Tl;dr; Relic Sites based on Moons and in Asteroid belts, which make you use survey probes, probe scan, warp around system, even use mining laser or a new module to extract stuff for precursor ship/module/t2 production. A reason to stay within same system for extended periods of time.
Longer version: I touched it in topic about nomad living, that I absolutly love the idea of living nomad style. Having a mobile base of operations which carries a collection of ships, or couple, or even just one. To serve a purpose of storing loot, a week reserve of ammo, etc.
But the thing is, in my own null data/relic roams, you either fill your cargo too soon, or die in a gatecamp. As you need to travel a lot to find sites. Like I would roam through 40 systems in a 3 hour session to find 5-6 decent sites. Not complaining, its fun in its own way, and I want it to stay.
But also and I think it adds to nomad style living if you could find a system and spend the whole 2-3 hour session exploring it.
So I want to introduce new ancient precursor relic sites which we became able to find with incorporating triglavian mining tech into survey probe. So upon entering the system you start probing every moon, asteroid belt and anomaly and find dozens of sites to further explore. In each site you dig into asteroids with this relic extractor modified mining laser. You mostly find noice signals and ore samples, and rarely some new stuff for ship/module/t2 production. Very rarely there are puzzle pieces for a system wide puzzle which can or cant be solved in several hours/days.
It is obviously not finished design, rather just a general idea, which I’m still thinking through and encourage to discuss and critisize.