Correct it highly depend where are they ganking.
They tend to avoid big games, and don’t interact with the main player group if they do[n’t] (some iffy grammar there)?
I did it a while back just wanted to see what % i could get, can beat concord and faction police but not gate guns , never done it for hours but its good to try out your range and ammo type plus the ganker gets a player loss rather than an npc loss.
I find it strange you think the below , as its you sitting around for hours clicking scan
So I found these players who pre-targets us and spam F1 sometimes for hours before we shoot really pathetic.
If we are there anyway , waiting for kr and other stuff , why not lock up a tornado ganker
I find it strange you think the below , as its you sitting around for hours clicking scan
Actually I don’t do that myself.
As said, I was very satisfied with the Oracle.
Got to say Oracle worked great and as my skills went up i had to start spliting guns, sure it was 3 cats i was getting too.
If two of us 7 cat could be popped if your target selection worked to plan
soon the cat’s will start fitting a tracking disruptor for possible nearby oracles.
We see them change all the time to counter our fleets, this afternoon if i wasn’t mistaken they changed to ECCM cats after 2 know ew AG turned up , still failed and we saved a DST
Sounds fun at least hunting an enemy that is on their toes. Have you setup a full smart bomb bs to kill cat’s shooting a freightor? Hell even a smart bombing cruiser should be enough tbh.
Lol no never done that, i once ew burst a talos fleet , a big one , they all lost their locksand gank failed
you made this declaration a month or two before you joined R I O T
Oh my god @Dracvlad . I thought you were talking about @Githany_Red.
Truly laughable content. High Sector ganker’s believing they have an edge.
Wont work, I’ve tried. You might get a few kills on Z board but you wont get all of the Cats.
You seem to be living in the same fantasy world as Destiny. But seeing as you jumped in, how do you feel about a war deccer begging someone to war dec them? How do you feel about someone deliberately being nasty against the forums rules to try to get ingame conflict. Also Destiny’s target selection for this is really bad, because I previously had Dum Dum demand I meet him at the sun and I just laughed at him, he was supposed to do war decs too. Don’t you think it weird and sad? So called tough war deccers unable to war dec?
Sounds fun at least hunting an enemy that is on their toes. Have you setup a full smart bomb bs to kill cat’s shooting a freightor? Hell even a smart bombing cruiser should be enough tbh.
First issue would be placement, there is no setting up a camp with a bubble ala Rooks and Kings to hold them and kill them. Your option is to sit in the direction of the gate from the direction they come from, you have to be aligned to the gate. You need combat probes out too, you need to get the hit and warp in. You will lose your ship as you will also smart bomb the freighter and you do not have income from AG to sustain that loss, that is the biggest issue, it is an option if you move your own groups freighter but AG, nope…
You could try to place yourself away from the freighter so that you try not to touch it with your smart bombs, but every second of uncontested damage will mean the likelihood of failure is there.
I previously had Dum Dum demand I meet him at the sun and I just laughed at him
Is it just me, or does Dracvlad seem to have a very rich history of declining challenges from people?
I find it amusing that you believe in honour duels in a game like Eve, he was a war deccer, he should have done a war dec, but he wanted the easy option. Why would I give him that?
As for you, the self-declared small gang war deccer, you threw away your principals to join RIOT so you could war dec my alliance, Was fun watching you do that, don’t you feel you lost something, perhaps you feel a little dirty for joining the big boys after all those statements you made in the past. And you sat in Amarr during that period, hilarious.
I play Eve, the entire focus of the game is to make it hard for your enemies, cry more please.
What’s wrong with duels?
Are you a white knight?
Eve the game where you have to work for your kills, “Excuse me sir, please could you do a 1v1 duel with me, thank you sir…” Seems a bit lame for hard nuts like you and Dum Dum, or is that because you are self declared boastful hard nuts that are really just nothing special.
There’s absolutely nothing wrong with doing both of those things. It doesn’t have to be one or the other.
Which is odd when I have seen you insult people being white knights, using it as an insult and telling people that 1v1 is not a thing as this is Eve. Seems like you don’t believe in what you say, but I am not surprised. Or are you talking about being member of a large war deccer?
I will be honest here, your target selection for the person to chase after you in game due to forum warfare is stupid, because at the end of the day any emotional reaction I would have is only linked to the strategic fight I am in. I put a lot of effort into the war with PL in Catch while in Tactical Supremacy, because I wanted to defeat PL. That meant something to me, so I was second to the alliance FC only in terms of kills and top with points scored on the campaign killboard. That meant something to me. You don’t matter, you would be better off trying this with someone else.
An emotive battle with someone can be fun, I understand why you want that seeing what happened with Aaron in Stain. Have you thought about Saeger1737 as a potential foe as he would fit your needs a lot better.