Please Wait 9 Hours to Give More Likes :psyccp:

Could be also Regular and a veteran badge… i sadly don’t have either one … dammit

Interestingly, I have the Basic, Capsuleer, and Veteran badges, but do not have Regular, which supports Gadget’s guess that the earlier Veteran tag loss was due to more fidgeting with the settings rather than a trust level demotion (as I should have gotten Regular awarded at that trust level).

@Gerard_Amatin @Archer_en_Tilavine @Jonah_Gravenstein Your profiles all say you are Veterans again, by the way. Or it doesn’t revoke the badge when your level drops?

EDIT: Nobody who bounced back and forth has the Regular badge, so apparently you cannot have both badges at once? But it doesn’t seem to revoke assigned titles when ranking up (see Gerard who is now Veteran but still displays the Regular title as of this post) unlike when ranking down.

Archer got a notification from Discobot that he received the veteran’s badge

Glitches in the matrix; I’ve seen that damn cat again.

So I previously lost the badge and only had Basic and Capsuleer. Then after a couple of days of normal forum interaction I was repromoted to Veteran and was notified by that-which-shall-not-be-named. I could be wrong but I think I was moderated once or twice in that time frame and still got promoted.

… Does Regular just not have a badge? That’s sad.

They did until a few hours ago

How do I give myself a custom title beside the name, like in EVE?

Yeah how do you change your title here? @Archer_en_Tilavine how did you get Veteran like that?

Explanations for titles are found somewhere at the start of this thread

Why cant I use Admired or Devotee? :psyccp:

I am a Librocubicularist.

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Extramuralisation is needed to prevent asphyxiation caused by the dutch oven effect.

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@CCP_Aurora please do not enable the weaponization of flags… it takes only one or two users to go on a flagging spree to lock up a thread for no good reason. There have already been some individuals who have explicitly, insubordinately stated that they are going to go on flagging sprees against ISD’s requests that they do not (see moderation of forums thread, RIP).

Did you even look at the closed threads? They got shut down by your buddies that like to spam flag a certain poster.

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It’s possible, I wouldn’t know their flagging patterns, but they’d probably exercise more restraint flagging if this thread lockout mechanism becomes permanent (I hope not, it’s stupid). As for them targeting specific posters… I mean, all I can say is that some posters have a habit of regularly posting flag-worthy crap :man_shrugging:

For the record, I didn’t flag your opening post of that thread you just posted, and I don’t know who did.

Stop campaigning already. The election is not until next year.

You know as well as I do that now that they know they have this power, they’ll shut down every thread they feel like. They have nothing else to do since getting everyone they like to argue with banned.

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I don’t think they know about this thread-locking power. I personally just learned about it by reading your post which was what? 20 minutes ago? Those of us that regularly talk to each other hadn’t previously mentioned it before either. I’m letting them know right now.

Yeah, I’ve observed this before. No one has ever admitted that they’re the ones doing it but I think I know who is. I’ll ask them to cut it out. Let Darlo be Darlo, ease the admin load on ISD, and stop locking out threads :+1:



As a matter of fact more than 95% of my posts are restored after being flagged by those guys…

But i know that this does not fit into your bubble so you didn’t mention this little piece of reality in your post…