[Q2] Blocking Warp Core Stabs from FW Acceleration Gates

I don’t think the ban on cloaks in necessary with the current 30km radius restriction in place within a complex.

Will this solve the use of stabs in FW? Probably. I am a faction warfare pilot since Inferno, before defensive plexing ever even paid out LP. I can tell you that defensive plexing is the absolute worse mechanic in the game. It is stupid. It’s lame. You sit there doing absolutely NOTHING and get next to nothing for it. It is just not fun to deplex, but someone HAS to do it and that is the biggest reason I, and many others, have created FW dplexing stabbed alts. It’s just not worth it to sit there for half an hour because two complexes took your system out of Stable.

Take a moment to realize that defensive plexing can only reward you for failing, by letting your system get so high in contested value that you only trouble with it when it actually pays to do it.

If you remove the ability to fit stabs, you must give the system some kind of passive regen on down time. Something like 3% is more than fair and good. This allows us to hunt our pocket or neighborhood and chase people out and have DT do the current mindless and unrewarding work for us. Give us this passive regen and you will not see serious pvp corps complain and be as happy as anyone else to see stabs go.


For those that think this is April Fools, go back several years, Fozzie has a history of making big posts on April 1 and laughing at people who are trying to ascertain if it is a joke or not.

They put out the devblog - LOL

I highly doubt this is a joke

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Says you. You want to bring a huge penalty into complexes when half of you non-fw neutrals take a majority of fights when you are hard countering whatever you find within a faction warfare objective. You want to take advantage of the environment FW creates, inside the area FW thrives, but pretend to know what’s best for FW capture mechanics, because such a penalty forces players to stay and take what they know is a bad fight. That’s enormously selfish of you.


sorry,i can’t agreee with you, i’ve just bought and trained 2 vni toons for stabbed farming in FW
you never say we can’t farm in fw,and i just like stabbed afk farming ,but i never bot.
you can;t infect us normal players by banning the stabs in the FW site, if you really recommend PVP,why don’t remove the stabs?
its holy strange ,you invite this equip,just beacause most of the pvp players don;t like it ,and you ban it , then you should remove this equip,because someone will use it to travel in lowsec ,
why don;t use hics to hunt the stabbed ships?is that difficult?
although there are botters using stabs, thats your responsibility to investigate and reprocess them , why do you modify the game mechanism? ■■■■ logic!
you should compensate for my injectors for my vni alts if you wanto modify it
How about those botters in nullsec?i think you should also ban the cyno or remove the combat sites in nullsec.Why? Cuz the goons ratting super botters always can call help from their standing fleet,and unless they are cta,you can never kill their supers
Don;t show your ■■■■ logic ,plz,

OK OK.from all above ,i found one intresting opinion ,farmers should not play this game ,farmers paid less than those pvpers per month.Farmers are not humanbeings.

Stabbed mission runners have always been there. What stabbed mission runners don’t do is distort the numbers of people plexing for one side or another depending on who has the highest tier. Stabbed plexers were never an issue before those mechanics came in. Once it did people saw its potential as a source of income and abused the crap out of it (as they probably should).

The thing is noone actually wants to get rid of the tier gravy train. You want to get rid of the farmers but you want to keep earning the same amount of isk. Everywhere else in EvE PvE is used to fund PvP but not in Faction Warfare. There you want your PvP to be your source of income. So you suggest band aids while the tier and citadel mechanic makes Faction Warfare utterly meaningless.


If you remove the stabbed farming in FW. how should the lowsec players pay for their pvp content? Keep oplexing for 10 minutes and get a fight but lose ,then find it unable to win,just can leave the site 5mins left, waste 10 mins to wait for a fight

To buy more plexes with dollars?Why should the lowsec players have to pay for those nullsec hugefleet or more terrible carebears?

TO train some ratting alts in nullsec?Then you wanna turn the nullsec into alt farms? only ratters or those noobs like living in the nullsec?

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You learn to fight back and hold your ground instead of running away you simple minded waste of afterbirth. Don’t come to lowsec and complain when pirates hunt you. You knew what you were in for when you signed up.


