Private Station Scam Attempt - How it works, how to avoid it

The EVE Support: Asset Safety article doesn’t address that exact situation, but my understanding is that manual asset safety can be triggered regardless of structure status, as long as it still exists (not yet destroyed).

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Asset window can be refreshed with dock/undock with it closed, or any session change.

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But there is a disclaimer message telling the data may be minutes (5?) old? I mean even 10s delay may be too much, and you still need to open the menu, and click the asset safety button …

My statement was to the OP… and I most certainly didn’t tell anybody to ignore the OP… :unamused:


The problem is not “scamming”. The problem is mechanics that are so complicated and full of corner case that you need a degree just to make a correct prediction about their behavior.
Example : even ISD can’t answer properly how it works.
It was the same with “unaccessible stations” before they added delivery.

The answer is simple : add a 2-d delay to access right, and don’t allow people to accept a contract (trade or freight) that is either

  • in a structure where he can’t dock,
  • in a structure that has an pending access change,
  • in a structure that is low-power

The crux of the abuse is the quick-change of docking rights. Just disable this instead of adding more specific mechanics to patch-aid the bleeding ones.

Also you need to delay the change to low-power so that people can’t just decide to low-power it to make it burstable on demand.


Docking rights?

That’s not the scam here. Docking rights don’t matter, he’s just going to blow up what seems like an uncored structure, which will drop all contents as loot, to grab the victim’s injectors after the trade.

The delay is 7-8 days. That doesn’t seem like ‘on demand’ to me, this scam requires a setup time of at least a week.

it was for the access scam, this is just a follow-up on CCP

You’re right, you have a delay.
Is it viable for structures you just anchor though ? Not sure about that.

Also regarding THIS scam it’s not an effect. I was talking about the ability to accept a contract for a structure that is about to become low-powered : the effect of not being able to accept a contract in a structure that is ABOUT to become low-powered. To prevent people from spamming a contract a few minutes before the structure becomes low-power.
When the structure reaches low-power, there should be a delay before the structure is actually considered as such.

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I think Xuxe Xu is just trying to troll. But definitely as you and someone else said, if there are people that like to die on the dumbest of hills just to troll or bait others to react, ignoring them is the best way for the trolls to die, all alone and talking to themselves.


EDIT: " This is an automated message from EVE Online Forums to let you know that your post was hidden.

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Spam, eh?

“One or more community members flagged this post, which was then reviewed by moderators before it was hidden…”

I think more effort was put into OP’s post…

He included a screenshot ! :exploding_head:


Photography lessons are paying dividends!

Hope this post helped some people, will bump it so others can see too =)

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The reason why I’d never put any valuable asset into an Upwell Structure anymore, neither use one

It’s pretty safe to store your assets in Upwell structures, as long as you’re playing frequent enough to notice the structure isn’t fueled anymore.

If you only play once a month or plan to take a longer break from the game, then yes, it can be smart to pull your assets out of Upwell Structures and put them into NPC stations.

Random person one has never heard of before messages to offer juicy cheap injectors…’ psst…wanna buy something that fell off the back of a lorry ?'…and invite you round to their private station to complete the deal. What could possibly go wrong !

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If a player needs this to tell them when an scam is a scam, they pretty much deserve it.

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I can’t believe this still works. I created this scam in 2020. Used it to get revenge on an old corp member for scamming me. Then Quantum Cores were added and it became far more versatile.

It’s called the Evelyn System named after this alt, the one that pulled off the awox.

Raitaru | Prion Alliance | Killmail | zKillboard this is the killmail from the first successful scam.


This is not about placing assets into an upwell structure willingly; it’s about accepting a contract without realizing where the goods you are about to purchase are stored in. It’s a switcheroo scam, and as soon as you accept the contract… puff goes the structure and “your” purchased items go back to the scammer.

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Last I heard, it was a little bit trickier than that, since the timer starts the last time it was fueled, not when the fuel runs out, meaning that the owner can add a big load of fuel and leave for a month and a half and the structure can go abandoned right away. At least that was my understanding.

The timer starts when the station enters low power, meaning there are no running service modules.