Im just gonna reply to this entirely, instead of picking things part.
Multiboxing has always been the response from the player base to game design by CCP. When you realize early on in the game that you could bypass camps, interdictions of play styles, etc by creating more accounts, nevermind the PvE grinding aspects of mining fleets or manufacturing fleets, it started to creep into the arena. For me I think this was somewhere in the 2004-2006 era. Gameplay was still designed to all be played on one account still though and CCP hadnt introduced much gameplay that was designed with multiboxing in mind, think cyno ships. Then with the advent of PLEX CCP really monetized multi-accounts at least if not multiboxing entirely.
This was my first introduction into someone weaponizing Multiboxing on a hard core level in 2010ish. Zhek Kromtor’s multiboxing rig
While back then I had 4 man mining or manufacturing operations going on it wasnt commonplace at all. But it was beginning even a decade and a half ago if not slightly longer. But remember computers werent nearly as powerful in terms of computing power so only more top of the line computers could do these things. Nowadays with how Eve is programmed even cheap computers can multibox with ease as hardware has far outstripped software in Eve.
I think you hit the nail on the head and honestly CCP already knew it was a problem and changed it in 2020 when they broke Drone assist for fleet fights as it was deemed to easy for FCs and leaders to use and became, ironically, a drag on CCPs hardware as it led to massive TiDi due to computational issues as well as being to simple and effective a tactic. For me this aspect is what needs to be rethought by CCP and I think you echoed it as well in your allusion to the “ease” by which one can multibox.
Atm and in the past there were/are the old mining fleets, both ice and ore, there are FW fleets, Manufacturing fleets, Incursion fleets and some PvP fleets, namely ganking but various other types as well. All have weaponized multiboxed fleets in some way shape and form to gain advantage, and now with homefronts and the FW “adv” sites its even more apparent that CCP is creating content for these types of players, or “whales” as Ronnie Rose states in the next post.
So if breaking drone assist would mean youd have to control all your accounts, locking all targets, pressing buttons to engage targets on multiple accounts it would in effect achieve what you are asking for at least in some areas, but not all areas. Making things so monumentally boring and grindy for all, using things like captchas or other tools, mini games, etc, I dont think is the right way around the problem. The question is if CCP can develop content for both parties involved or even design a system that pits multiboxers against one another using some say “incursion” style ‘DPS’, ‘mined ore amount’, or some other metric to create avenues for competition while keeping content for other groups would be the way forward to add this in rather than replacing content and ostracizing the financial power of those who do help pay for the lights to be kept on at CCP might be a step in the right direction.
So ultimately can game design be created so that both can compete, play, enjoy and not where one must die in light of the other?
PS- FW pick up fleets a decade or so ago where of the nature where everyone did their own thing while still acting towards a common goal, be it O-, or D-PLEXing or eradication of enemies. I was a part of FW back then as well and this was certainly a good way to play imo.