Please Wait 9 Hours to Give More Likes :psyccp:

:crystal_ball: Concentrate and ask again

Leave discobot alone. They did nothing to you.


@discobot fortune

:crystal_ball: Yes definitely

1 Like

@discobot fortune

:crystal_ball: Don’t count on it

Wow… I think I will biomass. :frowning:

Hi! To find out what I can do, say @discobot display help.

@discobot quote

:left_speech_bubble: Bad things are not the worst things that can happen to us. Nothing is the worst thing that can happen to us! — Richard Bach

@discobot rm -rf --no-preserve-root /

Trust is a thing again in EvE ? Oh dear.
And about these ‘Quality comments’: who determines what is ‘Quality’ ? Apparently not the forum users who cannot give likes when they want to nor receive the likes that were given because of ‘quota’.
The only honest way is either to leave likes alone or get rid of them altogether (we’ll use the old +1 again instead).

And please save us from ‘trust levels and associated powers’. We come to the forums to speak our minds, exchange opinions and thoughts, and sometimes to debate, but not to get ‘powers’. And in the process we sometimes express appreciation for good posts, ideas we like or points well made, via ‘likes’. Implementing limits on likes, because “it factors into trust level rankings”, not only feels wrong, the whole concept of both aspects being tied is wrong.

tl;dr: Likes are not a quality measurement. They are a social interaction indicator.


Did you just try to kill discobot? :scream:

@discobot quote

Edit: it’s dead

1 Like

All to distract the players from the poor,unprofessional dev work lately(since the end of(extremely needed) pve favorism exactly).

You are killing your own game and come up with …THIS…?


@discobot killall -9 tranquility

We’ll pick up the convo in this thread.

First of all, you’re wrong, as always, ■■■■■■■ miner… ;–) If I had to guess, I would imagine the most likely use case for this power is that users will “clean up” locked threads with retroactive self-moderation. I highly doubt it will be used to allow for indirect continuation of discussion or for having the last word on items, though I don’t consider the latter point to be too terrible simply because it provides ‘clarity’ in one’s final position if nothing else.

IIRC the OP of a locked thread could not edit the thread (and I know for a fact they cannot delete the thread, but could flag it for moderation if they wanted to ask for it to be deleted, though that request might not be honored). Given that OP could not delete their own locked thread, it is likely that edit and/or delete restrictions did - or do now after messing with the levels - exist for lower trust levels.

What do you mean???

Relax… Discobot has been part of discourse for a long time. It’s also not something that is developed by CCP.

shhhh let him believe.

Dammit you are right. I failed my own words. :cry:

Don’t be so hard on yourself, Jayce. Remember, as one famous person once said: @discobot quote

EDIT: I was hoping for something awkwardly less relevant but… discobot repeatedly fails me…