Proving of Kybernauts for Glorification in the Flow Unfolds

How can we convince you, that the game is actual dying right now? This patch is butchering the game.

  • You guys send patch to the game without any solid reasoning
  • We need to counter attack with solid reasoning.
  • So we have to gather stat while the game is dying.

game is dying RIGHT NOW!

Im not arguing about that … i have already pack these and reason it by placing this on top of history. marketing strategies. statistics, gamer psychology and motives. social psychology well known aspects and sent it to CCP

We need damage control ! and we NEED people with sharp mind and passion to take the fight against … NOT QUITters …

people are resentfull. me too . and this scares me . and im doing my best to keep my cool and confront … reason explain … … because i know where this resentment lead. IF we dont turn this into structive and well executed movement… we will loose even more

Game is dying RIGHT NOW!. But its not dead yet…
and this told by someone who is working last 1.5 years butt off to bring THE dead back to life …


Just to let everyone know: The meta in the new arenas has been solved already

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when i told this 2 weeks ago… ■■■■ rain down my head from people anchored along with you… are you sure you want to write right this here right now?

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32k people logged in right now at 7 PM UTC on a Thursday, but the game is dying. OK.

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Are you for real my guy?

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Sure. Game’s far from dead.

Im finding it hard to understand who you are trying to fool here. Me? Yourself? Everyone else? Are you just trying to win an argument just because?

Are you actually trying to tell us that “look, many digits play EVE” (which is a heavily inflated number all in itself. For various reasons) is a nuanced analysis of the state of EVE and where its heading?

Have you even been open to the arguments made in this thread or were you just too busy trying to win said argument?

For him … its all about digits…

Main issue here… WE are NOT digits… and we are saying that we are getting drown in our habitats… an EVe is not only his null bubble… He claimed before than he knows rest of new eden too… but failed and made so many wrong statements people reacted heavily …

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yes … for you … how many thousands pilots atm in null sec fighting %10 Tidi??? Do you know how many corporations atm in rest of new eden suffering due to lack of activity and content , NO… you just dont give any ■■■■ about the people living outside your bubble and comfort zone …

its thursday today … i do hold some statistics … now i just rolled back random thursday kills in one of hot spot low sec pvp systems … 25 of june total 58 fights excluded pods … today .same system . only 19 …

ITs our one of major hunting systems and one of the most active systems but also comparing old days… nearly dead … and now activity fall nearly %70 percent top of it…

but ah yes yes … … i keep forgetting was it you here before claim that you dont need to live there to know how is it ??

this is lack of emphaty … lack of understanding… this is some serious defo! … you may have it… but please try to hide it at least… you lost your credibility quite alot here…

remember this one ?? see how many player had been online when CCP announced Alfa clone ??? and can you see the deep down dive afterward ??? check all other spikes end up with never increase back to numbers we had … you will find your answer… rubicon 2013 build mutual wars end , and since than new eden never ever be able to reach that high numbers and stability … even lifeblood 2017 couldnt achieve the create these stabile ongoing numbers …
If you look at bigger picture … every attempt result with spike ! And then decrease but seem like better than before… then goes down under even more … says graph in long con … this is the pattern… and butchery
i wont ask you to come out of your bubble… i know you are not capable… but at least stop making allmighty statements without reasoning … helps

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No, for me it’s all about people logging in and playing the game. That happens daily, and in larger numbers than we saw this time last year. It’s summer and we’re still getting 30k+ in EU TZ.

The game’s not dying. That’s a dumb meme.

As for the rest of your nonsense, spare me.

I have passed on to CCP all of the concerns that players had in this thread, including the ones I disagree with.

The game’s not dying. Come to Fountain any given evening in the last two weeks and tell me the game is dying. Look at the war twitch streams with 600+ eyes on it during a regular afternoon and tell me the game’s dying. Look at my talk show with 1500-2000 viewers on a Saturday afternoon and tell me the game’s dying.


If you are concerned that EVE is dying, stop posting here and go play it. That’s the best way to stop it from dying.


Almost sounds like you think that the number you see when you log in and the big perpetually stationary fleetfigt you see makes all of EVE just fine.

