Please remove these annoying roaming trig groups from hi-sec

I don’t think that those mining in procurer/skiff are paying attention. These two ships survives the trig attack and with good skills might even kill them with drones.

Those mining in covetor/hulk (which are the primal targets of all gankers) were always playing actively as they have to put the ore into orca or can.

Ice belts especially are full of afk-mining multiboxing procs/skiffs and CODE. does nothing against it for years. They kill proc/skiff sporadically and mostly they were blinged or untanked or on black list.

CODE. goals are just and excuse to grief and scam players nothing else.

Lets be real, the only outcomes of the miner ganking is that they either:

  • quit playing
  • stop mining at all
  • stop mining in highsec or move into hs pockets
  • change ship to procurer/skiff which will make them unattractive targets to gankers
  • pretend they don’t care and continue afk-mining with same ship in same belt only to get ganked again
  • pay attention and dock immediately when they see gankers entering the system

There are few more situations that can happen but they are even rarer than the last option.


CCP fanboys will shout down anyone who complains about these trigs, that’s fine, we’ll just vote with our wallets and put money into different games :stuck_out_tongue:


These “Annoying” roaming trigs provide enjoyable content that differs from the general boringness of regular pve forcing players to try new and interesting fits as well as including hunting and dscan as an important part of pve for the first time.


Yeah, I doubt that.

I believe CODE was supposedly first formed as antibot Corp.




Yes, it is true. We had a new guy in corp getting popped even though he was keeping watch constantly.

Lucky for us he was not a quitter and kept at it, loosing more ventures until he could finally sit in a proc. He could not warp out in time even though after the first few times he was aware as to what to look out for.

I had a gang of 8 of them warp in on me and with a fully tanked out skiff it was touch and go (though fun trying t get away too).


Here it is again…


Some people don’t want to be at the keyboards all the time and attentive all the time. These players probably mostly stick to high security space because that’s the best place to be for players of this type.

And yet you deem this the ‘wrong way’ to play. Players ‘need’ to be attentive. Why is that? Why must players play in a particular way? Do you think that everyone who wants to play a certain way will happily adapt to playing the way you deem worthy? Or do you think they’ll hit the cancel subscription button? CCP should be aiming to market the game to as broad a spectrum of players as possible, not aiming to force away certain playstyles because for selfish reasons, certain players have deemed not the correct way to play.

Only place you’ll be forcing them to is the cancel subscription button.

As I have previously written, I have just in these past few days cancelled my subscription to a different online game that i’ve been playing. Why? Because I can’t be attentive 100% of the time and that is causing too many problems for me.


Because if they are not attentive, they get blown up by raznaborgs.


Next question?


I’ll let you in on a secret as to what happens when an incursion or trig invasion enters a busy mining system. The players leave and hardly anyone mines.

Great work.

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How is that a bad thing?

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…Yes? And?

So what?

What point do you imagine you’re making here?


You’re telling me you can’t see how random events that drive players away is not doing the game any good?

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What is the actual goal you are trying to accomplish with this?

I’ve read through the thread and it seems like you (OP) don’t really know what you want other than a selfish goal. You talk about broad issues, like the entire playerbase being affected, or “random events” as a general mechanic. But you don’t really explain why your idea would have any specific benefit.

The entire thing reads like, “I don’t like it, but I don’t want to make a selfish argument because I know that’s a bad argument. So instead, I’m going to try and call broad concepts like the playerbase dropping to hide my selfish argument.”

Sorry OP, but you haven’t considered why these events are taking place in Empire space. Try again once you’ve thought it out a bit more, maybe.


You think there’s some grand design reason as to why trigs are camping stations and killing random people? Or why npc mining bot fleets, literal, actual bots, designed and implented by CCP are mining hi-sec belts. Or why diamond rats and trigs are killing newbie miners in hi-sec asteroid fields?

There’s no grand design behind it. It’s pure stupidity. The only reason it doesn’t get reversed like the blackout did is because there’s no major vocal hi-sec blocks making a big deal out of cancelling their subscriptions.

The typical affected players in hi-sec are the ones without a voice, who will just quietly cancel their subs.



Make them more aggressive. ■■■■ this formulaic non-sense. MAKE EVE FUN AGAIN! to many players are stuck in their comfortable formulaic ways. there is no challenge in High-sec. or anywhere else really. MAKE PEOPLE RE-LEARN THE GAME.


If your threshold for leaving is, “It’s not fair that I can’t be safe while afk,” then it’s no great loss. You’re not generating content or really contributing anything other than your mere presence. Basically just an NPC but the AI isn’t as good.

You’re literally complaining that playing the game requires you to interact with it. There’s nothing of use to be done with that position.


It’s called a game mechanic. CCP is trying to liven up their in-game universe by adding more things that happen.

Why don’t you organize a “major vocal hi-sec block”?
If the problem is as big as you claim it is (to the point where it’s influencing the total playerbase numbers), then it should be very easy for you to find enough people to join together and raise collective voices.

Instead, you’ve just made this thread of mostly selfish complaints of “I don’t like it” with only two or three other people who (kind of) agree with you. Other than that, you’re blaming things like, “It’s not a grand design reason, therefore we should remove it.” Which also doesn’t make sense.


CCP doesn’t care if a player isn’t generating content. They care that a player is subscribed/plexed. The more people playing, the better. You think they are happy if let’s say 15% of those players quit? “Oh it’s ok, they wern’t generating content anyway”.

I’m pretty sure these players are in fact generating content. If not for them, what would these players who spend all day suicide ganking miners do? Other than move onto suiciding ganking any large ship that passes through uedama or niarja that is. These players also generate goods for builders to purchase to use. But the main thing is they are paying to play the game, and for its continued development and keeping it running. So therefore the entire claim that a miner who isn’t paying attention 100% of the time is somehow deadweight that the game can afford to lose is utter elitist BS that only a moron could come up with.

For years now CCP has catered to the nullblocks, while highsec has been left to put up with constant ganking. The more rewarding null has became, the less competitive high is as a result.

After years of this, EVE is stagnant. The player count is less than a half of what it used to be. CCP realise that the game is stagnant and want to fix it. And they realise that null stagnation is a major part of this. But look at what happens when they try to resolve the issue. Nullblock have their players vote with their wallets, blackout is removed and we’re back to where we were before.

What can be done? You think the solution is wiping out certain playstyles which work in hi-sec because some vocal elitist players think their way to play is the only way that should be allowed? Yeah that’s going to have a great result…


Players, like you, can adapt and improve their gameplay.
But you’ve chosen to whine and complain.

So even YOU agree that the game has been stagnant, and yet you want CCP to remove their attempts to make the game less stagnant? Again, this all seems like you’re just selfishly complaining because you don’t like it.