The only issue I have with the proposed changes to Warp Core Stabilizers is that they don’t go far enough. The way I see it, you fit them when you’re moving a ship around and are simply trying to increase your chances of survival against other players. As it stands now, it’s still possible to use them in combat and be effective at a relatively low cost to the fit of a lot of ships. They are also still useful for botters with just the targeting/scanres penalty. Something like a -15-25% agility modifier would make them less attractive for pvp or pve as they would force you to also fit an Inertial Stabilizer if you wanted to compensate for your now longer align time before warping out. It would make WCSs only useful for moving ships around as it would also cost you a damage or cap recharge mod if you didn’t want to align like a slug. The idea is if you want to resist warp disruptors/scrams, you should be dedicating a significant portion of your ship’s fit to doing it.

Also, a percentage mass increase could be interesting. But, I feel like there could be some unintended uses for a lowslot module that increases the mass of any ship, perhaps even causing balance issues with certain mechanics (wormholes, etc).


You can learn to earn isk in dangerous environment’s it’s not hard… if you want isk without any danger go to high sec for that.


How about instead of limiting ships at the gate, you tie them into the timers. If your ship has warp stabilizers, the timer just wont count down. This would include the venture, as it has natural bonuses.


This would also stop people from refitting in-site, and would resolve large complex issues as well.

That is probably a much more elegant solution, I like it :]. Better if CCP remove defensive plexing at the same time thou or at least make defensive plexing quicker in conjunction to this change, something like 2-4x faster for home advantage (Then people wouldn’t feel like defensive plexing is a 2nd job and be forced to make an alt for it).

I also think it would be a decent idea to require certain standings to get involved in whichever faction you are trying to fight for. Would make sense. Not much standing, but enough to keep day old characters from joining.

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This is all assuming this isn’t a joke thread, of course. And considering the current state of lowsec, it would be a rather sick joke on their part.

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No form of isk faucet income in eve is risk free, nor should it be. Eve is also an MMORPG in the most literal sense. There are relatively risk-free activities you can do for limited income in high sec. Outside of that, it’s up to you to find some people of similar interests to band together and protect each other while you’re crabbing. If WCS are the magic module you use to crab low-sec sites risk-free because you can’t round up a few corp/alliance/militia mates to have some kind of organized defense against getting jumped in a site, it sounds like you might have bigger problems. There’s plenty of other places you can go to open up your options for making isk with more security in that case.


Tbh about people complaining about neutrals attacking in fw plex’s, I tried it as a neutral but the faction standing loss is quite rough, much easier to just join fw to avoid those standing losses.

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This. this one right here solves all the problems.

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Removing WCS is fine. You broke the cloak mechanic last time you changed it. Before I was able to time my cloak cycles so that I was able to sneak into plexes with astero and the farmer didn’t notice me and I could kill them. Now it’s horribly frustrating to catch a farmer. Before with being able to cloak inside range sure the farmer can cloak but so can you and eventually the farmer farms. Uncloak and nab him, with your 3 scram astero…


Stopping WCS? - AGREED! I think this is a no brainer.

Bots are driving me crazy and having WCS available incentivises bot use and players to run away from pvp encounters with no penalty for doing so. I think 99% of people would agree to this so there isn’t much point in unpacking it. :slight_smile:

Stopping cloaks? - You are correct to be unsure about this. I strongly disagree (accordingly everyone else seems to disagree too).

Allow me to unpack.

  • Ships from the exploration line (Astero, Stratios), the force recon line (Pilgrim, Rapier) and the covert ops line (stealth bombers) need covert ops cloaks to be viable. If you blanket ban all cloaks from gated plexes you will be severely nuking the viability of these ships… and these are all pvp ships used to create pvp content, so you will be going against your goal of incentivising pvp!

  • The legitimate tactic of setting traps or ambushes requires either the use of covert ops cloaks with the ships described above, or the non-detection hull bonus of combat recons, to be viable. Again if you blanket ban cloaks this would nuke this tactic and it is a legitimate pvp content creating tactic.

  • If you ban covert ops cloaks and hence render the ships described above as unviable, then why would you not also stop combat recons from entering gated plexes because they have the non-detection bonus?

  • You said your goal is to eliminate bot tactics, so rather than eliminate all of the above pvp content creating tactics and ships, why not just ban tech 1 cloaks which are the only one that alpha clone bots use anyway, and these are not used by serious pvp setups - all the things above use covert ops cloaks.

  • Plexes already have a perimeter within which you cannot cloak which has done a good job already of controlling usage within reasonable parameters.