Proposal for Rebalancing of the Suicide Gank

How about some actual data…you know…that thing that terrifies you…

Out of 150 Ventures lost today…

11 were lost in highsec

6 were lost to NPCs

5 were lost to players ( and we dont know it it was ganks or other combat )

Once again ( as I posted similar for a day a few weeks back ) more highsec Ventures were lost to NPCs than to players.

Why aren’t you calling for highsec NPCs to be banned ? I mean, think of all those poor noobs losing more Ventures to rats than to Aiko’s crew !

And think of the sheer trauma those poor noobs must get, not even having a ‘gf’ at the end of it. All alone in a pod. How could a caring person such as yourself stand for that ?

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Who’s doing the counter-attacking ? Blobs of carebear noobs in corvettes ? I mean, all your highsec noobs are not gonna have or even need any combat ships. They wont have any combat experience…having lived in a 100% safe environment where the only explosions will be fireworks. So who is going to challenge the lowsec gate camps ? I’ll be right there fighting with Aiko in that scenario…and so will many others.

I chose today totally at random. It is a FACT that on average just as many Ventures are lost in highsec to NPCs as to Ventures. Anyone can check it. The point is more that you never once mention all the noob Ventures lost to NPCs. If you really genuinely cared about noobs losing their ships you’d have long noted that every bit as much Ventures are lost to NPCs as to ganking. Yet you have never ever mentioned it.

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Oh God…its just sickening the way you weasel out of everything. You are either a troll or doing your very best to impersonate one.

You nailed it.


I love when you give up :smiley:

It ain’t my fault you’ve made yourself into this situation bruv.

Also did you find it on the box or

How? The only players getting ganked are the bad ones :smiley:

And you’re doing everything in your power to make sure they don’t :smiley:

Like griefing a newbro on the fourms :smiley:

Mmm no. If they do, EVE wouldn’t be EVE. Nah, they do need to HTFU. Stardew is that way :smiley:

Risk adverse people don’t belong in EVE :smiley:

Oof, that casual racism.

You’re saying be calm but are typing so fast you can’t spell? Maybe you should calm down :smiley:

This right here also exposes their absolute ignorance :smiley:

Actually ganking isn’t griefing. I know you don’t understand this cause of your limited MMO knowledge. What you did to Altara was griefing :smiley:

Drop the post then :smiley: Link it :smiley: Cause you “know a guy” right? ROFL.

Oh? Where? Drop the system so we can verify :smiley: Or this like your guide? ROFL.

And when he proves you wrong, are you gonna get nuts again too? LOL.

Cause the people they gank suck at the game :smiley:

Bro, you don’t even have an impact on the game :smiley:


That’s not what CCP said at all. They said griefing is affecting churn. How many times does this need to be pointed out to you? Are you deliberately being thick?


Indeed…you are now the umpteenth person to have told him that…but he just carries on with the lies regardless.

To the extent that I’m so sick of it that all his posts are now simply ‘View 1 hidden reply’. Bye bye Lucas.

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Back to the topic at hand. I would like to entertain the idea for CONCORD to instead be replaced by Empire “FOBs” that spawn increased-response-time diamond NPC fleets, which are theoretically combatable today by organized players, but are functionally “the new CONCORD”. Gone is CONCORD, here are diamond empire rat fleets to fight off instead.

FOBs would move around in empire space so every once in a while people would have to actively check to make sure their system is covered by a FOB to begin with (I think today it’s 3 jumps out). Or if that’s too harsh, vary the response time by FOB distance so daily people have to check their risk tolerance, and gankers have to scout geographic opportunities.

This would invite a lot of new gameplay options for gankers and anti-gankers alike. And fits with CCP’s new “PvEvP” mindset they’ve been trying to create with Desolate Asteroid Belts and CRAB Beacons and ESS’s and now FW event sites.

Except it isn’t.

This again exposes your lack of knowledge of MMOs :smiley:

Ganking isn’t griefing, but griefers may use in game methods to grief others.

Like creating a throwaway account to stalk someone in game :smiley:

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No, no, no, no, you just don’t understand the context of Safety. You see they are horrible killers that snap their fingers at newbs and drive them away from game with sobs of “grifers”. There is no counterplay at all to this. However they are not real pvpers. Suicide gankers could never carry out something like multiple gate camps. Only real pvpers could do that.

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A claim that is of course utter nonsense. I’ve mined in a Venture, in several different accounts, for over a year now. Even in Uedama…that hotspot of ganker activity. I’ve never been ganked while mining. It is easy to avoid being ganked.

I’ve mined in 0.6 systems like Isanamo, and there’s more danger from NPCs than there is from gankers.

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It is weird that I have noticed a lot of accusations directed towards new people on the form coming form someone, whose name I don’t quite remember. I think it is the same person who has explained the flaws in Sun Tzu and Machiavelli, and how their master treatises of warfare could never be applied to video game combat.

Hmm, the name is on the tip of my tongue. I hate it when I can’t remember things.

It is weird that with some simple precautions one can avoid being ganked at least 99% of the time.

I do a lot of AFK mining. I don’t mean I’m watching a movie on the other browser and I’m tabbing back in forth afk mining. I mean I set my skiffs up, then leave the computer room and cook the family waffles afk mining.

I have never once been suicide ganked in high sec yet. The stupid diamond rats got me once, but that just factors into the cost of overhead, and is a small price to pay to lower the wife agro over me playing that pretend space game too much!

But of course there is no counterplay to high sec suicide gankers. Because, you see, I define the word counterplay to mean whatever I want it to. I have learned a lot of word tricks that mean I am always right and people who don’t agree with me are wrong because I define things that way. If people prove me wrong, it is just that they did not understand me, then I change the subject quickly.

I’m not joking either, Oh Great Kellian Entity.

Did it ever occur to you that he might refer to better systems to assess griefing ? No? Thought not. Rather than catering to the likes of you he may actually be planning something you couldn’t imagine. After all, he’s not you.

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You mean the thing you say is so OP that you easily avoid it?


That lens you are looking through is of the same quality as that mirror.

Kellybaby, you are wrong. :clown_face: :clown_face: :clown_face: :clown_face: :clown_face:

The man wants to reduce rookie griefing that is now slipping through the EULA nets. It may not be what you want, but it is what you will get. I can’t blame you for not thinking out of the box (as I’m sure ccp does). You have to come out of the box first :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

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Wrong again, I’m not telling me, I’m telling you :rofl:

(post deleted by author)

I’m not in the habit of repeating what others have already pointed out to you about said video. Your interpretation is irrelevant, it’s wrong.

hey man, if that is what ccp thinks it needs to do, and turn the sandbox into a litterbox, that’s what they’ll do. Whether that’s the right thing to do, the PCU and the revenue will tell. I don’t think they can afford one other major mistake of the level of scarcity and changes to industry. The certainty if they would make that decision, and stab EvE at its pvp heart, is that they will lose subs - which they can’t afford. The rest, the thousands and thousands of new subs “that will join”, are birds in the air. When those birds land in the game, and go through the “unintuitive stuff”, see how bleak the pve landscape really is, they’ll take flight again. That, Kellybaby, you can count on. Without danger, risk at every step, and people to help out this game is literally not worth its price. But hey, they do as they do, and you be as you are.

But I’m pretty confident that cooler heads than yours prevail at CCP HQ…

And if I lost - oh dear what now - my “credibility” in your opinion because I’m starting to take exception to your obnoxious behavior, thank Bob for that. No one needs your approval, in case you were under that illusion.

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