PLEX is too cheap

I was actually looking at the markets and PLEX and various ship hulls and items to fit them for last few days.

To me its a good thing. First off PLEX was artificially inflated by the sheer number or rampart bots, market manipulators etc. Note that while PLEX is cheaper so is almost everything else with exception of some modules and a few hulls, rest of them are all much cheaper.

So just because PLEX is less ISK doesn’t mean that it buys you less stuff, because vast majority of that stuff is cheaper too. I think it needs to comedown still a lot more, maybe down to 1 bil / 500 PLEX.

Ideally we want PLEX to oscillate up and down at least once a year (preferably more often), including isk inflation.

When it goes up too long or down too long, there is a problem somewhere.

The upcoming reduction in PLEX for Buddies will likely increase cost of PLEX ingame, as influx supply is systemically cut down.

Or because it’s been going downhill for so long, the problem was fixed?

Ideally we want PLEX to go down atleast once a year (preferably more often), including isk inflation.

I’m not going to tell you why though, because it’s a secret.

They had to do it, it was long overdue. The Plex for Buddies mechanics was heavily abused.

I remember a looong thread in which some people crapped all over me for calling the Buddy PLEX “free” in conjunction with SP farm creation.

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It certainly was free and while I don’t know the thread, I can imagine people were not happy about interference.

CCP closed this loophole and bound any rewards to people actually buying stuff with real money. Took them long enough.

What kind of idiot would try to lower the value of plex right before a 25% off sale?

A smart idiot :wink:

Starter packs on 60% discount, PLEX 25% --> CCP pushing hard

Bot runners driving the price down --> RMT people pushing hard

Not too often you see the stars line up like this! Let’s see how much we can go down :grinning:

Six month break and nothing changes. On GD at least.

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A smart idiot with 250 billion to risk.

Let’s just inject a hint of reality here.

There is no correct Price for Plex, it will be manipulated, subject to cartel actions, the general game economy, and the belief system surrounding it being a secure store of wealth.

However there is far more Plex in circulation than could ever possibly be redeemed. So the Perception drives the value, far more than the underlying reality. Whilst people are happy to store it, the value will hold, once that perception changes, far more will be put on the market to be sold than redeemed, and the price will reset, hard.

Plex sales, offers, and buddy rewards do not change the underlying perception, so the affect is quite small. If however people believe that CCP are unhappy with the Plex price, or planning major reductions in value, then that Changes the perception, with the aforementioned effects resulting.

As it stands the sales increase income for CCP, at little risk of destabilising the market. Although a lower price would benefit the ecosystem, too rapid a change would not.

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There’s two of those though. In simple terms, the venture, and the dynamic. The first being CCP’s accounting, the second being the in game pressure vat of behavioural psychology.

That first one is a bit slim, but stable. The second one has an adverse relation with stability, it actually requires a constant of cyclic disruptions in order to function best for growth purposes.

EVE has no mechanisms of entropy, so in order to grow that second one, CCP has to regularly shake things up for more than just tweaking, in order to grow the first one. They haven’t done much in that regard since going F2P, yes there’s been releases, but they only add niches and tweaks. In both behavioural psychology and game theory that’s not the same thing as what’s required. In truth, the only real change in terms of cyclic disruption was that of the carrier changes, which really should be applied to Rorquals but that’s a different debate :stuck_out_tongue:

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Hey Cam, how are you doing?

You’re alive! Got banned?

If you want a nice change of on your perspective on life start considering every single one to be true. All of them. No exceptions. I do that. You’d be amazed how that works out compared to not believing any of them, which is just ignorant and boring.

We live on a flat, hollow planet with aliens watching over us having a big machinery rotating the star around our plane, and all of the alien ships have a big triangle with a circle in the middle (the illuminati!). They’re coming from Sirius, are mixed breed of dog people and reptilians and they’ve crash landed in Roswell back … you know when, I forgot.

Pre WW2 they’ve infiltrated the US and german governments (not the top ranking positions, because that’s not necessary. Just key positions in key agencies) with the decades long goal is to get rid of white people because they’re a cancerous race of warmongers. Hitler was just a part of that. That’s why the east is being destabilized for decades post WW2 (thanks USA) with the predictable outcome of people flooding europe (thanks germany) and the “refugees” are going to outbreed the europeans sooner rather than later (thanks islam).

Reason for that is that these guys are rather dumb and more easily controllable through media and entertainment. In the meantime the US is being grown more and more into a culture of defenseless idiots waiting for a fake terrorist attack driving all those clueless, helpless people into begging the government for providing them with food, shelter and security.

When everything’s true, including all the contradictionary stuff, then nothing’s true and it’s just the most fascinating story ever told.

Right, I think that’s the issue with both believing and not believing. Believe itself, at least in my main language, would be a conviction that is unchallenged and unchallengeable by any means, and usually has been introduced to the believer in a way that fits the broader definition of violence.

Therefor “It could be”, certainly is amongst the strongest weapons of reason, if not selectively applied and, very important, if accompanied by other categories of perception than 1 or 0, true or false. Such other categories would include practical relevance, common or singular goals, some others and finally humbleness in face of the realistic possibility that material rules over thought.

