Police Question: Account Sharing

[quote=“Memphis_Baas, post:12, topic:51291”]And as far as “the law”, the EULA is an agreement. As long as you agree, it’s lawful.

Actually no. Almost all of these EULA, TOS etc documents are the company talking legalese to scare customers into not even bothering. Customer protection and a whole host of other laws can’t just be signed away with an “agreement”, because the law in most countries says you can’t agree to sign away certain rights. The fine print at the end will also specify that terms that are unlawful in your localisation are ofc null and void, but good luck trying to find all that out on your own. Hiring a lawyer to look into it will probably cost you a year’s subscription per hour so few customers bother. So it works just as intended.


Start EVE Launcher.

Before you click on an account to log in, start LogLite.

In LogLite, click to enable all event types.

Keep LogLite open, but close the EVE Launcher. Make sure you exit out of it even if it’s minimized next to the clock in the system tray.
Then re-open the EVE Launcher.
And look at what it logs.

This is a copy of the communication sent to the EVE servers.

I won’t post the rest of it; feel free to look through. They TELL you they monitor your computer, in the EULA, why would they not actually do it when they tell you?!?

But hey, feel free to not believe me, it’s just a conspiracy theory with no proof.
This subject is over for me.


burn :hugs:

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What the hell? this post was so simple and innocent and already answered to by mostly correct information and over night its blown up!

Dont confuse the OP.

Account sharing is prohibited! Period. Doesnt matter if they cant really tell when you share your account or anything, if they find out i think anyone would rather they not ban it or something. Happened to me btw back in 2007.

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account shareing is always not allowed in MMOs because they want you to pay for yours and a friend to pay for his.

This reminds me of DXDIAG.log It shows almost everything short passwords and fav pron sites.

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