Please remove these annoying roaming trig groups from hi-sec

You don’t get it. THEY engage players.
Note that I don’t mind that actually. But claiming they are just the usual rats is just wrong.

Just look at how people need to tank their fit when doing conduits.

Good job I didnt do that.

Conduits engage players do they? Last I checked you had to go there.

Also the topic isnt conduit trigs, you know.

Ill not be answering any more of your troll posts, Andy.



When did you forget how to read ?

Yes you did. You claimed they were not OP compared to other rats.

And now, back to the original topic…Triglavians!

High-sec, low-sec, it doesn’t matter. Triglavs will hit PoS and NPC stations equally. If you’re parked and scanning without cloak, they’ll pay you a visit there, too. If you’re in an asteroid belt they’ll pop out of nowhere the minute you sneeze (sometimes sooner) =and= they’ve been known to tag-team you between two groups of rovers, one after another, as if they called for reinforcements from another part of the system. All this without any active conduits or previous occupation.

The makeup of the Triglav gang differs - three, four, five. I haven’t encountered more on my own, perhaps others have. Expect at the very least a neut and a target disrupt; webs are not consistently part of the gang but they do show up.

The time for Triglavs to target-lock you is a good 3-5 seconds depending on which ones flavor the gang. There’s nothing about the Triglav attack that I see worth changing =except= that any type of lag delays their appearance until after they’re already target-locking you, which delays your reaction to the faster locks which’ll generally shred the shields on a small ship immediately.

With NPC miner kills, you’ll see the retaliation squad coming so there’s ample time to escape certain annihilation. Not so with Triglavs. Getting only half the warning of a two-second or three-second lock because you’re 10km further from the game server is brutish.

I worry about this from the nublette stance because it’s a quick-react response they should learn early, but it doesn’t even come up in tutorials. Should they be aware? Yes. Do they practice unsafe undocking? No.

If this keeps AFK miners at bay, great. If they chomp me while I’m making a sammich, OK. But a little more warning wouldn’t be a bad thing, maybe atmospheric in nature, maybe just a smidgen longer lock time.


This (and the rest of the post) did make me think why arent they mentioned in NPE? Ive not done it in a while so maybe they are, but it would be perfectly reasonable to assume that stations that regularly have new capsuleers appear in them would have people screaming about the Trig menace, and pointing out the minimum ehp and basic safe practices (dscan, dont panic if webbed, the wandering ones dont scram etc).
Maybe they expect other players to advise them.
I may not know much, but I do know that since Ive switched to an indy only lifestyle they havent been a problem for me.

I suppose being more practical and less sarcastic with my advice might see more of em live longer. I didnt think I was that influential lol.

Now that you mention it, I’d not seen them appear at a starter station. I wonder if those are off-limits or I missed them during the Trig invasions around Cistuvaert and Emrayur.

But you’re right about the tutorial, it teaches basic use but not basic tips like “we have a number of hostiles that can pop up and say ‘boo!’ at any time, causing you to lose your lunch as well as your ship.” Perhaps that’s too much advance warning? :stuck_out_tongue:

It’s up to you, @Ramona_McCandless, to shepherd the nublettes!

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The Invasions and roaming Scout packs don’t spawn in the starter systems but they do spawn right next to them, and a lot of those starter systems are deadend systems.


Fully agree, an atmospheric warning would not only be super useful, but also super cool- say the background or the music changes to the ones that play in fully invaded systems, for like 5-15 seconds prior to them showing up based on the system security status- but have it apply only to the grid where the raznaborgs/conduit is at.

If the triglavians are going to be such an important part of the game as they seem to be becoming, the NPE people should replace the sleepers or drifters or whatever forgettable NPC they use to fight in the tutorial and make it a group of damaged triglavians… OR have the normal triglavians show up and wipe you out just so you know to stay away from them. Either way they should definitely be part of the tutorial. More fuel for the suggestion thread!


I have not played in some months. Are the trigs still in select systems easily shown on the map. Or are they truly roaming now?
It was not hard to avoid them last I played.

they are still locked to systems with emerging conduit in it.

They’ll show up before and after any active conduits and invasions. I’m sure they’re following a road map from region to region. One of my high-sec regions got hit with an invasion twice in a row, too, though I think the second one was a bug. We’re no longer seeing conduits but there are Triglav gangs in the system.

It is not a bug. The Trig are hitting specific systems. We still are not 100% sure why, but we have theories.

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Oooh. Theories!

I’ve had three accounts for years, first in 2004 others since 2007, I’ve been on three month billing and never plexed a single payment. Any other absolute statements of fact you wish to make?

Edit: Obligatory statement that a player buying plex with ISK is buying it from another player that paid money to CCP for the plex.

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Really? I roughly estimate I’ve paid 6,000 USD for this game since 2004. For me that ~400 USD annually is well spent for the entertainment value I receive.

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Yeah, as a matter of fact here’s another absolute statement - I don’t believe you. Especially since you say you’ve had them on a 3 month billing cycle since 2007 instead of doing year long subs.

Anyway, there’s always exceptions to the norm and you’re right, I shouldn’t have made my initial statement seem completely absolute, I should have just said a majority of multi-account players.

Again, I should have said ‘majority of Multi-account players’. My statement was in response to someone who claimed that multi-account players were spending 1000’s of dollars each year to sub their accounts. Funny how you didn’t troll them about making absolute statements.

Anyway, from now on I’ll try to be extremely detailed and very explicit with my wording, just so there won’t be any misunderstanding of the point I’m trying to convey.

Because the anecdotal evidence we have indicates otherwise. So produce your sources.

So, back on topic, the triglavians in non-invasion systems.

For an experienced and alert player they are simply annoying. Honestly, I don’t like being annoyed when I play a game. But it is what it is, and I’ll either kill them or warp around or just take a break and stop playing.

For a new player they are dangerous, and they generate boredom in an already boring game. For a new player, being blown up by a Trig means they’ll have to travel to a market, fit another ship, and then try to make up the money they lost by doing something that was boring to begin with.

I don’t think they add any excitement through the danger they provide. I’m not excited or thrilled when I see them sitting at my poco, or when they warp into my asteroid belt 30 seconds after I land. It’s just annoying, and it makes high sec mining into a poor risk/reward activity (for new players).

I hope they get removed, but CCP isn’t going to budge on this. They have collected the data for months now, and they are totally content with the results.


Oh really? So you’re trying to use hearsay as proof to refute my statement.

Well, I will gladly retract my statement if you can provide actual proof that shows a majority of multi-account players do indeed spend 1000’s of dollars each year to sub their accounts.