Quality of Life : Autopilot warp to 0

Oh look, yet another @Flashrain thread.


I’m sorry, but when Champion for the Carebears/Former CSM member running for re-election @Mike_Azariah is the first one to reply to the thread with an “Oh hell no” and you have the nerve to respond with this, you’re full of it.

Yet again you continue to demonstrate profound ignorance/aggressive incompetence in EVE and/or try to change EVE into not-EVE. You continue to insist on changing the game instead of learning and mastering it when there are no shortage of corps out there who would mentor you, and as a result you have an extensive track record of coming up with the most asinine ideas such as making EVE more like Pokémon by introducing ship evolution. EVE is far from perfect, but the ignorant and inexperienced have no business proposing massive changes like this (yes, warp-to-0km is a HUUUUUGE deal).

If you want to ask “Why is it like this? Couldn’t it change?” then yes, we’d gladly explain why it is the way it is and why it should remain that way, but you have quite some nerve calling us elitists simply because we’re more knowledgeable and experienced than you. (It’s not even as if Mike is the only Carebear and/or Champion for Carebears in this thread either.)