Please Teach your customer support the rules of the game



is there a rule for ā€œwarning about a known scammerā€?
you are right ā€¦ scamming is not forbiden but same goes for warning about it

look here ā€¦ take care ā€¦ this guy is a scammer ā€¦

guess its allowed

this doesnt mean that it is not allowed to warn he is a scammer
its not anti-competitive ā€¦ anti-competitive would be if i write in the same thrad i sell the same stuff for 10% less ā€¦ that would be against the rules but not that someone says he is a scammer ā€¦ that not anti-competitive ā€¦



wow ā€¦ ok ā€¦ didnt saw that coming that fast
looks very good to me
looks like 2x T2 BPO are to sell
you proved you have the BPOs and are willing to sell

like i said ā€¦ i saw the threads and i dont call it anti-competitive to warn that you have scammed befor


Well to be fair. Warning people that you are scammerā€¦ is not anti competitive behavior. Your character has been marked as scammer and you even mentioned you are one.

I donā€™t see anything wrong with warning people, it is up to them then to be more caution when they decide to go ahead and deal with you.

Use an alt to sell the BPO then. Then you do not have worry about the stigma of your char being labeled a scammer. You made that decision then live with the consequences.

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This. Because this is the natural counter to the scam.

Iā€™ve addressed this in my last post. To me anything against the proposed offer is anti-competitive, which I accept might not what the rule meant to say, but currently the blanket statement is at least not specific enough, maybe just for me. I think it would be helpful if it was made clearer what it means exactly.

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Wellā€¦it does not go against the offerā€¦it goes against the simple fact that it is a scam.
And anti scam behaviour is not equal to anti competive behaviour simply because scamming is NOT a ā€œregularā€ buisness.
Itā€™s not illegal but itā€™s just tolerated by ccp.
But anti scam behaviour is tolerated also so thereā€™s no problem at all as far as i can seeā€¦and no need to complain as scammer to ā€œbeeing hindered in the buisnessā€ because scamming is seen as ā€œtolerated side buisnessā€ by ccp but itā€™s more like the unwanted child of a one night stand than really ā€œpart of the buisness familyā€ :slight_smile:

Alright Mr. Whiteknight Ari
Step back from the keyboard so people can have conversations without you telling everyone that what they say is irrelevant when itā€™s not


@Uriel_the_Flame maybe you are right and it should have a better explanation what the rule real say ā€¦ for mit its clear that this is not anti-competitive but maybe its wron

in this case @Serenity_Fireslayer clould proof that he owns the BPOs so this is not a scam

but again ā€¦ i dont see it anti-competitive ā€¦ it says only ā€œtake good care everything is okā€

oh it is regular bussines ā€¦


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Link to the thread in question please?

Iā€™m not sure wether I read the right thread. If it is the one about T2 BPOs, I donā€™t see the trolling. People there remark that youā€™re a known scammer and you keep replying to it. No one owns a thread. The opening post more or less sets the frame and within that and the ToS, everyone is free to state their opinion. Since scamming is a valid possibility in that subsection of the forum, discussing the possible scam-behaviour of any seller or buyer should be considered on topic.

So unless anything else happened that would constitute trolling, I think youā€™re wrong on this one.

If you truly feel youā€™re being trolled, the first step would always be to flag a post. Remember though, that neither the GM nor the ISD is the Forum police or your personal army. Flagging on-topic replies that donā€™t breach the ToS or otherwise constitute disruptive behaviour, could get you in trouble for abuse of the report system.

Now from what you write, it seems the GMā€™s already ruled against intervening. Unless youā€™ve brought up new arguments, I donā€™t think anything will change their position. In such a case petitioning a GMā€™s decision might need to be reviewed by a different GM and that might take time. You should also be careful here though. Simply petitioning because you can and because you donā€™t like the outcome, could be seen as abuse of the system as well.

In the light of all that, it seems that your opening statement is very biased by your current experience of not getting the confirmation you want and may or may not ever get in this case.

Whatever the outcome, I think the generalized statement is pretty drastic and not fair. Customer Support is usually doing a great job. They reply quickly and Iā€™ve pretty much always experienced them as reasonable. They replied to you and they think you are wrong in this case. Me too. Calling them out for that and expecting them to waste their summer days on replying to a request that will anyway be deniedā€¦ meh.


The rules thread is not gone, itā€™s still there.

Threads unpin themselves for you once youā€™ve read them.

Also, donā€™t discuss moderation. Thread closed.