It’s a nice story, just as the ones in the bible or koran. It could be, it could be a trillion other ways. The one thing that is most interesting about this paragraph, is the idea that the planet would be both flat and hollow. This is something that directly challenges our capability of perception. Fly an airplane, use a telescope to watch the moon, experience gravity - all of those strongly suggest that a believe in this planet being flat would pretty much be insane.

Now, if you challenge and negate the possibility of humans to perceive, then of course you can come up with anything, everything really. That’s what last thursdayism is about. Going back to my first point, it bears the question of relevance.

Let me do this:
If, we were completely wrong in all our assumptions and perceptions, wouldn’t that mean the only thing that ever could be relevant for us would still be what we think we can perceive using scientific methods? If you were to believe that all your perceptions are wrong, you could never tell when they’re suddenly right. So you go for relevance, unless you also believe that you don’t have to eat.

Belief in that context, such as in gods or a flat earth, mostly has the problem, that it picks out a highly limited view on the infinite possiblities, yet fights for them with utter conviction. That’s why belief is most probably just another word for a massively shared illusion. If such an illusion at least have a good effect, I don’t mind it so much - if not, it goes against the development of humans.

The issue with this is of course, that it goes far beyond doubting our ability to perceive. On the contrary. It tells a detailed story with intent and mixing up the realm of infinite im/possibilities with what we can perceive.

So basically it goes like this:

  1. “Everything is a lie, therefor your view on the world is wrong”.
  2. “Now let me tell you the actual truth” (picks a story of their own liking, such as a racist ideology)

When you mix up fiction (as in: things that we can’t prove right or wrong because we can’t prove that our perception is right) with things that we actually commonly perceive, the outcome of that is even wronger than everything else we can’t prove and everything that we can perceive but might be limited.

In this case it obviously has a purpose to reinforce certain political notions.

Even just for practical reasons I reject any notion where the ultimate goal is the weakening of human kind. That goes against neonazis just as much as against islamists, against exploiters just as much as against selfish consumers, against the lazy dumb idiots as much as against the diligent dumb intellectuals, against people who prey on the weak just as much as people who glorify weakness.

Not for me. It’s much more challenging and interesting to come to a common understanding of things with every human and other being, than to take the lazy way out and reside in ones own head, where it is easy to declare everything to be true and non-true.

Actually I had this discussion in RL several times and I came up with the solution to slap the person fascinated by this in the face. It works wonders. It may not make them understand that their own thinking is formed by their material existence and the material preconditions, but it’s a start.

I hope you know that I made the story up, based on all the thing’s I’ve learned in the years. The amount of considerable possibilities is mind boggling, only dwarfed by the unconsiderable ones. No one actually believes this. Many people believe some of it, though, to varying degrees.

I don’t know. When i say I believe them all, then I that’s a different way of saying that I acknowledge each and every single one as true, including the contradicting ones… as I have written above and why we are living on a flat, hollow earth. : - )

I would not oppose anyone when he start talking with me about this. I would dive into it, enjoy it, and accept it as a thing in his mind. That goes far beyond people who believe in conspiracy theories and makes me a rather enjoyable person to have around IRL, while I do not even need to pretend. I simply believe them. It’s how they’re currently wired and that is nothing that can be changed by a single conversation. Besides … it’s none of my business.

Modern day US of A, btw.

Believing something really does not mean that you have to be stuck on it and defending it. It is not a rule of behaviour, or law. The defensive behaviour comes from a person feeling attacked for his views (as you point out at the end of the paragraph, unless i misunderstand), because he is too immature to accept that his views might be wrong. It’s not nature, it’s nurture. It’s people identifying with what they know, what they say, what they buy.

That’s why you have “wars” between consoleros and PC Master Racers. Both are retarded, immature, self un-aware idiots who fight for an imaginary “social status” they do not actually have outside of their imagination.

We need to sometimes remind ourselves that this is not a world wide thing, but actually pretty much restricted to the western countries. The rest of the world makes fun of “us” for it, so I’ve heard, and they do so for very good reasons.

No. That would be too limited. There must be room for mystique and esoteric. There is no harm done in believing in fairies protecting your roads, for example. It comes with added benefits, because people more likely care about things that way.

There’s nothing wrong in teaching children (enter random nordic myths) either. Usually it teaches them good stuff, instead of bad stuff, compared to what the west is suffering from: Loss of value, loss of sense for the greater good, loss of sense for community, loss of sense for the family, loss of traditions. Things that gave emotional stability to people are nowadays being frowned upon in the name for a fake individuality most people actually are incapable of achieving.

There is no harm done in believing in Sol (our star, not me : - ) being the only, one true God either, though I do not actually do that. I do not label our star beyond the given name, because why would i. My approach is extremely reasonable and scientifically accurate in regards to “what made us, why are we alive, what controls literally everyone’s behaviour in some way, etc”. Our star has, not once, spoken to me. Sol warms me, literally brightens my day and makes me feel better whenever I am under “it’s” shining light.

I believe that the true reason for all of this to have started is that it allows rulers to divert feelings of “believing in ones self” to be diverted away from… well … ones self … but I digress and it does not actually matter anyway.

