Quantum Cores - Updates begin 8 September

I’ll just repost an old post I’ve already done on the issue. Citadels were meant for group play from its inception and never something spammable or expendable. CCP just ■■■■■■ up the feature and players got used to the idea of citadels basically being a big mobile depot.

So amusing these “disgusted” comments throughout this thread.

Citadels where flawed to begin with. A portion of the playerbase have told CCP from the start that citadels were too easily spammed and there were no incentives for contesting. However, CCP have coddled the playerbase into thinking that every carebear around need their own personal citadel for whatever reason.

They were never meant as expendable structures to be thrown around in space. They were meant to be conflict drivers. Beacons for cooperation and competition.

Encourage interaction between groups of players: Partly covered before, we want our new system to greatly favor player interactions via cooperative or competitive gameplay. This not only means structures should matter to be considered primary targets, but also promote public participation if needed.