Price check - 5M SP VNI pilot

Curious how much this ratting VNI pilot is worth.:

Might consider to sell for the right price.

I’ll offer 5.5B

Thank you @Amarr_Red_Alpha, your offer is intriguing. Would you consider bumping it to 6b for a buy out?
Otherwise I’ll wait a few more days to see if anyone offers more.


5.6bill offer

Ty @necocat_Meow for 5.6b
Buy Out at: 6bill

6B b/o

Can send the money in about 8 hours as I have to get off to work

Sorry for disturbing, i have questions:
When selling, the character has to be Omega ?
Is there transfer fees ?

There are transfer fees, £17 if by cash or i believe you can submit a support ticket asking them to transfer the character. If you submit a ticket, you need 1000 plex in the account’s plex vault to cover the cost of the transfer.

I’m not sure on the omega status, i was always under the impression that the account needs to be omega, however i have seen some people saying otherwise.

@Amarr_Red_Alpha please send isk and account info. Once received I will initiate transfer.

@Reaver_Argon account selling the character doesn’t have to be omega, account receiveing the character doesn’t have to be omega either, but no point of buying a character that has a bunch of skill points if you can’t use the skills due to the alpha account status limitations.

Transfer is $20 or 1000 Plex, plex method is slow, while if you use the character transfer service from the account ($20) it takes only about 10h.

Isk and account info sent

Account transfer initiated! Please update here once done and no issues.

Thanks, could I just confirm has it been done by ticket or insta?

EDIT: Nevermind just received the email confirmation. Thanks bud!

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