Project Discovery Level 330+ Live Stream

To say I’ve been on Project Discovery a lot is an understatement.
I’ve decided to Live Stream some of my PD and give you all an opportunity to ask questions and see how I answer the slides.

I’ll be off and on today and I’ll upload the links to the finished streams when I’m done.


So there is no upper limit? Does the level XP required stay at 3000 a level all the way through? Currently at level 85 I think and it’s seemed to hold at 3k and I haven’t noticed an increase.

Well, if there is an upper limit I have yet to find it and yes, it’s still about 3000 exp per level.

Very impressive, and a great video! Thanks a lot, @Aruar for this fantastic contribution.

Thank You!
I’m about to kick up another live stream and get to 340+
Have you considered a leader-board for Project Discovery?

New Stream is up

Just made level 350 and I’m still at 99%.
I would love it if some items were added for higher levels. Even if they were just for fun.

I guess the marshall will be at 300 when it gets introduced into project discovery