I think you are sincere in your apology . As to whether Lucas accepts your apology is another matter, but he’s typing anyway so we’ll see. Not even sure if he was bothered by it to begin with - I was the one who was affronted on his behalf LOL
I don’t want to rez the moderation of forums topic, so I only bring up the following because:
it can help prevent thread lockouts in case this too-many-flags-results-in-lockout mechanism becomes permanent (I hope not)
I don’t think it as brought up before the thread was closed
ISD have the ability to message users directly. I know this for a fact based on a message I received from ISD not too long ago (I didn’t do anything bad, it was for something else ). Now as most forum regulars know I am friends with a few forum trolls of an assorted variety - they’ve never mentioned to me that they’ve ever been messaged by ISD asking them to alter their behavior. To my knowledge, none of us (collectively) have ever received messages asking us to tone down the banter, the vitriol, the flagging, etc - I’m pretty sure if ISD actually issued some messages every now and then - verbal warnings - that might deter some of this behavior. If verbal warnings are introduced, the more likely ISD/CCP will be willing to use bans or trust level demotions, etc, since these users will have known these actions were bound to take place and there is no excuse for them NOT to have altered their behavior.
With respect to what is relevant in THIS thread (ie. not to rez the moderation of forums thread), these verbal warnings on excessive flagging may help prevent thread locks. Now, if you look at how Discourse Trust Levels work, you’ll see it is very easy to go from Trust Level 0 to Trust Level 1 where the flag power is granted (by default), and while the requirements (and powers) can be calibrated for each trust level, it doesn’t change the fact that it is easy to advance levels in general (esp. from L0 to L1), at which point a rogue user farming forum alts, maybe using TOR, could go on flagging sprees and lock out a whole bunch of threads on either throwaway or reusable-but-not-ban-worthy alts. It’s worth pointing out that rogue flaggers could be permanently restricted to a lower trust level where they can’t flag anymore, though I would imagine this is unlikely to be a worthwhile alternative to soft/hard banning since most of these accounts would probably be throwaways or infrequent users to begin with. A forum regular would have to be pretty hardheaded for them to continue on a flagging spree after being asked to stop, but they could just have that flag privilege revoked via permanent trust level demotion instead of banned in such an edge case.
Well-behaved forum users aren’t going to be happy having threads locked just because a handful of forum users went crazy with flagging, and ISDs aren’t going to want increased admin load manually unlocking these threads ahead of the 4 hour timer.
This mechanism is probably a bad idea for several reasons - do I need to list them out?
Bad idea or not, ISD should issue messages to users more as a stepping stone toward ‘other measures’
(P.S. if @Wanda_Fayne keeps up her trolling, she can expect an invitation to join #TeamTroll in the mail any day now .)
This is news to me. I’ll have to ask my troll friends (some of which have been banned before) if they’ve gotten those verbal warning messages (prior to being banned) - maybe they have and never mentioned it… if they haven’t… then yes, I see your point . (@Lucas_Kell as one of the better stock of the forums, I’m honestly surprised you’ve gotten warnings, even if you haven’t kissed up to ISD before )
Anyway, the problem we face here is that is that it will be total ■■■■■■■■ if this thread lockout mechanism becomes a thing AND they don’t issue warnings more uniformly than they have now to help mitigate flagging sprees. ISDs are going to need to step up manual unlocking + warnings if they insist on having that horrible-idea mechanism in place
It’s been 2 weeks since you messed with the forums, I just gave out 6 likes and got a message notice saying I had to wait 4 hours before giving out more likes. You say the cap is at 20 yet I’m not allowed to even give out 10 likes.
One of the later changes - one that happened after “Regular” was renamed to “Veteran” - involved silent demotions (though some users were repromoted after a while). It is possible you were one of the users who got demoted. That, and/or the levers continue to be messed with and/or the like window is longer than 24 hours. I don’t know anymore, this is getting absurd.
This is what we’re waiting for. This mythical post explaining what changes are bring made and why they are made and what mystical properties they must have that make the forums a better place. As far as I can tell, it’s just pissing off users. The activation of @discobot is just going to lead to a lot of spam, too.
Technology is so confusing. If given the opportunity, I’d go back to riding a horse, but after posting on these forums for a few months, I feel that I’ve beaten it to death, and then never stopped.