You can generate as much money as you want on SiSI. I agree that officer stuff should not be seeded, but deadspace has become mainstream. … or /copyships stays alive, which I think would be the best option then to limit proliferation.
if they want remove copyships then they are doing wrong,just disable cloning skill injectors using copyships.
i am still agaist seeding deadspace mods for 100 isk,the isk can be easily produced on sisi [sd’ing caps]
thing is tricky, ccp nolonger seeds the vehements [20b insurance meh] but you can still obtain bpc off contracts and price of vehement bpc isnt big .
if ccp seed the deadspace and officer mods together its fine but not for 100 isk,this would get out of hand easily. plus we do not want to have erebusality,avatarality,ragnarokolity,leviathanolity and supercarrierolity,really people with new changes gonna FLOOD US with titans and supercarriers,this will easily get abused and i am agaist this because i want to fly subcap and someone fly only titan - where is sense? how can i do 1vs1 frig-frig or cruiser-cruiser or bs vs bs when on top of me lands 10 aeons and smartbomb our frigs off field… problem is not seeding stuff but player mentallity,some think sisi is TQ clone where they can with evryone because 100 isk items and its sisi. sisi is not for that purpose,its for testing combat and trying to help find bugs so they can be fixed before final release. and spamming itans and supers on someone is surely not for testing purpose.
AFAIK non-consensual combat is not allowed on SiSi except in dedicated areas, so I don’t see a problem for your duels.
FYI: We hoped, that the mirror would be ready in time for a deployment today, but the mirror preparation took a bit longer, so it will very likely be deployed on Monday. Sorry for this delay.
The issue I see with PVH8 is that it is not on the /moveme list and /copyships only works at the station in 6-C. If we want to copy a fit from Tranq with modules we can’t get on sisi, we HAVE to produce it at 6-C, and people don’t want to keep having to go back to 6-C to jump the gate to the “no caps” zone when there are so many grief players attacking us on station as we undock from 6-C to move ships manually. Changing the rules to allow attacking on the gates would only compound this problem, not that players are not already doing it same as they are attacking on station anyhow… but if PVH8-0 were at least added to the /moveme list it would get a lot more action I think because we would not have to dodge griefers on station as well as at the gate to get copied ships to where we want to use them without caps one shotting us. What we REALLY need is better enforcement of the existing rules while better ways to manage the test server are being worked out. Trying to take a copied cruiser out of station at 6-C to tes out on abyssals is resulting in being attacked as we undock from 6-C and getting a 15 minute “you can’t run those!!” timer, and the players causing this problem more often than not talk in local as if they have no fear of CCP because where and how to report them isn’t exactly clear to a lot of the people being attacked!
I would like to ask that you strongly reconsider removing copyships or adding deadspace to market seeding. At least, if you cannot add them to market seeding, please post your reasoning for it as I’m sure many of us are curious what the logic is.
This does literally nothing to stop folks who are determined to break the rules anyways. All seeding Deadspace/Officer modules would do would be to make it more difficult to retaliate against said troublemakers - since CCP/ISD staff are so slow/unwilling to do any moderation of their own.
Even though these modules are relatively ‘normalized’ on TQ, they are still far beyond being ‘universal’ due to their rarity and commensurate (hugely inflated) ISK costs in the live market. Many of these modules are more expensive than entire T2 fits on their own and so are not ‘accessible’ in the slightest for the average player.
What about implants? Everybody on SiSi flies with whatever high-grade full set is suitable for the ship.
/copyships kept the power creep issue nicely in check, without there is no good alternative. Just seeding faction modules makes no sense.
Also I don’t remember ever being shot at the station undock or other issues with rule breakers.
why are you all arguing about “balance” on a test server
it’s a test server
it’s like saying they should unseed faction and t2 ships because not everyone can use them on TQ!
if you’re implying faction / deadspace / officer modules is “power creep”, why are you even posting?
it’s like collecting a rarer item and complaining about it being better than the last item despite the fact that it’s harder to collect.
or like buying a handgun for $1000 instead of $500 and being surprised that the $1000 handgun is higher quality.
maybe you should try undocking. it’s already pretty evident from your post that you don’t play the game.
this post is a trainwreck but i’ll try to break it down.
a) why would they put so much effort into “balancing” the test server. it’s wasted resources.
b) i still doubt this would fix anything.
soo are you complaining about 100 isk being too cheap? what are you trying to say here. even if they make it more expensive they just make it more tedious, but people will still get them. you’ll just end up having 4,000 dread wrecks on the undock. this gets us nowhere.
okaaay, so yea vehements are easy to make when you have 100isk seeding? still don’t see the point here. it’s always been this way.
how would it change anything. just people would be using faction and deadspace mods.
despite the amount of thinking i had to do reading this line, i still don’t understand why you’re complaining.
there is always a bigger fish.
if you want to fly a subcap - go fly in hisec.
nobody in hisec on sisi? wow, go play TQ.
besides, they will still have build costs and such. just get friends, kill the titan, and wow now they don’t have a titan
rinse and repeat with 100isk dreads until they are out of titans
congrats, you can now fly subcaps?
despite visualizing this being actually hilarious, it is still easily avoidable.
just go to another system, or go out of your way to hide yourself in system. if people want to be cunts, they always will be.
