There needs to be something done about super/titan ratting and rorqual mining. Both the obscene amounts of ISK and minerals lead to uncontrollable super cap proliferation up to a point where you have to live under the wing of a power block right now or they just park their big asses on your structures. And no, changing the jump range is no solution to this.
Stress balance. While we did have some balance changes earlier this year it is not enough. It really wouldn´t hurt this game if CCP took one of each ship class and play with it for 3-4 months until the next balance pass and then either revert it or keep it if it proved balanced and healthy for the game. Give attack bcs role bonus for fitting grapplers? Proper shield mach for a few months including slot layout change? Give the abaddon role bonus for cutting mjd spool up time by 70% like marauders? Mjfg tempest anyone?
Eve has a lot of ships and a lot of fun modules. Throw two of them together and let the players decide what could end up being fun. While stuff like adjusting a base stat or increasing/decreasing a ships bonus helps the balance it doesn´t change the staleness regarding some things. -
Fix long broken mechanics, starting with FW and wardecs. Afaik cosmos missions are broken too. Maybe LP stores and ESS need some love. Fixing the general issues this game has would help a lot more with player retention than stuff like the abyss could ever do. A new player won´t stay forever in a game where he cannot do half of the stuff or enjoy his evening when being faced with broken stuff left right and center.
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