I’m assuming English isn’t you native language, so let me ask a question. When you read what you were trying to say written in your native language, does it make sense to you?
Also, I see you’ve been playing EvE for less than a month… This is your main char, right? I mean, you haven’t been playing EvE any longer than that with some other char, right? Don’t you think your time might be better spent learning more about the game before trying to “improve” it?
EDIT: Sorry if that’s what you were already trying to do and I misunderstood…
How is it possible to forget the one and only Space Pope, Max Singularity, the First of his Name, the Twice Holy, the Thrice Blessed. He wasn’t invented by anyone. He is real ! He invented himself, a truly Holy Action, to spread the Pax Amarria throughout the Universe. May he live in secula seculorum et cetera. If Alex Karrde kneels before His Amarrianness, so should we all. LOL.