PLEX Hit 7m Today!

You can’t run away from your problems into a pixelated world though. Once you log off you’re faced with them once again.
And this isn’t the game, it’s the forum and PLEX isn’t bought in the game, it is bought in real life on a real-life website.

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Early predictions have PLEX breaking 10m by next November. Unless we something drastic happen - but CCP hasn’t had a PLEX sale greater than 40% in recent memory (and for most players opting to buy PLEX, this is typically < 30%).

I’m 99.99% certain this doesn’t include PLEX. But it would be extremely interesting to know how much PLEX players and corporations have squirrelled away…

To be in the 1% you’d need to have a net worth of 24.31T ISK; to be in the 1% of the 1% - a net worth of 243B ISK.

I have no interest in collecting Plex, but I did donate some to the MSB for their 10th anniversary. I think I paid 5.2 M per unit. I took a look at Eve Tycoon history and from the looks of it, this dipped to 2.5 M from April 2020 to April 2022. This dip in the chart would indicate the game had positive boost from the Covid lockdown as many online games did those years. Otherwise it would seem lower population means few purchases and thus higher demand from non-paid omega players.

People who convert ISK to Plex to get their omega drive the price higher. If there were more people selling Plex then the price would again drop. This is nothing more than the lesson of supply and demand. I was gas mining before that change they made in the ship builds causing gas prices to drop. I continued to mine but stored my gas instead. The booster gases are back up selling once again, so I have been selling off my gas reserves.

Assuming some people are hoarding Plex to sell high, I don’t think it would be much of a short term investment. For example, anyone buying Plex for ISK in 2021 at 2.2 M and selling it at 6.4 M today would make less than 4 M after tax and broker fees. You always have to take into account the initial cost and investments over time. If Plex jumps to 10 M in 2025, it would be a valid short term investment to buy, since the history shows only a 1.6 M increase in the last fiscal year. However a massive Plex sale could kill your investment quickly.

Have fun!

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I think many players (just my idle speculation) are trying to establish a small stash of PLEX for a “rainy day” - even if this means spending a few dollars in real currency.

It’s somewhat cost prohibitive (and speculative) to convert ISK to PLEX right now (for reasons you touched on) - unless you absolutely need it to fund your Omega subscription.

With the PLEX sales ending - I think we could see PLEX pushing 7m by New Year’s…

We’re up to 6.48m. Will be curious to see if this holds or starts to pull back as some players take profits…

And we just passed 6.7m…!

I think that is highly unlikely and you’re making a massive assumption.

Human beings are inherently focused on short term rewards and are very bad at planning and saving for the future. This is a function of evolution and whilst some individuals and societies place greater emphasis on things such as retirement planning/saving, that behaviour is still counter to the norm and to the way our brains have evolved. I suspect very strongly that the same patterns of behaviour will be seen in the virtual world when it comes to short vs long term thinking and the saving or consumption of resources.

I think you’re projecting your own views on everyone else and actually “most” players will not be accumulating a stash of PLEX at all, most players will behave according to their nature and will buy what they need when they need it, and then use them immediately.

Only CCP will know for sure what the trends are but if you are looking for the major forces moving the PLEX market, I doubt that player saving/hording behaviour will be one of them.

The humans you know irl, maybe.

But the humans that stick with this game longer than a week are the exact opposite. Everything in this game is based on patience and long term planning.

Arthur is right, in my opinion. Most players are probably sitting on PLEX stashes.

Mr Epeen :sunglasses:

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Well, there aren’t any current PLEX or NES sales - so I guess we’ll see what happens with PLEX. My guess is it will continue to increase.

< 1400 PLEX under 6.7m; buy orders are now over 6.4m.

100 x6,700,000 = 670,000,000 / 6 USD barely two exhumer hulls.

You can’t expect people paying real dollar amounts to not sell for max game value and those that Plex say 40-50 a week on there hobby no longer want to walk away with say 4.8 a unit after taxes and broker fees.

Other sellers have smartened up rather then liquidating immediately they are now selling on the market. Plex is a resource someone paid out of pocket for, it’s not a right it’s a privilege

Seems reasonable to me.

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Is the tail trying to wag the dog?

I see 6.24m as a high…

The game critically needs a bigger ISK sink

CCP needs to stop selling gold.

Mr Epeen :sunglasses:


The sell volume vs. buy volume is fairly telling.

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The bubble will still burst. Just takes time…

meh… It could be worse. Over at Cryptic Studios, all their PLEX ( Zen ) is bought with another 2nd special currency depending on which of the 3 games you are playing. Neverwinter has to be the worst of the 3 games to purchase the cash currency called Zen. They use Astral Diamonds, they cap the daily amount Astral Diamonds ( AD ) you can make paid or free. Then they capped the amount you can charge other players to buy your Zen. Selling your zen is almost immediate AD but limited to the maximum of the market cap. Problem with selling zen for AD, there is absolute ziltch to buy with the AD in a special AD store. I think they are waiting with a backlog near one year. You place an order and will wait months to see any return. They have a total of 3 games running on the stupid system, Champions Online, Star Trek, and Neverwinter. I would avoid them altogether, I haven’t touched them in several years.

Fly Safe o7

And PLEX has now reached 7m… quite a day!

I will wait till 10m and I will sell all my stocks and PLEX will be again on 2m after that.

I don’t think we’re going to see PLEX drop to 2m anytime in our lifetimes… 10m, though - I think we’ll see that before long (after a short dip overnight, we’re back to sell orders @ 6.9m).