Please remove these annoying roaming trig groups from hi-sec

I don’t understand this at all though–that’s not the game EvE is. You’re right, there are games like that, no one is arguing that you CAN’T design a game that lets you play while AFK. I think the takeaway is that a person looking for that type of game should play that type of game, not demand some entirely other type of game be reshaped to fit their lifestyle.

Again, I sympathize with the notion that sometimes life gets in the way of EvE. Life should always come before EvE. But as has been mentioned several times, there are SO many options to deal with this besides demanding the game be altered:

  1. Do one of the several activities in the game that can be done while safely docked;

  2. If you’re doing something in a dangerous area and have to leave, dock or warp to a safe spot and cloak;

  3. If you know you’re likely to be interrupted–skip playing for that day; or

  4. Accept the fact that occasionally something will interrupt your play session and you might be killed by NPCs or other players and move on.

I don’t see how any of these options are unreasonable. I’m not trying to give you or the OP the business. I’ve just never heard of anyone thinking that a game is unfair or that a game is not properly designed because there is no explicit mechanic that let’s you play in absentia.


The Raznaborg Triglavians can be found on dscan. So they teach new players that are smart to dscan their way through the system they plan on mining in before beginning. This is an incredibly valuable skill to learn.

The trigcursion roaming gangs that will attack on a station undock can be avoided by stopping propulsion without losing your undock invulnerability and then redocking. If you have a decent amount of ehp they will also just web you into warp. This teaches a new player about things like kickout stations and velocities effect on warping. Also incredibly usefull knowledge.


Uh-oh. Did I just commit a serious forum no-no? Ooopsie-do. :ok_man:

Although, you should probably read the rest of that post, I think.

No, you don’t get to relax in this game.
This game never was meant to be relaxing.

Ask CCP Hellmar.



Nobody is saying EVE should be an AFK game. We are saying there should be an option for people who need to regularly go afk to play the game. You would assume hi-sec mining would be good for that, since hi-sec is supposed to be “safe space”. No not completely safe, but safe enough. And mining doesn’t require constant interaction.

So mining is attractive to the kind of player who wants a more laid back session/experience. But now we have random npc ganks. As if the heavy CODE ganking wasn’t enough already. I’m not sure what CCP is trying to achieve here. They want to drive away players?


They loss players.

But there are, aren’t there? Trading, parts of PI, and Project Discovery are all things you can do without worrying if you have to go AFK. I’m almost exclusively an Explorer; when I need to go AFK but don’t want to quit, I cloak up and warp my Astero to a safe space bookmark. I’ve been gone for 10-15 minutes before and remained safe and sound.

I have a seven month old, so believe me, I understand not always being able to pay attention. I would say EvE does a pretty good job of letting me “pause” or end my session earlier than I expected. That being said, I guess I don’t agree that I should be allowed to continue to progress in the game during those periods of time when I’m not actually playing.

I don’t play other MMOs so I don’t know if that’s the norm, but I play a lot of other games, and usually PAUSE is all you get (if that). Would you say those games are intentionally driving away players, or is the MMO genre a different animal? I guess I see it more as a limiting factor on a game’s potential audience, but that’s to be expected, yeah?


How long does it take to press dock. You don’t even have to wait to actually dock.
How long does it take to undock and press warp.

And what happens in other MMOs when you go afk in the middle of a PvE zone (Hint, you die)


It doesn’t work like that. If you mine you can regularly afford to go afk for periods. It’s one of the best activites for people who want a more relaxed play session. If you docked every time you may as well log off and not play.

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Well then, don’t forget to contract me your stuff.
Because you are complaining about a 30 second inconvenience, which if you mined with friends they could remote rep you through a trig attack anyway…
Self inflicted problem here.

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Let me start by saying that I have absolutely no idea whether these roaming trigs are good or bad for the game in the long term, nor do I think anybody really knows, maybe not even CCP yet.

I do, however, have a pretty good idea why they might be good, which is one of the many things you appear to be missing here.

The main problem with the kind of gameplay you appear to be interested in is that it may eventually lead to players quitting the game out of boredom, lack of engagement and/or of interaction with other players, sometimes without even being aware of or having tried things that might have kept them hooked, had them been aware of and tried those things.

Many players totally ignore or underestimate this problem because it’s a process, not something that happens as a result of something in particular that happened at any given moment.

So what can CCP do about it? Well, they appear to have decided that, instead of theorycrafting about it and not do anything until they’re more or less certain what the result will be, they’re gonna shake things up and see what happens, making adjustments as necessary along the way.

