Player Harassmemt, by bumping

At the core, it’s the PvP focus (not every game has this, you may of noticed) along with the ‘single shard’, which not everyone may enjoy, but that’s what makes it niche.

I fail to see how these are abusive to CCP in any way shape or form. Simply stating something does not make it so.

I don’t think anyone has said that, something is niche when it appeals to a small percentage of the population, it doesn’t have to appeal to everyone to be able to continue working, nor does it have to fit your ideas of ‘how it should be’ in order to be successful.

LOL, people were saying eve was dying when I started playing… afaict there is always someone who doesn’t like something which has to mean eve is dying.

Right, and there is also a reason why this one has been around longer than that.

What industry standards are you referring to, exactly?



I’m sorry, the first year?

Many games are PvP Based, and we’ve had singular sharding in games since the creation of the industry.

Have you sat in 9000 battles?

i dont consider sitting around doing nothing for hours on end, to be good, especially when the end result is lag, or one of two parties threatening to crash the server.

On the other hand, if you do 5v5, How do you feel? the upcoming pvp abyssal mode will make my point extremely clear, and how totally wrong ccp and people are about these positions (on blobbing)

It is dying, Or did you miss that 68% of the previous population is gone?
How about we point out that last night there was 12000 rookies, and 18000 online. This are very concerning issues.

Eve is not the only game to exceed industry standards.

Cater to casual game play, and social interaction as opposed to abusive systems that work against social interaction, and monopoly.

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Every year prior to this for the last 25 years (or so) has the industry income and population rates have been growing. in 2019, it is predicted that it will decline (about 3%).

It was the only industry in the united states to have a consistent growth after 9/11. Even porn declined for a few years (rather impressive if you think about it).

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or when CCP gave freighters 33% hull resists, forcing evil Goons to bring 50% more DPS to kill that freighter…


You’ve said a lot here, but haven’t answered the question. How (again) does this make it abusive to CCP? Do you even know what ‘abusive’ means?

If you say so, am curious as to where you’re pulling these numbers from? Cause I found this: EVE Online - Steam Charts which shows that player count has been increasing (excluding a blip in 2017) steadily since the introduction of the game (to Steam).

Never said it was? lol Do I need to remind you of the comment i was responding to, in which you stated

There is also a reason Eve has been around longer, people like to play it. Of course, not everyone will like to play it, that’s what makes it niche. For clarity:

Niche: denoting or relating to products, services, or interests that appeal to a small, specialized section of the population

I highlighted the important part for you.

LOL, now you’re just being obtuse. Are you aware of the difference between a base and a focus? I assure you the two are very different. Responding to something I didn’t say is disingenuous at best.

Show me the MMO with a single shard that’s been around ‘since the creation of the industry’ where PvP is the centre of interest… unless you’re referring to Eve?

Actually now I’m curious, when do you think ‘the industry’ came into existence?

And I know this has been linked before, Eve New Player Guide but I really do suggest you read it, maybe you’ll decide the game isn’t for you and leave, maybe you’ll decide the game is for you and stay… only time will tell.




EVE is a competitive PvE game with “free-fire” PvP.

It can only be called a PvP game in EVE’s private version of gamer terminology, where a lot of actrivities everyone else calls PvE is redefined as PvP.

EVE doesn’t appeal much to combat PvP gamers because it’s naturally biased towards one-sided combat.

That “New Player Guide” was entertaining reading, but it isn’t a guide. - it’s a"bait and switch" brochure.

  • It gives a wildly false impression about what it’s like playing EVE
  • There’s no useful advice about how to actually get started with EVE
  • Very misleading information about PvP and combat
  • A startling amount of information about running missions - almost as though it was the most important and entertaining part of EVE
  • I had to laugh section 4.5: It is recommended that you stick to these systems until you’ve learned the basics of the game and are ready to explore all that New Eden has to offer

It wouldn’t matter much if the nature of the game or its players naturally helped new players get established … but neither do so - quite the opposite.

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Well, if that happens I guess I will be turning terrorist… enough of this sjw crap


It’s true that most players overall are not attracted to EVE, but the market of games that appeal directly to this mainstream audience is extremely over saturated. There are literally hundreds of MMOs which where created for this tastes and most of them are gone now because while the whole market is bigger than the niche EVE sits in, the slices they got from the pie was less than what EVE has in its niche.

This appeal-to-mainstream you are parroting isn’t a way EVE can take and survive. It will have less people playing because it has so much more competition and it’s not like the PvE aspect of EVE is particularly good. Compared to other MMOs the PvE is extremely dull and repeating and can’t even be compared with most other MMOs that have an actually story driven arc of epic scale that goes with the often boring grind. It will not attract that audience.

On the other hand EVE has a unique gameplay when it comes to PvP. The fights are meaningful because of the nature of the sandbox. The only criticism I have here is that CCP has a tendency to implement systems that demand unrealistic player time investment to even take part and that is pushing them away from casual players (Citadel timers for example).


