Pop-up notifications for switching between null/low/hi security

Hello, a quick story before my proposal.

I was roaming low security space, and ended up podding another player in a faction complex, giving me a criminal timer (15 minutes, I believe). at this point it was 3 am local, and i was tired, ready for bed, and my boosters were running low.

Like a responsible adult, I decided to fly straight towards my next destination to log out; however, after i jumped through the gate, i quickly realized I made an error, and still had my criminal timer, and was now in 0.6.

This is the second time now, that this has happened to me, I couldn’t burn back to the gate in time and ended up losing my ship to CONCORD.

My proposal is this: why not allow the option to give players a popup, not only entering space where there isn’t CONCORD, but also where there IS. Make a toggle for it, similar to entering low security from hi security.

Seems a bit silly it is only available as a feature to basically hold new player’s hands, when it could be useful , even for the more…ah…seasoned players…these two losses were very avoidable, and yes I am aware there is a red circle in the top left with a big skull inside of it, right next to the timer for my boosters, etc.

P.S. for the mods – this is my first post here, apologies if I did not post in the right section.


Isn’t that already a thing? :thinking: Or do you get this only when you try to undock with a Criminal Timer in high sec?

I send greetings from the system of EVATI, where countless pirate fleets have disappeared after taking the ANHER gate instead of the ARNHER gate. :slight_smile:


if it is already a thing, it must have been disabled/toggled off by me in the past and I could use some advice on how to enable that again.

secondly, I spoke with ISD , and unless there was a miscommunication, it sounded like it was only for entering hi sec to low sec. They recommended I make a forum topic on this.

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Basically criminal timer is treated as a suspect timer, but once you jump to high sec you’re protected by the session timer until its gone the concord will follow and destroy your ship. Even if your timer runs out during the invulnerability window concord will still get you

Consequences of killing in low and jumping to high, i dont believe there was a notification for that.

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Bad idea, set your safety to orange; simple.

Incidently I once lost a damnation to concord in much the same way and its been the subject of much merriment thereafter… damnations can tank too… but not concord lol

can we please stop bubble wrapping everything?

Its like those labels on cleaning liquids that state ‘do not drink’… its bad enough irl i really dont want it besides, its funny.

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i dont understand your solution, how does setting the safety to orange have the same effect as getting a warning before jumping from low to high?

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you cant shoot pod in ls. easy fix.
not that im opposed to you having kill rights and flying round in highsec… you should probably protect yourself by flying something heavily tanked… might need to officer fit it.

while your point stands, its missing the spirit of what I was suggesting.

its akin to telling someone asking how to avoid bad traffic patterns, to simply ‘not drive at all’.

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Sheesh…is it really that hard to look at the overview segment at the top of the screen, that shows where you are heading, and see that it’s highsec ?

No…CCP should not be holding your hand in this matter.


From what I can remember there’s also a 1 minute combat timer that prevents you going through the gate anyway.

Maybe CCP should also provide warning if someone is AFK mining or if gankers enter the system the person is AFK mining in.

:psyccp: :innocent: :popcorn:


you mean when a @frostpacker enters the system


I guess both warnings apply to that case. :upside_down_face: :smirk: :face_with_hand_over_mouth:

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When you crashed your car… nvm…

dont give them ideas ffs…



I just hope they don’t crash this thread. It’s hard for new players to come to the forums for advice, when the boards for getting help and advice are filled with people role playing who occasionally take it too far.


I don’t want an extra notification. A couple of days ago, I undocked some T2 Catalysts, warped to my ever-helpful alt and opened fire on a pesky Covetor. It was high octane stuff, I can tell you.

Or…it would have been, had I remembered to switch my safeties from amber to red. Embarrassing seconds passed as I tried to figure it out. Luckily, he was AFK…

The point being, human error is a thing. My thing, in this case. I don’t need a developer to spend valuable time coding a fix; I just need to - you know - wake up and smell the coffee. Have you tried it? Coffee, I mean? It’s pretty good for hypervigilance, but terrible for a sound night’s sleep.

I wish you better fortune in the future! :grinning:


There is a warning popup in this case already and you must choose yes to jump.

Already implemented and it shows up everytime, it cannot be made hidden like other popups.

So if you jumped to wrong gate and then automatically clicked on YES in the warning popul, that is all on you.