For the reasons explained above, that’s not a certainty at all. Only players that don’t understand this game may be “certain” of that. If anything, it’s a possibility that you can be certain CCP has taken into consideration.

That’s not a problem at all. The problem here are the players that totally don’t get what the game is about and think that’s a problem, then waste their and everybody else’s time whining about it on the forums.

They do add value, namely excitement, challenges, incentives to cooperate with other players, etc.

Now, whether high sec or the game in general will shrink because of them I have no idea, I’m not even sure CCP know themselves yet

You don’t have to. You just have to understand that you’re not supposed to be safe if you don’t pay attention. Actually, you’re not supposed to be safe even if you do, so you better learn to deal with that if you want to play this game, triglavs or no triglavs. Don’t make a big deal of losing your ship, be it to other players or to NPCs. That’s part of the game.

You may deal with the impossibility of paying attention all the time in a variety of ways:

  1. Dock up when you cannot be paying attention. This is easy enough that I don’t really understand what the big deal is here, tbh.

  2. Fly cheap, assume you’re gonna lose your ship every now and then as a result of that, and be done with it.

  3. If this is an option (it may not be), fit a good enough tank that will allow you to survive long enough to still be able to get away if you find you’re under attack when you may start paying attention again.

  4. Pick a ship better suited to deal with the dangers of space, e.g. if mining is your thing, consider the possibility of flying an expedition frigate with a cov ops cloak — I don’t really know if this is a good idea in practice, just that it’s a possibility I would consider if I was in your case.

Well, maybe someone did already, I haven’t read all the posts yet, but if not, now someone did. :stuck_out_tongue:

You may play the game however you want, be it paying attention or not. You may play it afk most of the time if you want even. There is nothing in the ToS / EULA that states otherwise, so that’s perfectly fine. What you cannot do is pretend you should be able to do that safely.

Nobody is forcing anyone to do anything. Some players will find having to figure how to deal with those trigs more engaging and interesting, others will only see them as an annoyance and prefer to spend their time playing some other game or doing something else. That’s fine, it’s how things have always been, actually.

You’re just showing your selfish ignorance when you say this.

The only thing wrong about that is you totally not getting what this game is about and making wrong assumptions all the time as a result…


Obviously not, anymore. :wink:


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Nope, I actually like them.


I remember all the people posting about what an amazing thing blackout was. Thousands of lost subs later and blackout was reversed.

Highlights that some people posting they like something on a forum does not equate to good health for subscriptions.

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jUsT aDapT


Adapt or unsub, and the people unsub


As mainly a high sec player, I’ll throw my 2 cents in on this. I think this is a tuning issue more than anything; where the current invasion rats are too effective for what they are doing and probably need to nerfed a little bit to bring them more in line with what is intended.

Think of it this way, in other games, if I stand around in dangerous territories, I will eventually die when a mob wanders into me and starts attacking. Games have chosen to deal with this in a couple ways. If the death penalty is harsh (Eve like) then the mob has sufficient abilities to kill the player overtime if the player takes no action, but not quickly. If the death penalty is trivial (WoW like) then it doesn’t matter as much and the mob can just way-lay the player with no issues.

My assumption is that the invasion mobs in high sec are targeted at multiboxers, bot and afk players, meaning a live, attentive player could defeat or run from the rats with relatively no issues.

The two problems CCP has is that they haven’t really told the new player that they need to run from some fights and in some cases, the rats do so much alpha that by the time the player determines they need to run, its too late. Eve has no “skull” indicator to let the player know the rat is out of their league.

The second problem is how do rats get tuned to take out an AFK Mackinaw, while not completely ganking a Venture or other T1 frigate. To me, it seems like the rats need to spawn in waves, with the first wave being fairly easy to defeat. A second wave should spawn in the distance from the engagement battle and travel towards the player. This can be a swarm or some bigger ships, but it basically needs to relay the message to the player that if they don’t get out of there, they’re going to die. The swarm should stay at their location for a random amount of time.


That’s a bunch of Bullsh*t, multi-account players don’t buy PLEX with real money, they PLEX their accounts with ISK.

It’s the single account casual players who pay for subs, buy PLEX for ISK, skins, etc.

So I guess “Basic principles of accounting and economics” are in the endless tome of, “Topics you don’t understand, but want to remark on anyway.”

Should we skip right to the crayola-level lessons like that one time we had to spend 30 posts explaining the definition of “concurrent” to you?