Question on alpha status and bonus SP

quick question:

I’m an alpha player, nearing the 5M SP limit. I’ve banked some bonus SP from the recent promotion, hoping to use it once I hit the cap. However, it occurred to me, I probably can’t add skills to my queue once I hit the limit, so would that prevent me from using the bonus SP at that time?


No, you can manually apply SP to skills

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The Alpha cap is actually around 20 million SP but you can only train 5 million for free so save the event SP until you hit the training cap!

After that a daily Alpha injectors will give you 50K SP - roughly the same as you would earn each day as an Omega.

there is no need to save: unallocated SP do count towards 5 mil training limit.

It is a different story if your event SP bonus is yet to be redeemed, but redeemable items have an expiration day so you can really pile them up there too.

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