up on the other side of the planet.
Ticks should take zoom level into consideration.
Command Center must be installed first.
With a Command Center in the cargo hold, still have to place it before using a template.
This creates a strange relationship between the CC and the template. Items from the template may be on the other side of the planet. Trying to zero-in and find the CC, dragging the template to the CC can be a challenge.
Placement of a Command Center on a planet is randomly decided by the player.
The coords of the CC are random in relation to the template. The CC should be 0.00,0.00 in relation to items in the template. There can only be one CC on the planet.
Cursor is not at 0 when dragging the template items across a planet. Starts at 0, but the template items move further and further from the cursor.
1/ I would like for the factories to only take into themselves only the amount of material they need for the batch they are currently working on, not for two (one working on, one into its own hold). Because if I change the running production, I am losing 2 batches instead of one. Pretty expensive on T3/T4
2/ add a list of structures present on a particular planet. Best in a command center info. Sometimes it happens when you place two exctractor facilities for different products, that you get lost on the planet surface and you dont see, where it actually is. You can forget it and wonder why the hell does that planet use so much power. The list would help prevent that. Of course a possibility to double-click navigate to that structure.
3/ In the overall PI window (ingame menu) include - mouse over storage - not only total item value, but also %full of all planetary holds (silos) and items count and value. Kind of pop-up hint. It helps if you can determine on the first glance, if it is actually a time to come do a pickup or not yet and that you won´t have to to click through every planet and look directly into a launchpad.
These three things would help immensely.
4/ Templates are good. Very good. But as it is now, you still need to make first template yourself and save it to be able to use it in the future. Best to include some default choices of tactical facilities placement (layout) for example (2xto T1+1x to T2+2x extractor or full extraction of raws to T1, optimized between gain and reprocession ability, and so…) and in 2nd stage (after you specify a layout, or lets say your business intention) you describe, what you actually need that planet to produce.
And why is there no analysis which resources are the most abundant? Because even if the planet says it has a good supply of a particular resource , it surely doesnt always mean, there are a lot hotspots of it. So sometimes you are better off with something, which you actually have a lot of hotspots of, close to one another.
And why optimization is only for lvl 5? Why not from lvl 1 Planetology. Only it would be a little less efficient… as I imagine that with higher level you have more “hotspots”.
If you intend to do PI pleasant and quick for the players, include overwiews, predictions, current states of everything, that kind of thing.
And in the case of not using the templates…when on planetary view, make it somehow easier to command your storehouse to distribute the resource to a multiple factories which are already set up to accept that resource. It annoys me to click on the storage, click resource, click set a pathway, click on factory, confirm and so on, like 9x and like this on 18 planets. I dont want to live after such ordeal There surely must be much easier way how to make it happen. Why not a simple drag and drop from the storage to awaiting factory, if the resource is already present in the stock? Or erase that linking mechanic entirely. And if factories are connected, they would simply take from all awailable stocks, what they do need. And no more mad clicking. That is how you make it easier for everybody and make it actually an enjoyable game mechanic. Because this one certainly has the most room for improvement of them all.
The order of the landing pads matter for factory planets. In the customs office, they are listed in alphabetical order in the drop down, but this doesn’t always coincide with the order in which they are generated.
For instance, if I am making a template that uses four landing pads to produce two different types of P2 and I need four inputs, I want those inputs to match up with the landing pads in alphabetical order. First input, top the list. Second input, second pad on the list. etc, etc
At the moment, alphabetical order of the landing pads is not guaranteed and you don’t know if the order is correct until after submission. You end up having to do manual routing or deleting everything and generating it again and hoping for the correct ordering.
Additional Feature Requests
Please add the ability to rename launchpads and storage. This would help when transferring materials for p2 and 3 without looking at the outbound routes.
Maybe something simple, but there are to many screens when managing or setting up planets. The templates are very nice, but added 2 extra screens to setup everything.
PLEASE Let us sell a planetary installations via a contract! this would create an entirely new industry in eve online and would be fantastic for those of us that are looking to take our PI skills to new levels.
This is an amazing feature, thank you for putting it in.
Allow for rotation of the whole PI setup. I create mine shaped like a cross and put my extractor at the “head” of it, being able to point it at the pocket i’m extracting would give it some nice aesthetic.
Have the blueprint load where you placed your command center, this way you don’t have to drag it across the whole planet.
I can not save PI- This warning appears if i try:
“Templates with link connecting to command center is currently not available, please alter your linking.”
Has this PI feature been removed or something?
I was getting ready to reset setup to another location on the planet and noticed that I have not got the save or load template buttons anymore
Disassemble everything button
I really would like to have a button to disassemble everything on the planet with one click. Having to click every item on every planet one by one is exhausting.
This is my major pain point.
Load structures from template close to CC
Sometimes loading from a template places the cluster at a random location far away from the command centre.
I would like to have the template placed nearby the command centre. Have it preserve the relative position to CC of the original template, if that makes sense.