There are always things to fix.

I dont know which part you didnt get it ! Systems are empty! We do player versus player and we do this out of null sec ?? Which part of this your head couldnt comprehend ???

Which part you didnt understand or you cannot see ???

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I begin to gather numbers for different systems %70 of content gone today… and we had been already drowning before this event launch !

I dont believe that… you cant be that much low in mental processing … there is somethingelse… you have a different agenda here…

I have no idea what you’re rambling about, dude. I really don’t.

This game is slowly going down, worst patch ever !

  • ewar fan fest into the PVP filament. this ain’t PVP at all.
  • fitting used to own the pit are completely useless in the EVE world
  • big zero for learning and experience
  • useless to the sandbox
  • pitfall for content creator
  • sloppy work by modifying/killing another content
  • lags within all the abyss solar system (PVE included)
  • careless patch without solid reasoning.
  • no quality control, a DEV as an IDEA throw it to the game.
  • lots of speculation about it by DEV stream, but this work was butchered and they have done barely nothing to bring this to the game. All the speculation is the hard work to do and CCP motivation to make great content is null. (same as the old proving ground), only speculation.

Keep in mind

  • DEV stream 2 or 3 month ago states they don’t even know haft of the line of code they are working with.
  • Chat issue for years now, go back to MIRC, and fake DDOS which most came from the chat client, I’ve notice spike of request coming out of my eve client when they state a DDOS attack. Coincidence ? I don’t think, If every EVE client send has must has request has my client (around hundred within a sec) then this is call a DDOS but made by their own client, which can’t be call DDOS Attack, but more DDOS issue.

And look what I have found

After 12 year of gaming, I never stopped playing EVE, its my first time that I am thinking about finding another game. This patch is horrible. Let’s go on :

  • Trigvilian invasion content still unavailable to US timezone : redoubts and bulwarks switch to fortress on EU timezone.
  • Could you fix the icon on “Baryon Exotic Plasma XL Blueprint” we have been telling you for months, how can we trust you if you can’t even switch an icon? This ain’t crystal ammo, this is trigvilian ammo!
  • As a corp director, I’ve notice that average character age is always going down. You can’t keep players. You shoud send survey to old player, most of them will state that your support, as no support at all. You support team should be named reimburse service. They do nothing else and they can’t even create bug report et bind support ticket to them. You need too bind support ticket to bug report, it’s a must, you don’t have any stats to weight, to put effort at the good places first. Why should we make the hard work for you? we never heard of our bug report. So its useless fighting bug with you, you are not cooperate.
  • Stop lying, “Warp within 0m” never existed and your support team is having fun to link a webpage about warp variant ( to denied reimburse. Your NPC sentry for edencom and trigvilian are instant poping pods, that is insane , we can’t even dock or jump a gate in a pod. Do you need english class or dictionary? You might want to look at the word “within”.
  • Where are you @Torvald_Uruz ? Ain’t you CSM? Ain’t you not playing abyssal pvp content for that last year? Where are our voice ? You’re not speaking for us at all. As you state that only 3 player are interested in the old abyssal arena when we are at least a hundred or 2. You were lucky to be playing on the perfect time zone for it, that’s all. Not a single word in this thread, CSM structure is useless.
  • A lot of content has less then a hundred player running them and they were not removed for that. In this case, you have remove a content because you did lazy DEV by editing another content. What ever you will say about that, the shortcut used to create the content isn’t big at all, does not worth talking about it, but you guy took the shortcut and blow up a great content. The arena isn’t a new content at all, we already knew you could have make this, you told us in the past. You only edited the main proving gate coding, adding graphics on top of the arena with a little code added to send people to these arena. Every speculation about weather effects and things that you could add in these arena were already mentioned for the old proving ground long time ago. You just did better advertisement.
  • At least before we had NPC to filter fits, you didn’t even care about adding restrictions which make this content completely useless for learning, fitting that own the pits have nothing to do with real world PVP.

Start by showing us you can do great DEV by fixing that useless shortcut taken to create this content, bring back our old proving gate.

