Player Harassmemt, by bumping

See I was wondering the same thing of you… because that 3% you’re so ecstatic about is statistically insignificant.

I’m amazed that you can, in the same sentence no less, write off provided data as ‘not accurate’ but then use that same data cut up the way you’d like to prove a useless point… it truly is astounding. I’m not sure what you’re good at, but maybe try and stick to that, or keep it up, that’s always good for a laugh.



I won’t even try to find a link from CCP that says eve in single shard. Do it yourself !

No need to comment, you’re obviously wrong.

If it looks like a duck, swims like a duck, and quacks like a duck, then it probably is a duck.
Sorry, i meant troll.


Trying to claim that ESO is “PvP-Focused” is a big stretch, considering the game’s overall redesign.


Not when its over long durations, and more importantly not when it proves you or anyone else spouting stupidity wrong. Its a hugely important point.

EVE IS DYING and their aint crap you can say that will change that. Dying,]Dead, ZIP.
Wake up to reality. The rest of us did.

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Or you can open your eyes to the fact that we have Us, Chinese, etc servers, sir.
Ever is not single sharded, it has not been for years, fyi.

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Not really, having played ESO from launch it’s more a traditional theme park mmo, but very open ended unlike others. People can decide their focus in that game, most focus on pve though and it’s widely more supported than pvp. Pvp does play a central part in the game story, but it’s totally optional, unless you want to get some pvp abilities etc.
Also ESO has been around from 2014, not 2006. There was beta in 2013. Back in 2006 we had Morrowind online mod, that was reaaaally barebones.


LOL, yes dear, whatever you say.



As this thread has been massively derailed, to the point I’d have to remove a significant number of posts to clean up, I will be closing it instead. Thank you.