Oh yes, that is a very old trick heh.
Yea, hit me up on discord. I can give you some starting help.
The PvM side is kind of steep, tamer is a good easy way in. There is a neat provo bard mage tamer temp that can make decent money right away.
Oh yes, that is a very old trick heh.
Yea, hit me up on discord. I can give you some starting help.
The PvM side is kind of steep, tamer is a good easy way in. There is a neat provo bard mage tamer temp that can make decent money right away.
To be fair it wasn’t the Care Bears fault, it was the endless wardecing that went on, so both sides to blame for the removal of a system that was not fit for purpose, the answer was to fix or tweak it on some way, not just remove it
Plot twist: Endless wardeccing is why people played EvE Online.
It was the carebear’s fault.
They could have fought back using in-game options.
Instead they cried and got stuff nerfed.
The tags you rat are free?
Oh that reminds me, need to watch the meta show today
Later that day :
Well watched most of it, I’ll finnish it later. It’s a shame you wasn’t there, (or was you). I thought it was a very good show and nice to see some of the people I’ve been battling over the past years, I hope eve changes and you can have some of your play style back.
Aiko pass my sentiments on if you can. Not all Ag want an end to ganking or a non pvp button. I want you to have the right to gank because you want to and I want the right to fight to stop you,
I still think this a a ccp problem in the fact that they don’t explain to new player what they are getting into, make it clear it’s a brutal game and don’t sweep ganking under the carpet and pretend it’s not a thing. It can be really exciting game play for all 3 sides if people understand.
I would say so, although opinions on what free means varies, but you still pay a tax for each tag applied. That isn’t that much though.
But yes, as someone else already pointed out, increase the security just by killing npc pirate ships in anoms will take exponentially more time then to hunt clone soldiers in low (who also increase sec status) and farm the tags yourself.
The hidden costs of ganking. Either rattting for hours or getting the clone soldier tags ( about 20m ISK…I used to trade them and still have some ) and paying a hefty Concord ‘fee’ on top of that. The tags for raising one’s status from below -5 are cheaper than the 20m ISK ones for raising from -2 to 0.
I can see why some just go around as -10 all the time.
Be thankful there’s tags tho.
I’ve done the trip from -10 twice by just ratting alone
Doesn’t take that long ratting.
Again. That assumes perfect social skills, perfect location (sov-nullsec preferably, npc null doesn’t have enough density of anomalies), perfect ship to maximize efficiency of ratting (at least t3c or marauder I guess or enforcer/marshall) for which you need good skills as well.
That is not a combination that anyone can do. If we exclude the possibility of ratting Clone Soldiers for tags yourself and only assume normal ratting, then it takes days of playing on Alpha clone to go from -10 to 0. And that is only if that alpha player has access to sov-null where he rats in t1 battleship. If he has to rely to quiet lowsec or npc null, it takes twice as many days.
And if someone just started ganking like @Altara_Zemara and made new toon where he only trained/injected pvp pvp-gank relevant skllls, then this is completely out of the question and will take months of training or billions of ISK for injectors.
Anyone who cannot pass these criteria is better to buy tags or at least farm them himself (which can be done on alpha actually).
Pitchforks are op.
Were these people not at war?
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