The problems only begin when people start declaring that their God actually speaks. Demands. Requires. Rules. George W. Bush publicly declaring that God spoke to him and a crapton of people believing it. The problems begin when there are decades of low budget education forced onto our children, creating the adults we are seeing now, combined with religious movements deliberately attempting to create a counter culture of anti-scientific people, combined with a system that teaches one thing the most: Authority is more important than Fact.

I know my post seems written in a weird way, but I feel like you can actually keep up. : - )

Well, your individualistic view does not matter and you should correct it, because the math checks out.

You are really off the road here. You need to be reminded that you do not understand the concept, either because you don’t, or because I fail to communicate it properly … i suspect a bit of both.

When you eventually learn to consider everything to be true, then you will have what is called “an open mind”. When everything is believed to be true, the world immediately turns into a realm of possibilities and all opposition ceases. You will eventually question the point of the word “is” and learn that E-Prime should be mandatory for everyone.

The point is that they believe it, and I believe it with them, sharing their belief. That does not mean I would help a rapist doing his thing if he asked me to. It means that I understand what is going wrong in his ■■■■■■ up mind and that I can empathize and feel what he’s going through. My personal opinions usually do not matter to me, because - in general - opinons can change unless you’re a self un-aware moron stuck in a mental cage.

Believing everything to be true does not mean that I am hardwired for anything. On the contrary. I am hardwired for almost nothing but natural fundamentals/essentials.

Btw … nothing could change the inevitable outcome of me snapping a rapists neck if it was necessary. I ain’t ever gonna be friends with rapists. (imagine you get to know an ex-con by accident in a bar and talk for an hour and only then it is being revealed). I value “community” and “family”, which means that anyone disturbing it has to go through me as well… hence my presence on this forum.

I accept absolutely most people except those who do harm for whatever reason. You can see me in threads about ganking, wars and afk cloaking, and now you know why. Whiners attempt to bully out legitimate gameplay with their hate against those who actually “live” a more natural way of “life”.

They want to restrict us or get rid of us by using words, without having any claws or teeth. They represent something that goes counter against millions of years of evolutionary progress. The only reason these people are allowed to speak is because there is an entity protecting them from the inevitable mass killing that would happen if they actually had to deal with consequences for their actions.

Fascism is something i heavily oppose for obvious reasons and this board harbors many. Too many.

You should not do that. Instead accept his views, be open minded to what is going on in his brain (but without looking down on him) and attempt to combine his views with actual reality. Remember that you need to accept that the world is a realm of possibilities, which also means THAT (and i am using this as a representative example: )

There is no reason not to believe that there is not a political conspiracy going against certain populations of certain nations. All evidence points at top level politicians deliberately ■■■■■■■ us over and the only thing that keeps more people from realizing is the fact that there are a lot more people with low budget education nowadays than in the past, and even more people being lost in materalism, consumerism and working 40h a week as a slave for the economy.

People in the past had less knowledge to learn, but had values and parents (or at least a mother raising her child) giving them guidance and stability. Nowadays we have both parents working (the excuse of self empowerment) and children being in childcare. There is barely any room for existing as family, raising the child and teaching it traditions, giving it guidance and values. No … that’s what daycare is for nowadays.

A big difference between me and most people. I should not write “I accept everything”, but I definitely “do not dismiss everything” (reasonable and natural), because I understand that every brain is pretty much its own universe and that there are only limited amounts of ways of successfully dealing with people.

I am inclusive in regards to other peoples realities, no matter how factually wrong they might be, because it helps with understanding how their brains are wired. It does NOT mean that i would want to be friends with any of them. I am not an anti-social person (actually people like me AND I HATE THAT WITH A LOVING PASSION). I prefer not to be fake, and most people are fake. They pretend to be something they are not and I don’t do that. I do not require to be accepted or believed. That’s for weak people!

All the people on the forums continuously trying to “teach people” are just as stupid and self un-aware as all those who (quote) “need to be corrected”. As soon as they start arguing around endlessly, instead of accepting the reality of the situation, they are in no way or form different from those they are arguing with.

oh btw. I probably forgot something else too, but this… I do not see your point. Maybe I misunderatnd. All evidence points at religious and political movements only working because of those people who have never had the chance to reach higher levels of thinking.

This INCLUDES many wannabe intellectuals and is a big problem the west is facing today, because a lot of these wannabe-intellectuals make a lot of other people believe that they are indeed intellectuals! Whenever you see an “expert” mentioned anywhere, be aware that this is just one guy out of manymanymany experts, manymanymany with opposing views who are being deliberately dismissed by both media and politicians.

One can be filled with knowledge, but that does not mean the person is intelligent. The last thing any leader wants is a smart population, because a smart population realizes that it can lead itself.

I lost my train of thought. It’s 30+ degree here and I love you (at least for now) and thank you for letting me write a big one. I rarely get to it nowadays. Sorry for possible in-coherences. I hope I actually addressed your post properly … or at least properly enough. : - )


Boy … that was fun! Thanks! : - )


Only a little, the rest was just a wee holiday

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