@CCP_Falcon I’m a little confused. Will people still be able to make killrights available so I can pick those up, identify them on overview and enage on them?
This means that bounties and kill rights on player characters will not be displayed for the duration of time that this system is offline, they will however still be accessible and paid out.
Maybe it’s because I skipped breakfast, but as I said, confuzzled.
That’s the thing though. One some I have killrights for I see nothing on overview. Others the option is available. I came across one guy with a public killright visible through the icon, but no option on overview. I’ll clear cache after downtime, but it’s … odd.
If we are going to play armchair game designer, I think the best would be to have the real-time bounty updates just autodisabled when the node enters TiDi. You might want to know if there is a bounty you can collect even in nullsec, but I think that knowledge could be sacrificed with little impact if the server is bumping up against capacity in the name of better performance.
No, killrights are meaningless. In fact, I think all that Crimewatch stuff is turned off completely on the nullsec nodes already for performance. Maybe you can pay someone and activate a killright in nullsec, but it clearly does nothing. That could be turned off completely if that is technically feasible with no impact.
Something like this was reported. Players using the bounty system to increase system lag - possibly to stop people from logging back in, loading grid after jumping in etc.
They should, but CCP has recently been quite forgiving towards people who use exploits. Without punishment, this kind of thing will continue to happen. If not with the bounty system, then with something else. It might be the right time to show that the rules are not just for decoration.
post-close edit to clear one thing up, @Emma_Valor this someone baiting you into paying the killright and then making it unavailable again.
This has to be fixed, I’ve never seen it before and I really don’t know how long it’s been around. I went to activate a kill right on a tornado fleet, clicked activate for 20m isk launch 900 dps torps, message pops up “This kill right is no longer available” Get instantly Concorded.
This sincerely is not right, you only have seconds to act after a KR is activated or the player knows they are about to get blapped. I shouldn’t have to worry about waiting 3-5 seconds to find out the KR is no longer available.
Add insult to injury had the same thing happen the other night, but after It said it was no longer available, I clicked it again and it activated.
Yep, as the others said… don’t leave your Safety set to Red, move it down to Yellow or Green. Then you won’t accidentally fire Torps on someone who isn’t a valid target (yet).