Princess Aiko is just a fly not a bee

If you’re going around claiming that you’re the Queen Bee then why doesn’t Princess Aiko ever wear yellow?

Don’t a common house fly wear plain black?

I first didn’t get what Crime & Punishment section was about… So it’s for calling out other players and their bs?
:smile: awesome.

Depends where on the planet your house is.

Probably because she’s not a bee :slightly_smiling_face:

Correct Princess is just a common fly, not a exotic pretty one just one that would be squashed without any care given.

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Not so common as to be the reputed chieftess of HiSec gankers. She may not be a bee but I certainly wouldn’t want to meet her in a dark system, lol.

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Regardless on whether that fly is buzzing about, the fact that Princess Aiko was paid based on her request to wear the yellow space suit for Frosty just once for a wonderful photo shoot.

Princess had in the past made claims that she is the queen bee and so we now ask for proof.

Put on that yellow space suit so we may begin to believe you!

/the crime here is that Aiko had taken billions of isk and not delivered what was agreed!

I thought that was common practice for Capsuleers in New Eden. Cheating and lying are allowed in EVE, maybe she lied to you? :woman_shrugging:

Does the NES even have a yellow space suit?
I kinda like this one:


See now you can pls message Princess to perhaps forgive Frosty for what ever insubordination that she may had stumbled upon and put a stop to any secret vendetta regarding


Methinks the only way she’ll forgive you is if you successfully gank her. Then again, I don’t know Aiko so I can’t speak for her and I’m not nearly as important as to message her to ask anything… especially when her reply will most likely be “Give me 1 billion isk and…”
I’m afraid I cannot help you :confused:

I didn’t realise there were still children playing eve.

I just assumed we were all north of forty at this point.

I stand corrected, but not for long with these feet…

Had you not read that Billions of Isk was paid to have the yellow space photo shoot?

The message is clear here that we are all adult pilots.

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Well, that’s a big word for me, I don’t adult very well at all but when I read billion isk and yellow space suit of course I want to know more.

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Ganking a common fly won’t settle the debt.

Does this thread still require proof of such transactions?

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True, but it’ll make you feel better and she might then wear the yellow suit. :smiley: Of course, she may ask for another billion too, lol.

It couldn’t hurt. If you stopped passing out billions like candy it would be easier to keep on top of.

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Frosty would pay another final billion isk after Princess Aiko updates her profile picture wearing one of the many Yellow Space Suits that were contracted to her that she had agreed to wear at least once.

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You gave her outfits and she didn’t even wear one of them?! :thinking:


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I’ve always imagined Aiko as a Carpenter bee.

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I like that Dirt Dauber :slightly_smiling_face:

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Do you have a permit to say such things about Aiko? :thinking: :smiling_imp: :popcorn:

All too late now. Once the forces are in motion eventually even the heavens will tremble.

:eyes: :smiling_imp: :dealwithitparrot:

Her wrath will be swift and overwhelming,
her swarm furious and unforgiving.


:eyes: :honeybee: :honeybee:

Guys, I’m starting to think @Uriel_the_Flame is a ganker. He is some crazy undercover guy who spent years building a reputation as a community guy. Now from the way he posts, I know it was another Sargon planned psyop.

There’s no way he’s using all these keywords and making good posts otherwise.