Player built stargates?

The presentation strongly stresses that everyone can participate in the stargates.

I figure that means they wont be NS exclusive.

Unless in their twisted little minds they reason that “everyone can go to Null, ergo if we put them [insert_proposed_feature] there, everyone CAN participate”. (For the record, I don’t agree with this sort of “reasoning” - but I see how such an “argument” can be assembled.)


Per my previous post (back before derailing on PvE “risk”), I wouldnt be surprised if they arent even player owned, nor “built”.

Might be they are built by NPCs that players bring x tokens/materials to.

I doubt:

  • They will be Jump Bridge replacements.
  • They will be owned, or actually “built” by players.
  • They will be NS exclusive.
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It’s an effective corrollary…

Jump Bridges (along with Cyno Beacons and Jammers) are (iirc) the only POS items that are yet to be replaced. They need to be so that POS can be removed - a long term and now nearly realised CCP aim.

Replacing the Jump Bridge with the first of the (Medium/Large) ‘Player Built’ Stargates with 5ly range seems only logical.

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Stargates and this hype CCP has laid down is just a dangling carrot… there’s plenty of issues with this concept which I expect CCP to reveal wont be occurring according to plan.

  1. what happens to the Regional Gates that line null sec… who makes them how will this be managed?? Crickets from ccp of course… cause its a pipe dream that just cant happen… no change here I bet!
  2. We’re supposed to be able to Arm these gates to end that cowardly gate camping in a system… but cha know what bout dem regional gates? crickets* from ccp.
  3. Control of the gates… what is exact control of the gates…i mean if we can say… turn them off and on… that could mean we can lock down systems… rofl…which we all know in eve online limits the amount of “risk” vs the reward… oh how id love to blow up a gate and rat or mine or just ship spin all in a system locked down to myself… right?? who could ask for anything more?? …lol. crickets from ccp… I doubt they’ll do it like dat…im just sayin…

so I honestly sit and have been waiting as these folks lead us on to a complete letdown… I doubt it’ll happen as they 1st hinted it would… they change everything on a fly but will hype up some lie in a minute… you cant trust ccp their integrity is shot in the foot, hand and mouth at this point… buyer beware.


As far as info on Gates is concerned, there are a few solid bits of info:

  • They will be structures (like Citadels, ECs, Refineries), and will be built by players
  • They are the NEXT structure scheduled to be released
  • One functionality will be identical to Jump Bridges (the only bit of POS functionality that hasn’t been moved over), so that POSes can finally be safely scutted from EVE

I’ve also seen a lot of people talk about possibilities with access lists, jump taxes set by the owners, etc. that could make for some interesting gameplay, along with whatever else might come along with them being structures - that is, weapons? docking? anything else?

The idea of new space is also heavily prominent in their design background, as we’ve seen with stargates and new space always being discussed hand-in-hand. It still seems very likely that some of the now-abandoned systems in old Jove space will be a perfect target for said gates, maybe with more systems being added in at a later time.

Are you sure they’re next? What about Administration Hubs, Advertisemnt Centers, Observatory Arrays and Research Laboratories? Have they been dismissed/delayed/added to existing structures?

They talked about it at Vegas, I was there™ - take a look at the Structures Presentation, from 37m48s

Assembly Arrays and Research Labs got rolled together into Engineering Complexes, Office/Market Hubs evolved into Citadels, and Moon Mining Arrays became Refineries

He mentions Stargates at 39:28, talks about them replacing Jump Bridges, Cyno Jammers/Beacons on POSes, and lightly teases about them maybe fulfilling a prophecy or two down the line :slight_smile:

Advertisement Centers and Admin Hubs are talked about. Observatories will likely be introduced a little further in the future, waiting for the rest of the structures that take up already-present possible actions in-game to be finished and out before adding something with some potentially quite new functions (affecting local, etc.).


Yea, CCP likes to talk about things that don’t happen. It’s kinda their thing. You pick up on that after a decade.

I wouldn’t mind if everything was player built.

it must have new mechanics, otherwise it will just become Delve II. New space would be good in sense of bringing new/old players to the game. Space events might be a idea. Something not permanent like WHs effects but temporary. Gates malfunctions, meteor showers, stars effects etc. Something that will bring unpredictability of the landscape.

question is: “how much control players should have with owned space?”
If we assume “risk vs reward” is rising from hisec to nullsec, then something like changing local in favour of sov holder would crush this balance.

A lot of New Eden is vastly underdeveloped. Before new mechanics are added I’d like to see more things added for New Players, real new players(not alts) to have a reason to stick around. There has been plenty added to aid in that but more can and should be done.

Jump bridges already exist, and are hardly an incentive for PvP.

Rolling them into Citadels or a separate structure isnt going to change that.

As to these new Stargates accessing new space, unless it instigates more PvP, whats the point, and if it instigates PvP, welcome to the bigger corps running the show.

Its a huge fail-burger waiting to happen.

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Many years ago, when Rubicon was introduced, I said something like “CCP is saying that there’s gold in the hills, but the majority of players are more concerned about the city services”.

Four years later, there’s less and less epople wanting whatever CCP reelases, and more and more people going away becasue they dont get what they want.

Last weekend I logged into my old headquarters and it was depressing to see how empty was the system. CCP has really ruined highsec.

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No, i don’t even get any sense of you actually playing EvE with that guess.
You don’t seem to understand Jump Bridges on POSs are going away and needs a replacement.

Its good that we are educating each other in here, but I’d prefer you to make your post in the form of a question rather than a statement in this case.

Paint the bigger picture,
PVE in not all,
PVP in not all,
Social groups in not all,
Reputation is not all,
ISK is not all.

Humans tend to think in smaller orbits at our minds can’t comprehend all atoms in the Universe at the same time.
*We need to stop acting like we can comprehend Everything/Universe/The Best for All Other people.

That say more about your own world view then the game.
Be Powerful, breake free, delve in to the intricate and marvelous.

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