Player Retention Through PvP Level Rooms

Maybe it is. Or maybe it isn’t. The forum responses will all have a bias. If this really interests you, create a player run event. If this truly fills an interest (and it might) people will show up.

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The problem is that you do not foster the same kind of people that used to do all this free-form PVP. You foster people instead that have to rely on controlled environments with strict limitations to do anything. They may be able to hold a line in an arena but outside the arena they will not PVP or do anything. And that is bad.

In case you haven’t seen Scoots posts before, he’s primarily a troll who tries to provoke people into reacting. He rarely has anything useful to say, except to reply to things with “Prove your idea is 100% perfect” comments. He needs the attention, I guess.

(He does sometimes point out flaws with other ideas that need to be addressed, so he’s not completely useless.)

I’ve posted before that EVE lacks any sort of ‘progression’ system for new players. In essence, new players are in direct competition with established veterans from the moment they enter the game. Whether it’s markets, industry or combat, they’re competing against people who are already end-game.

Of course, the people who’ve been around the longest like it this way. For obvious reasons, it’s mostly newer players who feel it’s an issue worth addressing. Well, newer players and people who aren’t willfully blind to the direction the game has taken for the past 10 years, I guess.

Your OP has merit, but as usual, the devil is in the details. You can limit the gates into PvP encounters in various ways:

  • By ship class. Which still leaves high-SP, highly geared players at an advantage.
  • By tech level. “T1 ships and modules only” for instance. SP and best fits still important, but less so.
  • By SP. “4 mill SP and under, 6 mill, 10 mill” etc. But this limits the pool of players available.
  • By ‘PvP rank’. Could have a new stat, PvP ranking, only players up to Rank X can enter. This would enforce an automatic progression but again would limit the number of players who can enter a PvP encounter of this type. Which may lead to people not using them at all if they aren’t well populated.

Another issue: recommending anything that requires significant ‘new’ programming on CCP’s part isn’t likely to happen, as they don’t seem capable of much in the way of successfully coding new systems.

If a system along these lines was to be workable, I would probably recommend using something they already have working: skill caps on Alpha players. They could implement a system where a ‘Rank 2 encounter’ caps all skills at level 2, ‘Rank 3’ caps all skills at level 3, etc. This would effectively limit SP, gear and ship advantages all at the same time, while still allowing all players to participate. It means veterans could go in with their friends, corps could fly together, mentors could go in with their trainees.

Experience and player skill would still be the determining factor but at least new players would have a chance to see and learn from those more experienced without being insta-popped.

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Well yes, and that’s the whole point of EVE: everyone exists in one universe. The only way to remove competition with veterans is to split up the single universe into private instances designed to give everyone a “fair” chance of winning their personal version of EVE. And that absolutely should not happen.

Fw plexes, and eve in general, does this pretty well already.

I’ve been playing for 9 years and have 150mil sp. However, i am never using all that sp at once. If i go into a novice site with a Rifter, I’m using a tiny fraction of my space ship command skills and gunnery skills. I’m using none of my industry or science skills. None of my mining skills. None of my exploration skills, and i could go on.

The other thing about faction warfare sites is you get plenty of time to use d-scan and see what your opponent is flying before you have to commit. In my experience very VERY few fights within faction warfare sites are non-consensual. So a noob gets to essentially pick and choose which fights they take and which ones they pass.

The problem with your idea is that you can have a player thats been in eve for several years but only now decides he wants to try pvp. He has sp well over the lomits of 5mil but its 99.9% industry related and his actual experience and ability of pvp is the same of that of a brand new player. But they are not allowed into these sites?

I also believe we can provide better pvp progression for players but I’m more inclined to believe it’s better served by making wardecs accessible to new players and getting pirate frigs out of novice plexes, at least for a start.

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Terrible, anti sandbox idea that doesn’t even accomplish anything.

Basically instanced PvP in effect.


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You’ve been gone eight years.
You’re back for a month now.
You feel like you’re in a position to make suggestions.


*quotes Nicolai Serkanner*

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For sh*ts and giggles I redid the NPE with two new characters. While the NPE is vastly better than it used to be, it still stops at a point where new players have no clue about the very basics of pvp. Sure, you can learn it like we all did; lose lots of ships before you learn anything. Of course, you can join a newbie friendly alliance etc, but it would still be nice if players had the very basics of pvp down pat before undocking in null or lowsec.

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I support the creation of a High-Sec Arena Mechanics.
Something Similar to the CCP Tournaments, but at the initiative of players.

Where you can specify the number of participants, fleets, ship types, module level, implants, alpha or omega, total number of skill points, date and time, duration, private or open to all, etc. Place bets or prizes on Items or ISK. Other players can watch. ETC…

I believe this would help New Players and CareBears to practice more PVP before venturing out of High-Sec. When New Players and CareBears look for PVP they are always butchered, usually not only because of the experience factor but most commonly because they are outnumbered in the enemy’s backyard.

I would like to participate in fights in a Arena Mechanic and even make bets.
Finding a satisfying fight is not easy. When I’m looking for PVP in Low-Sec or Wormhole with my PVP Character, alone or in a small fleet, it’s always hard to find a good fight. Either you are far superior, or he is far superior. Chace or Run.
Ganking unprepared players is cool at first, but after a while stop being fun.
I often even face disadvantaged fights just to try to break the boredom. And when I finally find a good fight, someone always shows up to unbalance the fight.

Having more options to choose from is always good.

This idea would make it harder to find fights in the REAL GAME.

That is why it is singularly one of the worst ideas ever posted.

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