Player Bounties


@CCP_Dopamine - it’s been more than a couple years, can we have an update?


Bounties were pointless anyway. I used to place 100 million ISK bounties on players in Rookie Help just for asking ridiculously stupid questions…


How we gonna have that when


No surprise there.

Scare them out of the game before they learned that bounties back then were something to wear with pride.

Mr Epeen :sunglasses:


“Will my ship keep mining for me if I log out?” Yep, you get a bounty…

“I have six ships, will they all follow me to another station?” Yep, you get a bounty…


That one isn’t so stupid. When you consider that we’re sending unmanned ships and rovers to Mars in 2022, would it be stupid to think that in the 60th century ships can be remotely piloted?
I would love to be able to command 2 or 3 ships remotely… I mean, without botting.

Now onto the topic.
This game is great but something is missing… Oh I know! bounty system is missing!

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Multiple ships with different warp speeds and align times, all having to stay together and align and warp with the slowest one. No thanks…

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You can already do this. It’s called multiple Omega accounts. CCP isn’t going to cut into their revenue by allowing players to pilot multiple ships at once on a single account…

Yes, WE know this because we’re… not new.

A newbie with zero deeper understanding and experience, because he is NEW, will not be able to “logically conclude” this. There are tons of really dumb newbie questions, “If I have multiple ships can I control them at the same time” is not a weird question at all especially not as EVE plays like an RTS.


Or my personal favorite, “How do I move?” Well, did you do the tutorial? “No, I skipped it.” Instant bounty. If I did that to every player in Rookie Help I’d be broke in a day, but it would be worth it. I despise idiocy and laziness…


I’m sensing you hang out in rookie chat because you find true joy in being a total dick to the most helpless players. Those on their first few days in the game.

I’m surprised the mods didn’t ban you. They’re usually pretty good at catching dickwads doing their best to make new players quit.

Mr Epeen :sunglasses:


You party pooper.

Actually they aren’t as annoying as the players who’ve been in Eve 3 days and are now giving ‘advice’ to 1 day old noobs in Rookie Help.


Bounties were just a tool used by sociopaths to grief new players who only wanted to do high-sec PvE in peace. It’s a very good thing that they’re gone. Now, maybe CCP can finally address other griefplay mechanisms in the game like the addressed bounties, so that the game can start to grow again…

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Im getting oprah vibes from you lol

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RE griefing newbies with bounties, CCP could’ve imposed bounty immunity on new characters. maybe characters less than 3 months old couldn’t get a bounty.

i loved receiving bounties. it was the equivalent of an anti-like. the bigger the bounty, the more badass you were.


bounty could only be placed on -5 or lower ss players . the entire bounty was claimed on ship kill .
players were farming their bounty with an alt , which wasn’t a big deal . but there was possible isk laundering , so bounty was changed to a % of ship value .
and the -5 ss requirement was removed . a bad move by ccp . older players knew bounty was mostly meaningless. for new players it caused a lot of confusion and anxiety .
i believe players like quake god did the right thing by bountying new players; the fastest way , to get a crappy mechanic changed , is not by reason or complaints . it’s by abusing the ■■■■ out of it , until it can’t be ignored . well done m8 .


Or a Prometheus class ship from Star Trek, with multi-vector assault mode where it splits into three separate ships to fight. :smiley:


That would attract new players for sure😃
The two seperated parts would be controlled via the drones window. If the main ship is destroyed the rest can be claimed as loot.

Battlecruisers and up could be allowed up to two remote-controlled fregates or one destroyer, except carriers, they could be allowed up to two destroyers… then I woke up :laughing:


How is CCP unable to come up with these ideas?

Instead of a decades long crisis over “new player griefing”, they could even do the same thing for newbro Ventures in starter systems!