  • Then we might want to help you guys to fix this useless content, to make a great content useful at learning PVP, at low cost. But keep in mind, it will need restriction and hard work from DEV, else it will be useless. Learning purpose, this mean if you restrict some module, you need to explain to the player why this module is not allow in those arena related to the real world PVP.
  • I pretty sure your sending people ramdomly, how can people learn if they fight Elite players? You need some kind of ELO rating to send people to a fight they have a chance to win.

After all of this, if you still think that the game is not bleeding slowly, then you’re just a digit, that live within a self bubble. Alpha are free to play account, can we have real number of online players without them? Not that I am not considering them as player, but they don’t really help at keeping this game alive, business wise.

  • You’re losing old player again!

You perfectly strike at your content creator.

And please, please, stop changing every item name because it does not fit with the new DEV’s mind, old players are bored of all those little useless change that make us lose time.

  • Copy to clipboard and import are based on name. We don’t use your fitting manager. We use websites to describe ship and everything that need to be known with it.

I Wish everyone a great day!

  • I will be running abyssal PVE and thrashing PVP filament has it make me feel a little better, Come see my twitch Twitch , your welcome for any kind of argues, smaktalk, everything is allowed, exception to spamming.

Shout-out at @CCP_Rise , because everything that came out of his mouth make sense. o7


After a day of these new sites, I must say it is just frustrating to run them, you almost always get something that counters you, be it Stabbers that go 5km/s or full tanked Moas. There is nothing that reliably works at all. Whatever you bring, you have 0 chance! And looking at the Jita market, it indicates that Caracals are the goto ship. It also feels like 75% of all kills were made by the Caracal(in the old Arenas about 50% of all kills were made by the Iki).

And the rating system needs some kind of rework, it should use an elo based system, not only the raw amount of wins. This gives advantage for people that do the content 24h/7 day a week. If a player with less wins kills a player with more wins, than he should gain more points. Same vice versa. If a player with many wins kills a player with less wins, then he should gain less points. Lets say point range between 5 and 50 points depending on the win/loss ratio. And the player who lost will lose the same amount of points. Abysra has a formula:
This gives players with less experience in the arena a realistic chance to catch up to the good players.

Back to old arenas: There used to be a lot of feedback on that back in late 2018/early 2019

Recently, I started playing a mobile game while in train etc… and this has a weekly tournament in the arena. The old arena could have been “saved” with something similar. Lets say that there is a tournament every 2 weeks, where the best 10 players would get some sort of rewards, like isk, skillpoints etc. Then there is actually a “reason” to do it and population would increase massively.

So what about a “old proving ground” filament. This filament would allow any T1 Combat/Attack cruiser, all Navy and Pirate cruisers, Heavy assault cruisers/Interdictors(Including Ikitursa and Vedmak) and the Curse to enter. Dampening modules(Tracking distruptor, Guidance distruptor and sensor dampener) would be limited to 1 per ship of each, so that peopla have to fight rather than fitting a full damp lachesis and kite 35 min around. Instead of the queue, you enter an arena that looks like the old one with a 35 min timer and a 5 min timer on the cache. If no one enters within the 5 minutes, you can take the cache, get 1 elo point and leave. If you get another player, you fight until the death and the winner gets between 5 and 50 elo points(depending of the rank of the players). There would be a tournament every 2 weeks where the best pilots get some sort of rewards. Population of old arena was like 30 people, but if we could increase that to 500 or something…

But anyways, the ranking of the new system needs a look at. The point that matters now is the amount of time spent in doing them rather than the skills of a pilot.


Good points, old proving ground was very limited (timezone) and had very poor advertisement which make it less accessible to players. A single notification on the proving gate to tell the player “what is this gate for” and “are you sure?” , would have avoid a lot of accidental jumps and would have pick interest and curiosity of players instead of losing a ship and being angry.

  • So we cannot even compared.

Has a streamer and recruiter in my corp, I had to explain it a lot of time. Abysra even has a graph to show player, when was the best time to go in abyss to get that proving gate :

Another thing, old proving gate, had a big mind play, has some player were changing fit or ship when other players were running. I got streamsnipe but also use the stream to trap them showing them fake overlay modules. Great time.