Proposal for changing Singularity rules and the main combat system on Singularity

I still do not understand the upside of removing /copyships. All the testing we did with the Abyss Sites just showed how important it is to be able to use deadspace modules.

You are fixing something that isn’t broken because maybe 1% of the SiSi population is abusing something and 99% are getting punished for it. So many people have posted reasons not to remove /copyships and i feel like you completley disregarded their valid concerns.

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I still personally don’t see where the good is in this.
You’re taking /copyships from the only way to test deadspace/faction/officer fits to only being allowed faction modules, and eventually you’ll bring along deadspace and officer - and then most of the ‘testing’ with fits against other players will just be you trying to test a cheap TQ fit and someone killing you with an officer fit. :confused:

As long as you can enforce the rule, there’s no reason to write the script up to do so. But I understand the script could cover more time than the ISD team could.

once again addressing the bubble thing – please make sure they are disallowed! I don’t want to be cramped into a single Keepstar or be trying to move off a Sotiyo and be bubbled by a sabre for half an hour :confused:

edit: Once again, you do you. I personally am not aware of what you are aiming for with these changes, whether it is QoL for Singularity or a more open testing environment. Informing us on this would definitely help me supply feedback! But I completely understand if you do not want to.

Hi !
There are lot of guys here who just live and thrive on SISI.
Skill injectors is what keeps Sisi up and imo you should not block out /copyships.
There has to be a currency on Sisi, otherwise you will loose 50% of population.
ofc you are supposed to play on TQ… but some prefer to play on Sisi on regular bases.
I am one of them.

Tally sends his regards.

With what Ingvi said there would be no currency for SISI and it would fall apart with very little faction supers or titans being out there it. with /copyskills it allows for the more rare Supers and Titans to be out there for people to use.

I think that supers need to be seeded on the market. I have the skills for the Nyx, but want to be able to test it on the test server before i make a big choice to buy a 25bil Nyx on the main server.

Build one

ANother idea we had in SiSi is injectors COULD be seeded, but you’d have to restrict them to so many per week, or two weeks, whatever. To me, 25 seems like a nice number right now, or perhaps 10 would be a better way to go?

Another idea is a one-time pack of injectors on SiSi. 100 or so. Maybe that would be a better way to go.

Re market seeding, your suggestion is some way in a positive direction, but deadspace modules are a significant choice in PVE, the repair and resist modules especially so. Without them, there really isn’t any point doing a lot of testing on sisi for many. Copy ships was a way of making it possible, clunky and a bit annoying, but achievable. Do not underestimate the way that deadspace modules have become normalised. By all means don’t seed officer, but deadspace is pretty much required for many many fits. Just to get things to fit!

Edit. The abysss absolutely stresses the need to have deadspace modules available, no one in future could test, for example level 5 pockets properly, as they would likely run them on TQ, so testing fails it’s basic need. Without deadspace modules, we are not testing, we are simulating fits that wouldn’t be used, as they are suboptimal on TQ.
For sisi to have meaning it needs to be a TEST server, where we test what we actually use.

While I agree that some way to acquire deadspace modules (in a limited fashion, if possible) is good for the server, it is important to keep in mind that the test server is for CCP to test bugs, not for you to test fits.

It would be entirely possible for CCP to simply seed deadspace modules when they are needed, for instance during abyssal deadspace testing like what we had last month. They sometimes do something similar with supercapitals when they need testing.

And how are you going to test those bugs if you kill SiSi population bei removing /copyships. If you like it or not, SiSi has its own economy. Without copyships the abyssal sites would have been never tested properly, many of the bugs would have never been discovered, let alone the balancing issues.

How are you going to Balance stuff if everyone testing it flies in t2 fitted ships while almost everyone on TQ flies in Deadspace fitted ships? Makes no sense.

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Good proposal on the rule changes and M-O was the one system I didnt think about - and its location is perfect.

However - as mentioned the /copyships command being taken off which reduces the deadspace modules available to test with is going to hamper any future testing - deadspace modules have been fairly normalized now on TQ and I dont see what the harm would be at this point in seeding them - espcially for those who want to build supercapitals for testing purposes - deadspace fits are a must to make them viable for testing.