What games have you developed that are still going after 16 years?

Really though, what games have you even developed at all?

Where are you getting this figure from?


It was honestly in decline well before 2019, or at least headed in that direction given what was available, what was coming out, and what the current markets looked like and were changing.

EVE’s age will continue to show as years go on, but there is the “core” playerbase that would be content without change while others will prefer Elite Dangerous, Star Citizen, or whatever other space-themed game would come out.


I believe I have found the issue. You like to play WoW and want Eve to be like that too. For the amount of time you’ve been arguing this point I’m surprised you haven’t gotten it resolved or given up, that’s how to stick to your guns!

How do you define a ‘combat PvP gamer’? What is that exactly? How would you describe yourself as a gamer? Again, curious due to age of char+opinion… seems strange? Also, why do you feel it is important that Eve appeal to these ‘combat PvP gamers’?

And while you may have laughed at section 4.5, I’m going to have to assume you didn’t read the whole thing, because the line above that says: Rookie systems have a special set of rules above and beyond those of other systems to ensure that a new player gets to explore the features of EVE at their own pace. Or reading comprehension is an issue for you as I’m not seeing the humour? Or is this just an extension of the game for you? I did notice your corp name :stuck_out_tongue:



You are mistaken. This whole “you must be a WoW player” thing is just sign that you’re “lost in the fog”. Or that you have been affected by that Guide/Brochure, which certainly reads like CCP was trying to attract WoW players.
As I quoted, the text regarding rookie systems suggests that new players do this:

EVE has a relatively high threshold for the basics. And rookie systems are not a good place to learn them. Most new players are out of them in a day or two. Not least because they are advised to do PvE Missions.

It’s not much of a recommendation. And it has no place is a “Guide”. Nor even in a brochure.?

At the risk of distracting:
CCP is terrible about describing what’s fun about EVE.

One symptom is the their tendency to imply that there are frequent large sov-deciding battles - with the undertone that most players can expect to participate in such events. Another is the “Guide” you linked.

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Read what i said, the answer is there.

First of all this information is not accurate, but if we take it then the last 4 months there is a decline of players by about 3% of its population.

Last 30 Days 2,778.0 -44.1 -1.56% 4,217
March 2019 2,822.2 -21.6 -0.76% 4,217
February 2019 2,843.7 -22.7 -0.79% 4,078
January 2019 2,866.5 -36.6 -1.26% 4,040

Iv seen games with 50 people in it, that make the same argument. Its a joke, and I am pretty sure if ccp had the choice to have 1-3million in their game they would

And your in denial, that eve is not dying, when metric data that you posted said it is. lol?

Strawmans dont work with me, i just ignore them.

Any What does that have to do with anything? you think no other game out there is like that? If So you are totally wrong.

First off, eve is not a single shard game. Or did you miss that eve had multiple servers?

Second, Elder scrolls online is pvp focused, and it has been around since 2006. Which means its equal to eve. ITs one of many examples. Btw, Eve has not been a single sharded game for a long time. In ways, its equal to Wow, with multiple servers. Wow is also highly pvp oriented, ironically, in pvp servers, you can pretty much gank in almost all of the game. the only difference is in its high sec you dont get mobbed by concord and instant shot.

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It started in 2011, and picked up in a serious manner in 2013.


A few of them actually =/

A few more, but thats none of your biz.

Eve’s server metrics, or did you not know they are public?

Except no server metric shows a 68% drop in previous population. None. Not eve offline. Not any other.

Nor does any show a 3% decline in players. We don’t have information on players.


In the end this is the value reflected by ccp’s own metric data, since 2011.

Do you actually read before posting?

Last 30 Days 2,778.0 -44.1 -1.56% 4,217
March 2019 2,822.2 -21.6 -0.76% 4,217
February 2019 2,843.7 -22.7 -0.79% 4,078
January 2019 2,866.5 -36.6 -1.26% 4,040

What is -1.56 + - 0.76 + 0.79%?

You got to be blind or trolling.

Or do you not see the drop from jan @ 2866 players to 2778? (Steam client users)

CCP has not published player data since 2013.

You are looking at differences in logged in characters. That is not players. We have no data on the number of players in the game, only estimates based on data that is available from out of game sources (eg. CCP financial statements).

You might want to go and check your math and the assumptions you are making underneath, because if you are getting to 68% drop, there is some clear bias you are building into your approach. In an apples to apples approach, no data we have available shows a 68% decline.

And yet you can’t even name one of them? So you’ve designed a few games that launched in 2003 or before and they are still going now?

Yeah, that not really believable mate, especially in the context of the posts you make on this forum.



Also Wrong.

Wait, so what was the average online at peak? What is it now?
Thought so.

Im not required to provide this information, nor do i see any purpose for doing so.

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