Please remove cargo scanners from the game, thanks

Actually, you can despawn the sites. Sites will despawn instantly if all of the cans have been hacked and/or blown up, but if there’s any left over cans it will take 2 hours to despawn. If you blow up the remaining cans or hack them, the site will be completed and despawn.

If you’re mad that you’re not getting enough loot and someone else is getting all the good loot, then be on right after downtime and nab all the good loot first

It is.

What if they added a pseudo-downtime reset twelve hours apart from actual downtime? That would ameliorate the majority of timezone issues you could raise against this sort of advice, which is really the only problem I can see with suggesting to solve a mechanics exploit by using the mechanics itself to solve the problem on a time-sensitive issue. How many people does this even effect?

solution… 1, cus there isnt any other.

if you see site is half done… move on.

It’s not an exploit.

In video games, an exploit is the use of a bug or glitches, game system, rates, hit boxes, speed or level design etc. by a player to their advantage in a manner not intended by the game’s designers.[1] Exploits have been classified as a form of cheating; however, the precise determination of what is or is not considered an exploit can be controversial. This debate stems from a number of factors but typically involves the argument that the issues are part of the game and require no changes or external programs to take advantage of them.

It could be an exploit, unless CCP actually intended some players to leave sites half-finished on purpose for the sake of blocking progress and loot to other players. Now if they saw this behavior and embraced it, it’s still an exploit if it wasn’t planned behavior from the beginning, it’s just an approved exploit.

Working as intended is not an exploit. Declaring the behavior acceptable means it is not an exploit.

By strict definition you are wrong, by logic you’re attempting to redefine the gaming definition of the word ‘exploit’. Just because it’s an exploit doesn’t make it bad.

By strict definition an exploit is an unintended situation which breaks the game functions in an unbalanced manner.

A Cargo Scanner scans a device for it’s contents. It can be a ship, a cargo container, an anchored can, or anything else you can target lock that has an inventory.

This device is functioning as intended. Used in a manner that wasn’t part of the plan perhaps but it’s not doing something it shouldn’t.

An exploit would be a cargo scanner going into a site and looting the contents of a container without ever hacking.

And here I thought it was going to be a thread about ganking post scan.

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Go to a different region if you are not getting the results that you want from the region you are in.

Or use an alt, Or in fact what I have been thinking lately, is learning how to effectively join the ranks of ganksters in high sec… just have some fun with it. got three accounts? get them in artty tornados and sit on a gate with an alt hauler ready to scoop the poop. instead of becoming a victim, either learn the skill they do so you can then learn to evade or counter ganking, or dont come to that system, with those ships, in said characters, hauling expesnive shits in your cargo hold. It only took two or three serious loses for me to realize you

A. CANNOT trust anyone in Eve…
B. ARE ON YOUR OWN till you earn your keep and have a gang following you around…
C. HAVE TO HAVE a decent capital wallet to learn from these types of mistakes when you dont adhere to the ways in the game. You rarely can get your pie, eat it too, and then have ice cream… so you often are best to choose two major priorities, and accept the loss of one of the three main goals here.

join code, marmite, mercenary coalition… then, do some ganking yourself, and learn their ways, then… go back to what you want to do, taking that knowledge AND experience with you, and circumvent their efforts with means they are unaware of…

It is an unintended situation so far as I can see, but the question is whether or not it’s unbalanced. Since this behavior throttles the influx of goods from a fountain, CCP probably enjoys the outcome at a meta-level.

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If that was true then it would have been fixed long before this thread got necroed from a month back.

If it ain’t locked, it’s legal. Deal with it. And an unintended feature could be kept on depending on the designers’ view of how it implements itself. We’d need a CCP tag in here to determine that, tho.

And we’d only get that to confirm it as an exploit. So their continued silence on the matter represents working as intended.

@CCP_Falcon Feel free to chime in if it’s an exploit. I’ll wait.

Id say this sums it up right here. Im not personally invested in if or not, the change is implemented… but I did want to point this out here. +1

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This is pretty much the one response that covers everything important.

On the grander scale, Exploration is also PvP.
By using Cargo Scanners, people are PvPing with the next guy who will come to the site.
Therefore, Cargo Scanners are not going to go away, otherwise it would reduce potential PvP happenings.

That also means that the OP is crying about being PvPed. Nothing is going to change, because CCP will not reduce the range of options for PvP just so people can have it easier to farm quicker.


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Dunno about that :expressionless:

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No scanner means people will have to try their luck.

That means more PvP.

Link to the killboard proving that you ever did any of this, as in ganking, scouting, scanning for targets or consider yourself tagged as someone who speaks out of his ass. You will be the first.

Depending on the answer i will also tag you as “wants to make other people’s game miserable.”