I can see the logic behind the decision - but I think just taking that extra step and seeing how it plays out, and it can be tweaked as necessary.

Any chance you change your mind? This is a major issue for me, and makes SiSi mostly useless for testing (my stuff) :frowning: Once I lose what’s in the mirror, I’m out until the next mirror.

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I’d be OK with removing /copyships if faction mods were available to buy. For example, I wanted to test faction smartbombs on a ship the other day and wasn’t able to because I don’t own any on TQ.

  1. Which system shall we choose as new combat system? We have already a few internal suggestions,
    from our bug hunters, but we would also like to hear suggestions from you. Important factors are probably:
    Close to low-sec, several gates, nearby NPC stations.

A<<<<< Makes no real difference if you have the move option available.

  1. There are concerns that these changes would increase the problem of super capital proliferation on
    Singularity too much. Any opinion on this?

A<<<<<< Well considering Capitals are like Battleships now, I believe is once you have owned a super for while, the user should be allowed to use it on the test server, plus learning to fly a big ship is very useful.

  1. We are also thinking of dropping the rule against fighting at the gates in the combat system - as gate jumps
    are no longer as important with /moveme. Any opinions?

A<<<<<< In the combat systems sure but not all over eve, just would be a pain is peeps leave bubbles up everywhere.

  1. Regarding warp bubbles we are contemplating to implement a special beacon, which prevents the
    anchoring of warp bubbles, which we could use around the main structures and the gates. We are not
    100% sure yet,
    how much work this will be, but it seems possible.

A<<<<<< I think this would be a good idea, or at least to trial it

  1. /copyships is currently hardcoded to the station in 6-CZ49 and we are aware that it is being abused to some extent. Because of this we are thinking about retiring it completely. Would this be a big problem? How would this negatively affect your testing? Can you give us any good use cases, which would be good to support, if
    we decide to rework it?

A<<<<<<<< Umm its the only way to for a person to get and use their faction and officer mods they have, if you are going to make them available on the market then it would make sense.

  1. Shall we add again a 2nd combat system for sub-capital combat? The current 2nd combat system PVH8-0 is not really used a lot.

A<<<<<<< That sounds good, make a neighboring system only subcap and below. and give those pilots a room to test their things

IK, but that take a lot of SP and time to build supers

You don’t get particularly realistic testing done with literally everyone flying around in full deadspace fits at all times. People usually pimp out a few select modules, if any, that’s it.

When CCP wants testing done with deadspace modules, they can seed them for that mirror. Simple.

right now seeding faction modules solve this issue,we do not must have officer or deadspace odules but we do needed faction ones. why? many particular ship fitts cant fully rely on tech 2 modules at all in some cases you need faction module or two having zero faction mods only worsenes situation lack of deadspace mods is compensated with faction stuff so you can fit better for ships with think cpu or powergrid

Basically all my fits must use deadspace stuff to fit, even the cheap PvP frigates use blue resist mods. I understand that CCP wants to see realistic fits in mass tests, but if nobody comes to SiSi anymore to bother testing at all, the result will be worse I think …

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but still seeding officer/deadspace stuff would destabilize already unstable situation of singularity. with copyships abuse people can clone tons of blue/purple mods. they gain advantage and only those who can afford said modules

now those who cant fit deadspace/officer modules because of isk issue are in black hole.
you can clearly see who will win - faction fit proteus vs deadspace/officer fit proteus,the faction fit proteus have basically no chance agaiust deadspace fitted player.

seeding deadspace modules - bad idea after all, with sov testing done by ccp evryone will cook titans and supercarriers and with seeded deadspace modules it would be insane hell,impossible to test anything else than titans and supercarriers

we really DO NOT WANT to be doomsdayed evrytime we undock,do we have to face supercapital/titan evrytime we undock? NO ,officer/deadspace modules and ability to build supercapital/titan stuff is something NOT HEALTHY.

i would only agree if the deadspace/officer modules will not be 100 isk seeded,then yes they can be placed.