Honestly? As neutered as the EVE Forums are in terms of being heavily locked down feature-wise, the trust levels are basically superficial. There is almost zero difference between a new poster and the highest trust level. Off the top of my head the only two notable differences are the ability to tag multiple users and the ability to post URLs. And yes, I did read the blog, and my thoughts are this: after factoring in disabled features, there is no reason why users cannot very quickly climb the ladder to the highest trust level. In fact, I think new users should be able to climb to the highest rank in a very, very short period of time. At the barest of minimums, higher trust levels should not be capped. Regulars should not be capped. Alternatively, users should not be limited as to how many likes they give, but they number of likes counted toward promotion within a given time frame will be capped (ie. if a new user gives 9999999 likes, only 20 of those will count within a given time frame).
The Discourse implementation of wikis is complete and total garbage, and the room for abuse is unfathomable. Given that EVE players are extremely tech-savvy, if a wiki were so beneficial we’d just roll our own or utilize existing ones like EVE Uni wiki for editing. I would not trust even permitting the highest trust levels the ability to create and edit wikis, I honestly would not, it would be a HORRIBLE idea knowing who specifically on the forums have these trust levels (no shortage of idiots and trolls and penny-pinchers and hijackers)
Please make more badges usable as titles. Xeux want Empathetic, I want Aficionado, etc.
TLDR: you guys are fixing what’s not broken and are making things worse with these specific tweaks. I would, however, like to direct your attention to the Forum Ideas and Feature Requests category where some solid ideas for improving the forums (admittedly with SOME requiring some custom coding) have been made that will actually have a meaningful impact.
Back in the days before likes, you’d get a post quoted dozens of times with the only reply being “This”. It made a real mess out of trying to glean any actual information out of popular threads since you had to wade trough a few hundred “this” posts to find anything of actual substance.
I’d hate to see the return of that. But I fear limiting likes may just bring it back.
I once knew a highly political backstabbing person in a large corporation who accidentally used Lotus Notes to resend all the emails she ever sent (many very shitty emails), each one to everyone in the company.
So… apparently we can edit titles of move categories of other people’s posts… if you don’t believe me, check the title of this thread…
@Rich_Darine please don’t change title back - I want to demonstrate to CCP/ISD just how dangerous these new powers are. We really, really shouldn’t have these powers. @CCP_Aurora you really need to disable this. Can you imagine? Person submits proposal, hostile Forum Regular retitles it as “stupidest ■■■■■■■ idea ever”, or moves it to fanfiction out of spite, etc.
@ISD_Dorrim_Barstorlode for the love of the Eggplant Goddess please moderate us. We need you now more than ever, Vice Admiral Batman!