Technical question, apologies if it’s the wrong place to ask.
Is anyone playing/testing this game on a projector? Yes, the new monitors are pretty nice and safer with the low-blue-light function.
But projectors are much safer for our eyes, than any monitor. So a big, clean wall, maybe with a white sheet over it to help with contrast? I’ve been thinking about this for quite a while. Has anyone tested something like that? Please share the feedback if you have.
Merry Xmas to everyone!
Luckily EVE is limited by it’s tick rate so the latency of gaming with a projector isn’t a big issue.
I guess the main issue with EVE is going to be your resolution. EVE is rather text-heavy so you would need a setup where you still are able to read everything well.
It seems like a nice idea, but haven’t tried it myself.
My eye doctor said, there is no proof of eye damage from LED monitors. The old CRT ( cathode ray tube ) monitors projected low level radiation at the viewer. Back then, I was told the safe distance to sit from the screen was also the diagonal length of the monitor. Assuming you were at a desk using a 17 inch CRT monitor, you would want 18 inches or more between your eyes and the screen. I remember they also sold some goofy office furniture back then. One such item was a desk, that held the monitor and double reflected it in 2 mirrors, so you were not staring at it but the mirror instead. However I pointed out the monitor now sat closer to the “victim” down by your knees. Anyone should know radiation radiates in all directions, so instead of getting rads to your eyes you are now subjecting it to your genitals instead.
The actual amount of radiation from any CRT back then was very benign, much less than you would receive from a medical x-ray machine or the x-ray at the dentist. I personally could never go back to those old monitors. I am not concerned about blue light, as the largest source of blue light is sunlight itself. I guess you could go hide in a cave, but the monitors we have today are 100 times better.
Fly safe o7