Please remove these annoying roaming trig groups from hi-sec

Okay so, I didn’t have any opinion on this before. When I tried to solo mine with retriever I was able to escape them everytime - all I had to do was to keep looking at overview and dock immediately when I saw them warp in. It was kind of annoying but at the same time it made mining bit less boring activity.

When I was mining in a fleet with Orca we were able to kill them with drones and their wrecks net extra income so I liked it.

However it turns up that all the triglavians roaming fleets were for is to get players to sub in another alt. As always in this game, every problem can be solved by throwing another multibox account onto it.

There are two ways how to prevent triglavians to roam and kill your afk-mining characters.

Method 1: You put your alt into 4km+/sec speeed frigate, find them, warp into them and then you fly away from them in opposite direction. They will see you and start chasing you infinitely since they never catch you. Problem solved.

Method 2: You put your alt into combat ship with cap stable active rep, find them, warp into them and you kill all but one. Then you stop shooting/pull your drones and let that last triglav frigate hitting you indefinitely. (Didn’t test this actually, if their damage ramps up over time it might not work - comfirmation needed.)

Until this gets fixed, I consider triglavs to be just another fail and bad mechanic.