Except, you’re actually missing a lot of things (which makes me think you spend a lot of time in highsec!)
1.) Supercarriers are insanely cheap nowadays. Through something inexpensive and simple like anomaly ratting in a Vexor Navy Issue, at (relatively) low ticks (10 million), assuming you don’t sell/reprocess loot and get no faction spawns, (basically just 10 million flat ticks, no extra income) – you can acquire the money to buy a supercarrier in nearly 20 days of work. (not 20 days unless you farm 24/7, mind you, but still – it’s significantly cheap.)
2.) A lot of the ‘important’ fights where there are significant losses include capitals, specifically Titans and Supercarriers. They are an important part of EVE now, and if you can’t accept that, then why are you arguing about game balance on a ■■■■■■■ test server.
3.) There are still a lot of problems with Titans and Supercarriers, for example, bumping causing desync, shadows not responding properly to pilots using their True Sacrifice ability, and I’m sure plenty more. Since they aren’t populated that much, especially on the test server it is hard to find these things.
This is where the problem really lays… CCP needs to focus on enforcing the test server rules about CONSENSUAL combat and about no combat on station. Why have rules if you’re not going to enforce them or remove problem players from the test server who perpetually log in just to be “cunts” as you say, and inhibit other players efforts to test fits for things like t5 abyssal space?
As for seeding, it should not matter what is seeded if everyone has the same access to it on the test server. /Copyships is a very handy way to populate your hangar with what you are trying to test on sisi in the first place before risking it on tranq, but seeding would make it easier to copy tranq fits to clipboard and simply remake them on sisi. Again, the problem seems to come down to the lack of moderation or rules enforcement by CCP in 6-C to keep players, especially certain cap pilots from griefing others as we undock, and again, my point in the OP is largely that this creates a 15 minute delay for anyone undocking to test abyssal fits.
While this response supports my point about CCP needing to handle this problem by providing a simpler means to report griefers and then doing something about them, I don’t see how seeding everything availible on tranq would cause a problem since everyone would have the same access to the seeded modules. It’s a test server… It should not be necissary for players trying to TEST stuff to take time to try to “retaliate against said troublemakers” via PVP. If CCP would do something as simple as replace the “report” in the right click drop down menu which addresses isk spammers, or at least add another report option to this list that addresses griefers so that we could EASILY report those attacking on station or outside of combat systems, and then act on those reports, it would be FAR easier to test things on sisi without having to deal with other players screwing up our testing efforts.
If I understand it right, there will be no station in the new system, so any discussion about station undock are obsolete.
If CCP wants to limit deadspace availability, they should keep /copyships else just seed the modules. Effectively banning deadspace fits from SiSi is not the right move.
enforcing sisi rules was just full parody. they rarely did it but the ccp thinking and logic is also retarded.
completeextraction is disabled because people caused server issues,solution? REMOVE IT. LOL
copyships used as skill injector factory? solution? take the copyships away! another lol.
ccp is same level as orvell 1984. their best solution is to take evrything away.they dont understand problem and they dont know other way to solve it,if people abuse something the ccp takes it out… best solution lol…
real solution is not to take away but restrict - completeextraction imo once per 12h isnt big problem or once per 24h but nope ccp decided to take it away
copyships is going to die aswell but ccp could fix it one way - skill injectors excluded from copyships ad from that point copyships would remain unchanged. but nope ccp thinks they know more and better and they are best in taking away.
As said, I had never an issue with the rules. I dock, grab my ship and /moveme close where I want to test. I use(d) SiSi to test expensive/experimental fits and test new features and events with risking more than I’m willing to do on TQ.
That’s dead now, as losing means, it’s gone like on TQ but unlike on TQ you can’t just buy a new one.
[quote=“Tipa_Riot, post:94, topic:68887”]
As said, I had never an issue with the rules. I dock, grab my ship and /moveme close where I want to test. I use(d) SiSi to test expensive/experimental fits and test new features and events with risking more than I’m willing to do on TQ.
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