PVP turn off feature

Well, it’s the essence of the game.
I’ve only done PVE, trading and hauling on my own for the last 2 years and it was peoples attempt at killing me and my JF, orca, prospect that kept me playing. Would be way too boring if it was only click/mine, click/jump. You won’t stay long in New Eden if you are not willing to learn proper ways to evade attacks.

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ORca was safer and profitable to mine with due to high EHP blabla
Now CCP shred its profit to pieces. only usable to boost people in fleet
To make me go mine or do something more risky for profit so i can be food for PVP-ers

With the compression array you can remain in space almost indefinitely now, if this is not a buff i don’t know what it is.
There are plenty of things you can do safely even in dangerous space, if you know what to do. I’ve spent weeks gas huffing in lowsec with only one loss due to a phone call that took my attention away.
Take risks, learn to manage them.
I’ve personnaly more issues with the scarcity thing, abyssal space and citadels than with those small evolutions.

Just find a different game then eve is not for you. You want eve to turn into boring mode which will make it worse for 99% of players just so that it is better for you.

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The primary advantage of playing “alone” is that you don’t have to PLEX a dozen accounts. An escallation, even in highsec, provides really nice income if you run it with one toon, same does wormhole ratting or exploration.

These are very different activities in terms of gameplay though. You can also have decent income running low or null non-burner lvl4 sites with not-so-expensive ships and chances you get fried on a nonburner are considerably lower.

A marauder can do 600m isk/hour in a C5. It’s less likely to get you wrecked and podded then t6 abyss, but at the expense of this being a combined activity… either you need to scan a chain to a nice C5 you can crab in, or you need to be in a corporation that either lives in WH space to begin with or dives into WHs and thereby does the exploration bit for you.
A Hulk, though, in order to generate 40M isk in high, needs a command ship boosting it, and a “permit” to crab on good goo, which means either bribing Safety for ice permits or asking an Athenor operator whether he’s fine with you crabbing his moon.

Blockade runners didn’t have Interdiction Nullification before the introduction of the nullification module.

This change is an anti-pvp change that saves crabs by screwing T3C lock times when the nullificaiton mod is fitted

It doesn’t need to siege in order to mine, and therefore doesn’t need fuel, either.

There’s a Highsec route from Amarr to Jita via Sasta and Hek. It’s way more dangerous then the lowsec one though, as Ohide (home to Customs Professionals) and Uedama (home to Safety) are on that route.

And get you CONCORDed? Or are you talking about lowsec afk pvping?

For Smartbombers the counter is called covert ops cynosurial field generator, every blockade runner and covops frigate can fit it, while most other ships can just direcly fry a smartbomb BS.

The counter for the “need” to go through lowsec from Amarr to Jita is to take the Highsec route.

The counter for the t3 nullification module nerf … it needs to be countered? Sensor Dampeners I guess, since the nullification module messes up the T3C’s already poor sensors. Range scripted dampen a T3C with all crabs that now lock faster then a T3C to break it’s warp disruption and force it to come within scram, web and energy neut range?

Let’s see… how about being able to mine ice now whithout having to spend an hour bumping afk-orcas out of the belts before? More barges on grid meaning more (semi)interactive players, i.e. easier to find a mining fleet simply by talking in local rather then any of the wales being asleep anyways. The Mining fleets now have foreman bursts, too, because the command ship’s now there to burst the barges, which is the role it was supposed to have anyways.

No more 12 seconds from appearing in local to grabbing initial point of covops cyno fit nullified T3C that ignores the fact you bubbled the stargate?

Everyone and his dog now having 2 points of warp core stablity basically forces any ganker to take multiple warp disruption modules, sacrificing the valuable sensor booster slot on the initial tackle, which gives the gank target a second more time to escape

T3C can warp to saves and combat probe outgates. On top of that, the age of nano is over, and it’s now the age of cloaking device. A T3C that comes into a bubble from a ping rather then directly from another stargate will most likely not land on any decloak items, and can just approach the gate w/o getting decloaked before reaching it.

Ceptors are … eh… the most manouverable ships in the game? Take the nullification from them, and they still are the most manouverable ships in the game. Taranis, Raptor and friends were buffed to go 3km/s with heated afterburners and 8km/s heated microwarp now, I’ll leave it to you to figure out how to get out of a bubble when you can be going 5km/s before anything can acquire a lock on you, and even in the event you still get yourself scrammed after that, AB prop faster then most non-frigate ships can move at all.

which is 100s, modified by -80% on those interceptors that used to be nullified before and the nullification submodule role bonus, leaving it to 20s. Session change timer that prevents you to leave the system once you’re in is 10s, leaving 10s of cooldown, and once the stargate “animation”, that prevents you from performing any movement input, is over, how much cooldown is left?
In most use cases, that module cooled down before you could even attempt to reuse it.

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Not warping gate to gate.

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Yeah, you should definitely go play something else, because this isn’t the game for you.

P.S. Can I have your stuff.

Edit: and yeah, I saw you’re later post. That’s why I’m changing this one.

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The mining yeld of an orca sieged is next to ■■■■, if you dont siege it with the money you spend to power the pc to mine you better buy plex and sale it.
Wait a minute, why would i want to use pings?
i want to warp gate to gate.
i want to travel through anywhere without the fear of getting in a buble without waiting for the timer on a module.
i liked the ceptor like it was .
Maybe that T3 you are talking about was just helping me go to my nullsec home with something more than a few bpcs on it like you could fit in a shuttle
i do not want to waste my time doing pings and warping all around the system.
i pay to play not to fly around just to travel from A to B
No matter how much speed you got you will not escape the 50 people fleets gate camps that happen almost everyday in low sec
You people just dont get it

Maybe i will play something else maybe i wont, its not for you to decide but if you wanna go bye bye
No, you cannot have my stufff
Can i have yours instead ?

Hm, if Shipwreck Jones gave you his stuff I suspect you would get it blown up rather quickly.


You can have my knowledge. Do you want to learn?

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How have you came up with that conclusion ?

And please stick to the thread

Maybe I just haven’t played eve for long enough to have experienced the golden age of safe crabbing, but researching the eve past gave me the impression bubbles were introduced before warp-to-stargate-at-zero came in, which means your demand for safe untouchable travel through nullsec has never existed to begin with.

50 people in local somewhere camping… and odds are high that you lose. Would be pretty broken if it wasn’t that way.
The starmap can be configured to show the number of undocked ships in a solar system. If you bother to look at it, you might know somethings going on when there’s 50 players in a system that is usually empty. But then, you probably don’t want to look at the starmap, either.

But yes, you can play eve the way you’re asking for. After joining your nullsec corporation, select your nullsec corporation’s fortizar in the character’s home station page and set it as your home station remotely, then destroy clone and you’re there. No need for travel or pings or anything.

If you need anything that would have fitted into a T3C from highsec, create a second capsuleer on the same account, select caldari state and state war accadamy, then autopilot the 2 jumps to jita, transfer the required isk to your new alt, use it to buy your stuff in jita and put a contract to PushX or whoever else offers jump freighting to your space. No risk for you whatsoever, no need to spend time traveling or avoiding pvp.

From this:

And also:

Please don’t police me. I’m a pirate in-game, I have trouble accepting authoritative statements.

are you thinking about yourself as being a pirate in real life also ?

Just curios

I want to jump from a plane without a chute and land safely in a pool packed with naked chicks.


Same but we ware talking about EVE online

We were talking about realistic demands.

And a nullified ship would not help you in this situation

Yes i did before with bubles included, well i did not really count them

Not sure why troll threads like these are left up.

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