Princess Aiko is just a fly not a bee

:face_with_hand_over_mouth: :innocent: :popcorn:



no entiendo


:smiling_imp: :popcorn: :blush:

:technologist: :thinking: :white_flag:


Whoever he is, I wouldn’t f- with someone named “the Flame”. Sounds dangerous.

As you’ve shown interest in the past when it comes to forum roleplay, lore and stuff here’s some related reading in case you are interested to learn more about the subject:

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@Uriel_the_Flame Thanks. That and the whole thread was interesting.
Still though, the infamous Angel Cartel? I knew you were dangerous.

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Look at that Yellow Jacket and read between the lines.

Wants your isk and will fight you for it!

If chased do not dock up as she will just wait until you to return back to mining.

If scammed cool the situation with a cool drink.

Don’t try to gank in retaliation as this will increase your chances of being ganked again.

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I can see there is some confusion. So, I will agree to dress up in cute little outfits and pose for pictures to please your eye, all I ask is a simple donation of 1 billion isk upfront before I change into a skimpy yellow outfit.



A yellow outfit would do wonders for your image, it would add exuberance to your persona and novelty to those who worship you.

That goes without saying and you’re in luck because


Just yellow, Princess. Skimpy is your choice :face_with_hand_over_mouth:

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By the way different subject but a funfact you might find interesting considering your forte in EVE:

So theoretically, on a technical level, it is possible for the Frostpackers to steal all the asteroid belts in New Eden.

:eyes: :wink: :blush:

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Ok, I’m trying on some cute outfits for my biggest fans, mmmm, this dress is a little tight but I think I can squeeze in, ok, now all I need is 1 billion isk because some bad behaving little boy thought it would be funny to post on the forums about how I should be “squashed” like a bug - like wow, that’s just not appropriate, and as always I expect immediate compensation to make things right. I might be a little strumpet, but not one you can talk to like that!

I made an advertisement to show this is a serious business proposition:

Once the “you are a bug” insult is paid for, we can continue.


@Felix_Frostpacker Told you there will be consequences. And this is only the beginning. :face_with_hand_over_mouth: :smiling_imp: :popcorn:

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Need to make an new entry in my excel sheet.

Oh-ho, Frostpacker in the bullseye.

Frostpacker left with one billion less…
@Felix_Frostpacker Princesses are high maintenance. Gonna have to grind double time :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

Well even a Carpenter Bee wears the yellow jacket and keeps the black leggings.

Perhaps Princess could at least dress up her Cat using the Ship SKINr Studio.

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