Proving Grounds Event Final Leaderboards

Please do explain!

Tbh the top 20 players are pretty much throwing ISK at this, check the lossmails. Almost all are bling fits.

They are mostly throwing time. Auraus Porcaleus for example flew almost exclusively stabbers (50m-ish in pre-event speculation prices). Out of his wins:

  • 10-ish were on relatively expensive arbitrators, 300-500m with pods. We got 13 wins together, and a few of those were 50m caracals, think he did not fly expensive arbitrators with anyone else. He wanted to try those out and I persuaded him to bling them a little to get to acceptable levels of tank
  • 6 maller wins (450-500m), which he got to have a chance to get loot from multi-bil caracals afaik

That’s less than 10% of totals, so hardly throwing isk to get to the top.

Go back where you came from

  • If you proud of killing some newb with fits that worth 10x less then yours.
  • I can still probe a KB, then be proud man, good for you man.
  • If hull base as nothing to do with the fitting price, then your complaining for restriction for nothing. Be consisting in your arguments. I’m willing to put 10x the hull value on a ship. not more. 10b caracal is just unbelievable and stupid. 666x time the value of the ship !!

Be aware that , people running into 10b caracal aren’t motivated anymore to go in.

  • And its not meant for new at all ,since they do not ELO rating and can’t send people to equivalent ranks. this could have been a great content, ended up a sloppy work.
  • New PVP player are just wipe off the field and they aren’t learning anything.
  • their is a lot of HS player that don’t know much about PVP trying this content. For how long they will try with this kind of match up?


Dude, relax, I am all for some decent ranking system, but with fitting restrictions. Implementing Elo w/o restrictions would be a huge mistake.

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why ? send blink fits against other blink fits would be perfect !

  • This would already be a kind of restrictions.
  • make them die together so less blink fits.

But this doesn’t need only restriction,

  • it need knowledge of every stats of ship used to make great formats.
  • It need a really hard work that only great PVP player could help to do.
  • Not just from one brain, but lots of brains arguing.

Else we are playing head or tail.

That “look Tikktokk and Cable are not using bling fit” didn’t age well Kadesh… although they were using kity damp cheap fit first, they moved like everyone else to bling caracals :slight_smile:

So yeah, definitely needs a bit more rules for this format to not become a fiesta. Just like the AT, put fitting restriction to make it a bit more levelled, with possibly a flag ship when moving to 5v5, and a proper leaderboard capturing the stats: wins, lose, ratio, time spent, etc.

Imgur: The magic of the Internet you were saying what? You can see his name on this scan result, like everyone else , right ? so everyone has 10b to put on a caracal? It was an issue in the old proving ground lots of player complaying, and this is far worst. I was running a less then 3b ikitursa in the old proving gate, and people complain about it.

Have I ever said that? I am quite confident I’ve said the opposite

I explained numerous times why. Not going to do it again, sorry!

Why you don’t want blink fits to fights blink fits? what is wrong with you? Let them die!

  • no argument related to this that i’ve read body.

I had corpmate who tried the old proving ground with a 2b sacrilege, he went against Born2Reign on his first fight. A freaking 12b vedmak. He never went back in again ! This is what your seeking for the new content?

I can repeat once more. I do not want to have a requirement to spend vast amounts of isk to be able to compete for the top. The more contenders the better, and letting the most skilled pvp pilot to win is fair :stuck_out_tongue:

This is not arguing about ELO rating and match up.

  • it’s meant to give a fair fight.
  • If you never won, then you match up with people who never won or not much.
  • If people that are always winner are match up together, then blink fits will fights together and be lost in space :stuck_out_tongue:
  • If match up ended matching you with someone higher rank because not enough player, then if you successfully kill him, you gain much more point and rank faster. if you lose, you lose less.

A Lots ranking game are based on ELO for match up.

  • And this my friends, would be the easiest/fastest restriction to add to this content.
  • All others restriction will need hard work from CCP.
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Perfect implementation p2w model with “to battle” button

my congratulations ccp :wink:

To have a balanced arena requires to balance the whole game around it. You can’t have sandbox and “fair” arenas in the same ecosystem, unless you heavily restrict the ship/fits/stats inside the arena, that you basically create a new game … did I already say, that arenas and sandbox are mutually exclusive game concepts?

man, just give us back the old provings, then everything would be fine

I would suggest a fitting restriction for the arenas, like only T2 modules and below.
No faction, deadspace or officer p2w fits.
With that you get the real pvp champion.
In addition to that add an ELO system to make it easier/ more fun for new Players.

I also heard some people say, do a 100 million ISK restriction in the fit, but that would depend way to much in the market and ist therefor not viable.

Some restriction? YES. (only - 601, -602, -603, -701, -702, -703… etc, implants for example)
Only T2 modules? NO.

constantly nerfed tank and resists made by CCP, make T2 tank irrelevant vs T2 dps
trust me, you don’t want to see ONLY pure DPS race in the arena

The most I have spent on a ship, besides fitting loot because yolo and stuff, is 200m ISK (only spent twice). I am in the top 4 on last leaderboard update for context - bling is not needed at all.