Please Wait 9 Hours to Give More Likes :psyccp:

Uh… kay


Not sure what you’re trying to accomplish with this but I’ve been a member of the forum community for over 12 years, and now my forum privileges is reset back to a new member?

Current Forum STATS

  • 1.0k days visited
  • 60d read time
  • 4d recent read time
  • 5.5k topics viewed
  • 188k posts read
  • 53.0k LIKES given
  • 26 topics created
  • 5.8k posts created
  • 7.7k LIKES received
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Please define “not policing”?

You should take a look at the blog I linked above, it explains the types of requirements for higher trust ranks. Also you can get demoted after not being active, so a 12 year history does not automatically put you at the highest rank.

Also, did you try to manually activate the regular/veteran badge like the rest of us did?

Policing would involve shutting down the likes-trading thread, I suppose.

We’re not going to tell you what a ‘good’ like is or isn’t. And I may increase the cap a bit here to be less restrictive.

So its not the quality of agreement, its the volume?

The idea is that volume is limited so you have to be more selective about quality.

People like sometimes completely offensive posts.
How do you filter good likes from bad likes?

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We don’t, but higher trust levels are gated for recently approved flags so those likes won’t boost someone up over to the next rank.

And are these ranks mechanically important?

The farming of trust can be done by making alts or by brigading.

I would like all trust levels removed and everyone be equal.

The likes should not be a tool to gain anything.


Never knew clicking on the heart icon had a cooldown.

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Check out this article to explain it in a bit more depth than I’d be able to do here without copy pasting:

Moderators have tools to control this, like locking trust levels, and approved flags are factored into whether or not someone is eligible for trust level 3.

Right now this is just an experiment, if you have issues please bring them to my attention. If brigading becomes a real problem it will be a fair bit of work (due to the rather high requirements) and easy to lose as we can lock someone down with a click.

Yes I did look at that blog you linked which is why I said

Yeah, I’ve been a member of the forum community for over 12 years but those stats I listed are from this forum which has only been active for 3 years.

I don’t have a Regular/Veteran Badge which is why I posted my question and stats to CCP Aurora. Seems I’m being ignored, probably been labeled as a bad forum poster.

Hmm ok, I see the principle.

No issues as yet, but I suppose the proof is in the pudding, as they say

If there have been over a certain number of approved moderation flags within the last few months then you may be gated out of trust level 3 by the algorithm. It can still be earned, but takes time. It can also be lost if forum activity dips or anything along those lines.

It has now. Heaven forbid we like each other too much.

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It would be interesting if it were somehow linked with inside the game also.

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