This change has no effect on the Location Node in the EVE Cluster that is hosting the solarsystem in which the fleet fight is happening.
To explain in a bit more detail*: Thousands of EVE Clients connect to the EVE Proxy nodes and their calls get routed to the EVE Server. But the EVE Server is 280 nodes, each with their specific purpose. One such purpose is being a Location Node, which is a node hosting a solarsystem. Another such purpose is being a Cluster Singleton Node, which is a node hosting global / location-agnostic singleton services.
Fleet fights happen in solarsystems and are handled by a specific Location Node. In the case of large fleet fights then that solarsystem is solo on a node, but on average then for Empire there are 25 solarsystem per node, for Null it is 40 and for Wormholes it is 130.
Calls for Player Bounty information go from the EVE Client to the Cluster Singleton Node hosting the Player Bounty Service. They never arrive at or hop through the solarsystem’s Location Node.
*I’m leaving out a lot of specifics.